Learn These 3 Calisthenics Skills in 90 Days!

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what's up guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family and in this video

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we're gonna show you

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three calisthenics exercises skills that

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you can learn

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this summer so let's do this

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alright guys so it is summertime the

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summer is around the corner

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and many people has just started with

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calisthenics and

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it's also a really nice opportunity to

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learn calisthenics skills this summer

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and this video we're going to cover

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three calisthenics skills that you can

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easily learn this summer

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in about three months so let's get

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started with the first

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exercise and that's the l-sit

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all right so the l-sit is a really cool

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exercise to start off if you're new to

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calisthenics it's a really good core

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exercise but next to that it also looks

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really cool to perform the l-sit so once

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you get started with the l-sit it's best

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to first start with

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a bar hold so basically holding yourself

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on top of the p-bar

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to get your body used to the stress

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that's needed to get into the l-sit in

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the later stadium

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so once you can do that for like 20-30

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you can move on to the first progression

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of the l-sit

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and that's the tucked l-sit basically an

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l-sit with your knees

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tucked in to your chest as close as

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once you do this make sure that you

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depress your shoulders

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so bring them down and try to hold this

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10 to 20 seconds before moving on to the

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next exercise

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and that would be single leg kick outs

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so with this exercise

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we basically kick one leg out to

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bring ourselves a little bit closer to

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the lcd position

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you can first start off with alternating

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between the left

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and the right side and do this for about

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10 repetitions once you feel comfortable

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with this exercise you can move on to

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the static hold

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so basically holding the one leg

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l-sit for about 5-10 seconds

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until you can do this 15 seconds per leg

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so once you get stronger you can move on

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to the last phase of this exercise

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first we start with a dynamic exercise

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again you can do

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leg raises to get your body in the

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position of the l-sit

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but now we're gonna bring our body in

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the l-sit for a little

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short time for about one second so you

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go up

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you hold the l-sit for one second then

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you go down

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and repeat this for three to five times

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and once you get stronger you can do ten

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and ultimately when you can do the full

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leg raises for ten repetitions you can

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move on to the last part and that is

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the full l-sit itself so from there

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start again with practicing

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three seconds of the l-sit hold for

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about four sets

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when you can do that you can move on to

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five seconds and then

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ten seconds until you ultimately can

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hold the l-sit

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for about five to ten seconds at the end

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of the summer and you just

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unlocked your first calisthenic skill

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it's that easy

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and some really good tips to improve

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your l-sit even faster

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is first of all to work on your

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hamstring flexibility because you need

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fully extended hamstrings

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when you do this exercise so you can

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forward folds to improve your hamstring

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and next to that you can also improve

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your scapula stability by doing scapula

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dips so basically bringing your

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shoulders up

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and down as controlled as possible do

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about five to ten repetitions

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and you get a stronger scapula which is

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needed for the l-sit

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so that is the first exercise the l-sit

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now let's move on to the second skill

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that you can unlock this summer

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and that would be the handstand

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alright so the handstand is obviously a

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skill that everyone

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would love to learn but besides that

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it's also a pretty easy skill to learn

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it might look hard and a bit scary at

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the beginning

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but it's just like learning how to ride

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a bike it just comes down to a lot of

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practice and then you will unlock your

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handstand faster than you think

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next to that the handstand is also a

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really good foundation of many more

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skills in calisthenics

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such as the handsome push-up lc2

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handstand straight bar handstand

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so the handstand would be a really nice

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skill to master when you first start

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with calisthenics

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so once you start with the handstand

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make sure that you first start with a

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well handstand

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just kick up don't look to your form an

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arch banana headstand is just a really

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good way to progress in the beginning

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try to stand on your hands for 30

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seconds to one minute

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once you get comfortable with that then

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practice the handstand

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freestanding and try not to wait too

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long with this

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it's really good to combine free

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standing handstands and

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well handstands also in an early stage

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of your practice

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so first start off with kick ups and

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learning how to fall

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you just gotta go through this do a few

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attempts until

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you can safely fall and if you get

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comfortable with that

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you can learn how to handstand try to

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practice as many times as you can

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preferably every day for 10 minutes at

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first we would suggest to just practice

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the handstand

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and combine this also with hands and

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walks so if you notice that you fall

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you can also make a little step with

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your hand because it's all about

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time and attention also with the

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handstand you just want to be in the

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hands position

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as long as you can combine that with

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hands and walks and the regular

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freestanding hands and practice

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and if you do this for two to three

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months consistently

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we are 100 sure that you will get your

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handstand in no time

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next to these exercises we would also

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advise you to do

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two different exercises to improve your

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balance first of all the frog stand

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because with the frogs and you really

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how to balance with your fingers and

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with your hands with your wrists

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and to improve your core stability we

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would advise you to work on your head

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it looks like the handstand but now

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you're placing your hands

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and your head on the floor and now you

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can really focus

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on getting a straight line and

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contracting your core

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so these are the exercises for the

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handstand try to do them

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for two to three months basically every

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day and you will unlock your handstand

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very fast at the end of this summer now

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let's move on to the very last exercise

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which you can unlock

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this summer and that is the muscle up

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all right so the muscle up is of course

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the first goal that you would love to

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learn when you start with calisthenics

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it's a really cool exercise it's a

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and pulling movement at the same time a

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requirement to learn

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the muscle up is eight pull-ups you

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might have heard that before

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but if you're new to the muscle up and

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you cannot do eight pull-ups yet

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we would advise you to just already

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start with the muscle up

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because then you can already learn the

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technique and ultimately you will

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way faster towards the muscle up then

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wait until you have eight pull-ups

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and then start with the muscle up so

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when you start with the muscle up don't

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try to find the perfect technique

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don't watch like 10 to 20 videos on the

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muscle up before you actually start

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you just gotta start when you start with

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the muscle up

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you can start with assisted muscle ups

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we would advise you to start with a

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really thick band it might look scary at

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first at the beginning but it's actually

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really easy

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just step into the band and search a

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band that you're 100 sure that you can

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do at least

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one to two muscle ups then

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try to bring that to four to five muscle

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try to get more comfortable with the

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technique which basically goes

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and when you feel comfortable with like

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five repetitions

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you can increase the difficulty by using

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a lighter band

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so for example take a medium bend and

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work your way up again with one to two

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muscle ups

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until you can do five muscle ups with

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that specific band

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then you can move on to a really light

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band then

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again one to two repetitions until you

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can do five then at this point you've

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practiced the muscle up so many times

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that you

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already mastered the technique and

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you're ready for a free muscle up

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without a band

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so you're basically gonna do the same

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jump to the bar make an explosive pull

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and get over the bar and you just got

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your first muscle ups

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in probably three months alright so next

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to this training method we would also

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advise you to do at least two exercises

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to improve your muscle up

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the first exercise would be the

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explosive pull-up again you can start

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with assisted

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explosive pull-ups and then regular

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explosive pull-ups

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and the second exercise would be the

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straight bar dip

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because that's the exercise that you do

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when you get on top of the bar

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try to do this exercise also as deep as

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and push yourself as explosive up as you

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alright guys so these were the three

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skills that you can practice

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and learn this summer so i hope this

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video was helpful

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make sure to start working on your

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skills be consistent and then you will

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get your skills in no time

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that's it for this video i hope this was

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helpful if you want to start with

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calisthenics and need our help we have

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programs for example our full journey

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plan that teaches you

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all the skills in a really structured

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way if you need

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a pair of resistance band make sure to

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check our webshop

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because you probably need it with these

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calisthenics skills so guys that's it

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for this video

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thanks for watching and let us know in

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the comments what you would love to see

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in one of the next videos

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peace out

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