Learn the Frog to Handstand in 10 minutes! (Beginner Tutorial)

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what's Afghanistan's family is my goal

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here and in this short video I'm gonna

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explain you how to learn the Frog stand

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do headstand this exercise looks really

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impressive but it's actually not that

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hard if you have some decent strength so

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let's get this video started

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so I'm going to show you guys how to

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learn the frog stand to hand sent it

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just like five to ten minutes and like I

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said it's not really difficult to do

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this exercise if you got some good

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shoulder strength and also some

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coordination in your your shoulder and

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in your core so let's start with the

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very first exercise the first exercise

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that you need to master is of course the

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Frog stand itself but that seems pretty

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largely to me

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probably both you can already do the

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frogs that if you're watching through

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this video let me just show it frog

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stand itself how it should be done

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alright so let's start with the Frog

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style itself so with the Frog sent it's

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really important that you have your

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fingers spread out when you start so

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you're gonna place your hands on the

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floor on shoulder-width apart

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and from here bring your knees on the

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outside of your elbows and bend your

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elbows and look towards the floor and

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raise your feet off the ground try to

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keep balance if you can't do this for 20

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seconds then try to do like five second

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holds then have some rest and then do

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another five second hold until you're

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able to do two twenty second hold of the

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frogs and itself

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so once you've mastered that frog stack

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then you can move on to the next

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exercise and then we're going to move on

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to some dynamic work because the Frog

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stand to handstand is a dynamic exercise

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but first I just want to also mention

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that for the Frog to handstand for the

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for the dynamic part itself you don't

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actually need to be able to do the

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headset itself because with this video

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we're clearly focusing on the movement

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and with this movement we need a lot of

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and technique to get into that handset

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position and if you can't hold the

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handstand that you can just fall forward

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but I'll explain that in a second so the

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next exercise are some frog stand

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dynamics so we're gonna start in a

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structured position again and now from

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here I'm going to try to move with our

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elbows so basically raise your knees up

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a little bit and push into the ground so

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try to do this for like four to six

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repetitions do maybe three to four sets

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and if you feel more comfortable with

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this then we can try to bring our body

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more up in the air and also release our

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knees from our elbows so that would be

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the next step so you're going to start

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in approximate position again and then

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Brooks Ted and press up that's the only

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exercises you want to do right now so

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only release your knees from your elbows

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so let me show it again and also you

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want to basically kind of grow things

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like or jumping into your elbows and

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then immediately press up so you don't

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lose that momentum let me show you so

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what you got to do place your hands

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elbows and bang that's really important

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make sure that you keep that speed when

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you're pressing up so once again up BAM

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bang alright so now we got a little bit

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more control bring our knees from our

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elbows now we're gonna try to lift our

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body up with our hips above our

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shoulders so it looks like this place

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your hands on the ground and jump into

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your frog stance while pressing into

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that has deposition so up breasts right

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to straighten out your arms and come

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back down with this variation is

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exercise you're really going to focus on

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as straighten out your arms because that

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will enable you to bring your hips above

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your shoulders so once again up straight

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arms and for this exercise the same

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thing apply try to do first one

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repetition and after that you can do

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them in a sequence maybe two to three

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repetitions to really focus on that

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technique so what we have done this it's

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actually time to take it a step further

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and move towards the handstand position

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alright so once you're able to bring

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your hips above your shoulders then

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spaced in time to straighten out your

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legs and to press up even harder and

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higher so we get in a handstand position

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so right now we're gonna focus on the

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Frog stand to handstand but it doesn't

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matter if you're gonna fall forward or

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hold that step because now we're only

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focusing on strengthening the legs and

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be in a little handstand position and

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then maybe fall forward we're really

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focusing on the dynamic move so start in

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the Frog side position again place your

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hands on the floor and jump into your

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elbows and when the moment that you

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touch your elbows that's also a moment

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that you have to press up so really make

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sure that you use that momentum that's

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so important

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so hands down on the floor press

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straighten up legs and that

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fall for so if you don't know how to

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rotate or fall forward from the Hat sent

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we made several handstand tutorial

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videos so you can check that one out

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right here so guys that's basically how

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you can learn the front to handstand but

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I can imagine that it's quite hard to

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press yourself up from a rock stand

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position towards the handset position so

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what you also can do what helps is to

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use a resistance band so let me show you

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guys this exercise real quick on the bar

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alright guys so for this we need a

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resistance band

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you can use several resistance bands I

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would advise you to use a really thick

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bands for this one so now we're gonna go

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to the bar and we're gonna use this back

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to get our body used to that movement

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and that we need for the Frog to

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handstand and to get our hips above our

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shoulders so bring that missus back on

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the bar and from here make sure that

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your one feet away from the bar so step

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one feet behind the bar then bring the

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resistance band on your hips now walk

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forward and again bring your hands one

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hand away from the bar and now we're

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gonna do the exact same thing so so

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we're gonna grip my knees towards our

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elbows so first we're going to try to

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bring our hips up off our shoulders so

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same thing move forward press up and

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and now the best will help you to be in

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this position try to hold this right

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five seconds try to find your balance

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and maybe do a negative and come back

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so what you're able to do this half frog

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to handstand then it's time to move on

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to the full front row and stand with the

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pants and this exercise will also help

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you to work on your balance for the

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headstand and to really proud the force

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to fall when you're coming from the

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fraction position towards that hands in

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position so let's do it

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same thing bring it back to work your

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welcome back warts bring your hands one

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hand away from the bar and I'll jump

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into your elbows and st. and press up

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it's easy to start with the straddle

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position try to hold this and come back

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so once you've mastered this for only

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one time you can also do this for up

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dishes so press up and down press up and

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now so once you've got the feel of this

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exercise then starting to release the

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bat and do the full throttle handstand

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and while also holding the has done just

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like this

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alright guys so that was a little

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tutorial on the Frog - Hansen and also

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how Ari personally learns the frog to

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handstand and also with this little

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build up towards the progress and I've

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also taught a lot of gym members right

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here in the gym to learn the Frog to

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handstand so guys that's it for this

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video I hope this was very helpful and

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it helps you to unlock your frog to

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accident I'm thinking about doing more

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of these short instruction videos I also

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recently did a video on how to learn the

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duct branch in five minutes you can

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check that video out right here and if

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you have other suggestions let me know

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I'm personally thinking about doing a

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video on some other basic skill moves

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for example how to learn the l-sit and

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also how to learn the elbow blanch stuff

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like that and let me know if you guys

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want to see that in the comments and

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also don't forget to Like and subscribe

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for more videos and that's it for this

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video peace out guys when I found

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calisthenics family and they were

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offering this program bless the online

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coaching for a very affordable price so

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I decided to try it if anyone's looking

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to start calisthenics I would highly

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recommend this

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it'll-it'll do the same for you I'm

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Gordon and I've been with calisthenics

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family for almost three months now and

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all the time I've had Yannick as my

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trainer like my chorionic can just be

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like that little extra push to keep you

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you also seen the pictures I'm really

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proud of myself that what I achieved in

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the last eight weeks go for it and start

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your journey

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