INSANE Calisthenics Training Session with Team CALIFAM (Day in the Life)

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what's up califam it's michael here

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and welcome to a new vlog

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yes a new vlog um i haven't been doing a

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personal video in a really

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long time and reason being is because

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i've been putting

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a lot of work like basically all my

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spare hours in the new upcoming

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calisthenics basis course which is going

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to be really really big and really epic

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we've been working on this project since

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last year and now we're finally getting

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to the release

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oh the doorbell rang

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because i'm having this hellofresh box

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basically meals that we can prepare at

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night this is the first time we have

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this is not a promotion by the way it's

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pure a coincidence that

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he delivered this right when i was

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filming the introduction of

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the vlog anyway so

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new personal video new vlog so today i'm

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just going to show you

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a day in the life what i'm currently up

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to maybe some developments here in the

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office and also in the gym downstairs

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and next to that i'm going to have a

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really really big training session

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later today right now it's around 10 in

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the morning

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and um today our friend and team member

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luca you guys know him from the last

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video from the full front level tutorial

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it is his birthday today so we're gonna

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have a special birthday training session

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with a few gym members here so i'm

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really looking forward to that

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and i'm also gonna get some like some

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balloons and stuff like that in the gym

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so i'm just gonna go to the store

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in a few so that's the plan for today

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by the way if you want to get notified

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when we release the course

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and uh because we are giving the first

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100 signups a huge discount

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make sure to click the link down below

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or click here to sign up and get

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notified in your email about the updates

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and the release

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but without further ado let's get this

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video started and let me show you some

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here in the office

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go for it and start your journey

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so as you can see the office looks

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really clean

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clean looking style still really like

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the transformation that we did

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and we have a new desk here and that's

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my sister she's gonna work for us

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very very soon so we already installed

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the desk for

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here with a lot of plans because she's a

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plant lover

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so and here

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we have a few parallettes left so guys

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this is all we have right now so guys if

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you need

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parallettes make sure to check our

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webshop and get some parallettes to

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boost your training progress and your

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and now let's get downstairs because in

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the gym we also have some new

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alright so as you might know recently we

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had the coi trainer course here in the

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and luca and boss two gym members of our

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they participated in this trainer course

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to become a certified catastrophic

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and they passed their exams and now

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they're of officially certified trainers

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and they're also

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giving classes on a weekly basis here at

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the gym

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so to celebrate this milestone we have

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put their certificates here on the

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wall really really nice

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so first you see my brother here with

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his certification

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right here then you have me also of

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gym trainer with my certification and as

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you can see i already finished

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the course back in 2017 and right here

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we have our man luka

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and we have our man boss

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he also did a human flag tutorial you

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can watch that video

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so these are some new improvements here

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in the gym looks really clean

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if you ask me and soon we also

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gonna do something really really big

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even bigger

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a really big investment actually because

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we have this

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garage door right here but it's kind of

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like dark here in the

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especially in the winter times here in

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the gym

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so what we're doing um we soon we're

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gonna get

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a two glass panels right here in the

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garage door so we get a lot of

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light shining into the gym so really

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looking forward to that development

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as well all right so now time to get to

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the store

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get some balloons and create a little

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like a little party area here

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with some balloons but of course we

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can't get a really big party here going

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on because of the cove at 19.

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um we only can get like six to seven

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people here right now in the gym

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so that's uh a bit unfortunate but

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anyway we're still gonna celebrate his

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party and do like a small training site

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today so

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let's get to the store

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alright guys so i made it to the

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shopping center so let's see if i can

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get some party stuff over here i'm going

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to the

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crowdfart our dutch followers

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will recognize and of course i also have

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to wear the mask because here in the

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netherlands we also have to wear

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the mask when we're going inside a shop

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so let's see if i can get some

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some party stuff all right

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let's go

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keep the same energy work on being

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better when i'm 70.

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your trip is just a water spring you

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know i drip different distances

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alright guys so i just got back in the

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car as you could see they had the

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figure balloons but not in the right

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figures so

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that was a really pain in the ass but i

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bought some figures but i actually have

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the six

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and the seven but if i turn this around

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i have the one and the nine so

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i'm going to do it with this but anyway

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let's get back to the gym and let's

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prepare all this stuff

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different make that limit squeeze

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alright guys so i made it back to the

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gym and one

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other update is this street sign over

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here we now have a street sign

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with our name our brand keller singh's

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family on the sign

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right before the gym how sick is that

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as you can see calisthenics

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family you know when you make it to the

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then the brand is for real

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all right let's do this

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all right guys and i'm done this turned

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out actually

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way better than i had expected anyway

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now i'm going home i've prepared all

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this it's around

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1pm right now and luca

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and all the other gym members are coming

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here at 4pm so i'm going

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so now i'm going home have some food and

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do some extra work

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then go back here and then we're gonna

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surprise luca and he is definitely

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not gonna expect this so i'm really

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curious how his face is gonna look when

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he's gonna walk through that door right

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anyway let's get back home and get some

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alright so i just got home

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put all the hellofresh packages here in

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the fridge and which is really nice

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here you see four packages

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one two three four and this is basically

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uh our dinner for four days

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in a row and that is just really

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convenient that we don't have to

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uh think about what we're gonna eat

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every single week come up with new meals

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so i don't waste time shopping dinner

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and getting the groceries because if

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one thing that i hate in life then it's

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going to the grocery store without

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knowing what i want for dinner

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and then just looking around and around

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and oh that makes me so crazy i

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that's one thing that i hate in life so

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i rather pay a little bit more

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and then get everything delivered and

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that also without thinking what i have

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to eat every single night

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because these meals are really fresh and

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also healthy so that's really nice

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anyway now i'm gonna have four slices of

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after that do some work and then go back

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to the gym for the birthday sesh with

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lucca so like i said i'm gonna have four

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slices of bread

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and of course i'm gonna have whole wheat

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bread and i'm gonna have two slices with

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and two slices with peanut butter

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pretty caloric dense foods to get me to

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get enough energy for later today

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during the workout sesh

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all right guys so i'm back in the gym

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time for the surprise

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we have shul right here what's up shoe

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you guys know him from the straddle

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planche tutorial we got my bro

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yannick over here what's up guys we got

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gym member kane over here

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and we got matteo over here let's do

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this oh

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and we have bus as well

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let's get this ready all right so i'm

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actually getting nervous right now

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this is gonna be really awesome let's do

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a few moments later

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happy birthday thank you man thank you

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was the epic surprise

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yeah of course sick so

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if you have to say what's going to be

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your number one goal

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for the next year it was a hard question

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i think

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on the ground full pledge on the ground

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yes and you're also working on

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mana the mana mana as well yes but

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it's a long journey and i try my best

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but this man his dream is also become

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national champ and i'm sure

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he's going to get it so try my best man

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all right let's smash

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epic workouts yeah let's go

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let's go let's go let's go

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go quick

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i like it like a

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let's go luca let's go

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on come on

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all right guys so i just got home from

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that epic training session it was a

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really really good surprise

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definitely didn't know that it was gonna

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be so hectic and also the training was

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really really awesome i personally got a

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new pr on my straddle planche

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really glad about it and as you can see

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everyone in the gym was super hyped

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breaking new records so really awesome

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and we just finished the first hello

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fresh meal

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actually right here i didn't record

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what we ate but i lifted the thing

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so this is what we had reps and it was

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really delicious wasn't it yeah awesome

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all right guys so that's it for this

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video and for this workout for this

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this vlog basically if you like this

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please let me know in the comments let

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me know what you think if you want to

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see more vlogs

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let me know subscribe to our youtube

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channel and also

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make sure if you want to sign up for the

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calisthenics basics course which we're

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going to release

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very soon i actually have something new

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about this because

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i discussed with yannick the release

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date and the release date is going to be

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on our own birthday which is on the 17th

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of november and for those that are

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wondering me

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and yannick we are no twins but we have

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birthdays exactly at the same

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date i'm exactly one year older than my

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so our birthday and then we're going to

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release the calisthenics bass course

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our biggest project so far you can sign

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up down below

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and get a huge discount only the first

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100 signups get a discount

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so that's it for this video thanks for

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watching and i'll catch you guys in one

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of the new videos

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peace out

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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it'll it'll do the same for you i'm

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gordon and i've been with calisthenics

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family for

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almost three months now and all the time

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i've had yannick as my trainer

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like michael ariana can just be like

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that little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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