Intermediate Calisthenics Push Routine (Chest & Shoulders, BODYWEIGHT ONLY) | Calisthenics Family

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what's up guys today we're going to do a

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calisthenics strength workout are we

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gonna do push exercise only today we

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start off with the harder exercises the

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Hansen push-up we're going to train for

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the impossible dip we're gonna do

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one-armed push-ups and after that we're

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gonna do circuit sacred of three rounds

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to finish the work at all

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so enjoy this video and hopefully you

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can use the exercise for your own

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so the first strength exercises

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handstand push-ups we do three sets of

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this with two minutes rest in between

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two sets

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every workout that we do we always try

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to start with the hardest exercise and

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also the exercise that we're trying to

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train for so in this routine we're

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starting off with the handstand push-ups

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our goal is to do very deep handstand

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push-ups so as you can see my current

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level is somewhere around 90 degrees so

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to ultimately get that very deep

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handstand we do negative hands and

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t-shirts which comes down to the second

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exercise of this routine which is we

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also do three sets and we take two

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minutes rest in between the sets we just

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try to do one repetition each set when

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we are at the deepest point we try to

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push very explosive so that our

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shoulders get used to the explosive

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strength as required for the deep heads

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and Bishop

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so the third strength exercise of this

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routine are as assistant impossible dips

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with this exercise we also do three sets

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and take two minutes rest in between two

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so we are not able to do a free

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impossible dip yet so to train for this

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move we're doing a easy variation of

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this exercise for using a resistance

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we really try to focus on pushing with

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the forearms rather than the triceps

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so 2/4 strength exercise our Russian

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dips we always try to look for exercises

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that contributes to other calisthenics

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exercises we really think that the

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Russian dip contributes to the explosive

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strengths that is required for the

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impossible dip

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I forgot to mention that we always try

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to do as many reps as possible except

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for negative movements like the negative

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hands and push ship when we really try

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to focus on controlling the extended

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movement of the exercise

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the fifth and also the last strength

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exercise edition tr1 arm push-ups with

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this exercise we're doing two sets

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instead of three sets because we're

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alternating between hands so this

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exercise automatically asks for more

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volume we've experienced that it's

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easier to stabilize this exercise by

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placing your hands on your glutes your

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hamstrings instead of your lower back we

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really try to not rotate the body as

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many people do when they're doing one

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arm to ships but we try to keep our body

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as straight as possible

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keep in mind that this exercise asked

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for a lot of core strength next to a lot

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of pushing strength so doing a lot of

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planks is great to get enough core

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strength to the one hand t-shirt for

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example you can do a maximum plant load

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after each workout session at the end of

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each worker we always like to finish

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with a very high intensity first of all

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we're doing this to increase our basic

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strength by doing the so called basics

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of the stomachs which are in this

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circuit various bishops variation

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and secondly we're doing this circuit to

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stay lean are burning lots of calories

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and they're really getting everything

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that's left in you at the end of the

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by doing this high intense circuit at

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the end of the workouts we are making

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use of the so called after burn effect

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which simply means that you're still

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burning calories in the hours after the

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so this is our current push routine and

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one sheet for you guys to use we hope

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that this video gave you some more

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insight on how to Train calisthenics if

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this video helped you out please like

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the video and comment down below what

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you want to see next peace out

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