Increase Your Tucked PLANCHE Hold | Best Calisthenics Training Method

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what's up guys in this video i'm going

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to show you how you can increase

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your took pledge hold let's do this

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all right guys so in this video i'm

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going to cover how you can increase your

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tucked planche hold

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i'm going to try to give you a whole

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routine how you can do this

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so i got a lot of questions from you

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guys how you can increase your tech

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pledge hold

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and a lot of people have struggles to

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like to add more seconds on their hold

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and i see most of the people just start

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doing a thick planche

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and then when they are fatigued then

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they don't know how you can

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like improve your planche because for

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example when you do a tuck planche

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and you can only do that for once maybe

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for 10 seconds then you're already

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fatigued and you don't know how you can

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move on and do more exercises that will

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help you to improve your product planche

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so that's exactly what i'm going to

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cover in this video

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i already did a trick planche tutorial

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video so if you want to check that video

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out first

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you can see the link right here but for

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now let's get into this routine

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so to increase your touch planche hold

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it's very important that you start with

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the hardest variation that you currently

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can do so at this moment we are working

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on the touch planche

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so the first exercise that you should do

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is of course the tuck planche itself

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so um and in terms of sets and

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like um hold time that is really an

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aspect so when improving your hold time

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you want to look for

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a a whole duration that allows you to do

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for like four to five sets and how you

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can calculate this

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is by simply checking what your current

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hold is at this moment with the tux

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planche and then

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seek for the 60 to 70 percent

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of that max hold duration time so for

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example if you can hold the tick planche

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for 10 seconds

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that means that you can try to do four

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to five sets

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with like seven seconds so that's what

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we're gonna do first

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first exercise that you can do and do

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like seven

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seconds off that hole so for the tuck

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make sure that you bring your arms

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forward so your elbows

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forward straight arms and

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tuck your knees in try to be as close

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and tiny as possible like this

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you can also first do some flexibility

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work just by laying on the ground

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grab your knees and do this for 30

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seconds that will help you a lot

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with the third planche so hold the tick

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straight arms kepler protracted

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try to hold this one two

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three four five

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six seven eight

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nine ten

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so now you know if you can hold this for

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ten seconds

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then the following sets that you wanna

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do is

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seven seconds then another seven seconds

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then another seven seconds

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until you have five sets of seven

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and then it's really important that you

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look to your overall

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volume of that exercise so in this case

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there will be five sets

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of seven seconds so then your total

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duration time

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is 35 seconds and that is the exact

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number the amount that you want to

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improve in

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the next workout so the next workout for

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example you know what you want to try to

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hold 40 seconds of the tuck planche then

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third workout you want to try to hold it

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for 45

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then 50 seconds and so on and so on i

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would advise you to use this method

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until you can hold the tick plane for 30

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seconds if you can't do that then it's

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time to move on to the next progression

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for example the advanced pl tuck planche

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or even straddle pledge so let's move on

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to the second exercise that will help

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you to increase

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your whole time for the thick planche

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and now we're gonna take it a step back

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so we're gonna use a regression of the

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but we're gonna try to have even higher

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more volume

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of this exercise so with the previous

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the duration time was around 10 seconds

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which is quite low

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and the intensity of the exercise is

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quite high now we will modify the

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lower intensity and have more volume so

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we're gonna do

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what is called a tucked l-sit it's

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basically the same

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like movement but now it's easier

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because you don't lean as much forward

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and you put less

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stress on your shoulders so the tucked

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l-sit would look like this same thing

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elbows facing forward straight arms

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protracted and elevated and

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try to hold this

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try to tuck your knees in because that's

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exactly what we want with the tucked

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as close as possible

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all right so that is the second exercise

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if you can for example can do this

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exercise for

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20 seconds we want to do the same method

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so use

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around 70 of your duration time

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so that would be around 14 to 15 seconds

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for each set so then you will do again

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four sets and and then 15 seconds per

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until you have in total 60 seconds

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of this hold so in this way you can

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still do exercises

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but you won't get as much fatigue when

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only doing like the really intense

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exercises for example it took planche

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so then i'm doing this for four sets now

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we're gonna go to

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an even easier regression of the

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that allows you to do even more volume

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so now we want to seek for an exercise

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that you can do for around

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like 30 seconds instead of 20 seconds

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so let's move on to the third exercise

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which is the planche lean

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so with the tuck planche it's really

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important that you work on your leaning

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the same thing here place your hands on

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the floor

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straight arms scapula

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protracted lean forward

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nice rounded upper back posterior pelvic

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and hold this for 20 seconds to 30

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lean as much forward as you can with

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good form

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all right so with this exercise

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again the same method so if you can do

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30 seconds for one

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exercise for one hold then you can do

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four sets of like

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20 seconds until you have one minute of

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total volume of this exercise

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so then let's move on to the third

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exercise and now we're gonna

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add even more volume and put less

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intensity on the exercise

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so we will allow ourselves to um still

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keep training but the intensity is lower

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so for this

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we're gonna work our core and also again

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our straight arm

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pushing strength and now we're gonna do

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the straight arm

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plank so for this you can also use an

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elevation to make it a little bit harder

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so step on the elevation point your toes

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and here straight arm plank

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like this protract your scapula

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rounded upper back elbows facing forward

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and hold this as long as you can for the

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first set

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so this is kind of the test set

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so aim for 40 seconds 50 seconds

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maybe 60 seconds

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really squeeze your glutes posterior

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pelvic tilt

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so again with this exercise if you

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manage to do 60 seconds

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then use 60 to 70 percent

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of your duration time for the following

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so in this case if you can do 60 seconds

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that would be around 40 to 45 seconds

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and then you can do four sets of 45

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seconds which adds up to a total

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duration time

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of three minutes in total so

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guys that is kind of the the way the

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method how you can increase

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your duration time and to increase your

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tucked planche with uh gradually

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lowering the intensity of the exercises

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and adding more volume with each new

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then we're gonna move on to the very

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last exercise which is the elbow plank

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again an even easier regression of the

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but still enables us to work on like the

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straight arm

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strength the core strength and also your

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scapula strength that you need for the

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third planes

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so for the elbow plank that works that

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took planes

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it's really important that you have

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posterior pelvic tilt again

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and protraction of your scapula so not

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like this but really

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push in the ground point your toes

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and first the first exercise that you do

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to seek how many seconds you can hold

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so for example if you can hold this

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elbow plank

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for 60 seconds for the first set

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then it means that you can work this

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elbow plank

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again for three to four sets with around

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60 to 70 percent of your maximum hold

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which is around 40 seconds then count up

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the total volume again so if you manage

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to get four sets with 45 seconds in

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that means that you have done three

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minutes of planks hold in total

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then you know the next workout then you

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want to aim for

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three minutes and 30 seconds and the

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next one

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for example four minutes so that's kind

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of the way how you can

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increase your hold time with a really

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hard exercise with an intense exercise

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you took planche

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i gradually lower the intensity of the

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exercise and put more volume

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with each exercise so guys that's a

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really good method

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that you can use not only for the took

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planche but also for other skills

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uh for example for the tux front lever

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for the human flag for the dragon flag

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all like static exercises so

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i hope this was helpful make sure to use

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method and um it would be most optimal

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if you

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use this and do this routine for at

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least three times per week

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because when training a skill it's

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really important that you do them a lot

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at least three times per week because

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frequency is key here

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um so it's also like neural adaptations

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that that you need to improve

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so the more often you do this exercise

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the faster you will learn it and if you

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need our help

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with unlocking skills lightly planche

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effortlessly for

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back divers stuff like that visit the

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links in the description for our workout

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plans for example the full journey

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is a perfect plan that shows you

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all the different exercises in different

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phases in a really structured way

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so guys that's it for this video i hope

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this was helpful

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and i'll see you guys in the next video

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next week

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peace out guys

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