Killer 10 minute Jump Rope Workout | Follow Along

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what's up guys it's Michael ofer from

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calisthenics family and today we're

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going to do a jump rope workout to lose

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fat effectively so if you want to lose

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fat or get shredded really fast then the

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jump rope is a very effective way to

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burn fat because it's a high intensity

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form of working out so today we're going

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to do ten minutes of jump rope and we're

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going to do four different variations of

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the jump rope the first one is going to

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be the regular jump rope next to that

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we're going to make it a little bit more

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intense and that's why it's a very high

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intensity workout because we're

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alternating between low intensity and

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high intensity exercises so the second

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one is going to be the jump rope with

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high knees next that we're going to do

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switching the legs and then we're going

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to do cross overs so if you have never

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done the crossover before let me shortly

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explain how to do it because it's a very

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simple technique actually so you have to

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spread your arms wide and then from here

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you have to cross all four like almost

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on top of your head and also you have to

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jump a little bit higher than usual so

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like two times higher than in the

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regular gym bro alright so these are the

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four exercises that we are going to do

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and we're going to do each exercise for

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30 seconds and in total we're going to

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do five rounds that makes ten minutes in

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total off the jump rope workout so this

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is a follow along workout so that means

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you get full of this workout with me

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let's start in five four three two one

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and go

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so the first one regular chip roads

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all right Rick to one and high knees

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make sure that you jump high enough at

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least in a 90 degree angle with your

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waistline and your knees also working

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with lower abs with this exercise all

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right let's go in three two one and just

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easy switching legs

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that more seconds and now we're going to

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do the crossovers and if you can't do

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this one you can just do the pineys

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again alright so here we go

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two three

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so if you feel doesn't matter just keep

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one more all right and regular jump

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ropes for 30 seconds again

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it's already quite cherishing I don't

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know if we're gonna make it we will see

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just keep going

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all right 5 4 3 2 1 at high knees also a

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little bit faster at high enough

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come on

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three two one and just switching with

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your legs

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no identity

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all right three more seconds now we go

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through the cross Oh horse again

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all right so if you reckon it was and

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what to

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by six eight nine ten

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a few recognize one more

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all right and just regular gym broke

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robbed three three Miraj to go guys

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all right let's go I need again

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come on guys

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don't stop keep going if you want to get

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shredded now you have to work for it

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come on all right and easy alternating

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with the legs

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all right five more seconds and then

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Grosso for at least ten throw sofas all

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right one two three four five six eight

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nine ten all right an easy jump rope

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high low intensity

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two more hours guys tomorrow

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all right and high knees let's go

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high-intensity workout get the highs get

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nice high enough

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three two one and just alternating

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between two necks

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all right three two one go pro so forth

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try to get at least ten

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two more

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all right last round now it's getting

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really really tough guys but this is the

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moment when you have to keep going at

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least ten minutes

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right guys high knees as fast as

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possible all right and just switching

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between legs all right let's get back to

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alternating between the legs and I'm

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making a little bit more mistakes right

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now as I get to the end of the workout

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because it's getting really really tough

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right now all right guys

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last cycle less exercise at least 10

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crossovers work

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all right six seven eight nine ten oh oh

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man oh this was a lot harder than I

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I don't have much sweat but you can

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see it probably on my forehead so this

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is it guys

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ten minutes of high-intensity jump rope

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so if you don't have much time during

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the day no excuses right you can always

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have like a 10-minute break to have a

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short workout to burn fat and get

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shredded if that's your goal all right

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guys so if you guys are wondering where

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I have this jump rope from its from PG

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field and we have been looking around

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for like good jump ropes for a very long

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time and finally we came across with

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this it has basically everything that

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you need first of all they have a really

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comfortable grip so they don't slip out

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of your hands and also a very smooth

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spinning which makes very nice and like

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easy to make the jump rope and next to

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that it has an option to add weights

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within the handles so you can make it a

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little bit more challenging for yourself

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if you want and last but not least you

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can also adjust the cable length so if

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you are a bit taller or shorter it's

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always a good option to have that

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adjustable length with the jump ropes so

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and guys to finish this video we are

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actually giving away three of these jump

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ropes all right guys so how to have a

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chance of winning first of all you have

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to comment hashtag calisthenics family

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and hashtag be filled in the comment

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section down below and we're also doing

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this giveaway event on Instagram and

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we're going to pick three finalists

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three on YouTube and three on Instagram

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and from those six actually are going to

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be three winners so that's all about the

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giveaway of this video

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as I said in the previous videos we

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trying to do more giveaways with each

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video to give you guys something back so

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that's all about this video guys I hope

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that you liked this video and please let

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me know in the comments if you made it

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until the end with the jump rope workout

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and then I'll catch you guys in the next

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video peace out guys

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start your full journey now check out

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the link in the description

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