Insane 3 Year Calisthenics Transformation by 2 Brothers | Motivation
what's up guys this is me and my brother
sharing our three year get us annex
transformation as you can see we started
in 2016 in our own backyard
we built a little calisthenics park this
is me trying to stand on my hands for
the very first time
Yanik my brother doing some basics
weighted calisthenics with a bicycle bag
then we transitioned over to some
explosive work as you can see
this one of my first Muslim and this was
a really struggle in the beginning
as you can see I like do three reps in a
practicing some human flags for the
first time here together
Bente form
and then we also tried this exercise
in the backyard ad I remember this it
took us so long but we did it
and then we had a new goal on our list
the first l-sit to handstand and as you
can see many many fails we were both
really stiff and we just didn't know how
to like do this new kind of moving
some pain in the shoulder this moment
then transition to at handstands on the
dip bars for the very first time and
there was so scary
doing some negatives here and stance to
l-sit to get better and else to
and this was Yannick very first time and
I remember he was so scary at this
moment you can see em struggling right
and this is still in the first year and
this was marked very very first else to
handstand on the equalizes then we tried
out some new moves Beckley were this was
definitely the most uncomfortable
position that we had ever felt in my our
shoulders and joints very bad posture
bad move as well here are some fun
levers with very first time bent arms
bad form and the elbows and then the
second year 2017 to this 218 this was
the year in which we unlocked
most of the classic and known
calisthenics skills and we also were
comfortable enough to literally step out
of her own comfort zone in backyard we
organized very first events and just did
some skills together with everyone that
we met
and we can succeed Netherlands there was
a big achievement for me
the Blanche Blanche still with platforms
also some straight arm strength
so from all these hard work and
achievement all these skills was also a
big downside the took place that was
because of the training overloads and
actually a obsession to achieve all the
skills I got myself into the hospital an
elbow injury six weeks and armed guests
so my arm literally shrimp and all my
strength was gone and I had to build up
together with my brother we started
training together again
we decided to focus and train together
and focus on all the pushing exercises
and since then we have kissed making
insane gains together there you can see
me doing there
struggle Hansen to ship very first time
and I'm so excited about this this
morning settle blank after my injury we
have a home gym now so that's amazing
and that's why there's so much keep
and this is yelling very first diamond
degree hasn't he shot
I'm just smiling when I'm looking with
this bad guys this is a journey this is
some reason footage from Italy last
weeks so this will be continued guys
peace out