Increase your Push Ups | 3 Easy Tips

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are you struggling to increase your

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push-ups then you're at the right

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channel the push-up is the best

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bodyweight exercise to build strength

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and bigger chest shoulder and triceps

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next to that it is the foundation of all

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push-related exercises in calisthenics

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such as the handstand push-up and the

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planche however it can be quite

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difficult to increase your reps in the

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push-up especially when you hit a

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certain plateau of 10-15 push-ups my

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experience with the push-up is quite

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extreme in the past i've joined several

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push-up competitions and took home a

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trophy after doing 110 push-ups in a row

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so to help you to increase your push-ups

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as well i will show you three easy tips

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to get the most out of this movement but

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before we get into these tips let us

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know your max push-ups so we get an idea

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of your current level and make sure to

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watch the video till the end for our

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weekly giveaway

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a good push-up starts with a strong

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starting position one of the most common

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issues when doing multiple push-ups is

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lack of core and scapular strength at

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the end of your last reps you will

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probably notice that your core is

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collapsing and that your shoulders are

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sinking in so how to fix this a good way

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is to work on your push-up position

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which is basically a straight arm plank

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start on hands and knees and make sure

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that you protract your scapula which

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causes a rounded upper back this way you

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make sure your shoulders are in a good

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starting position and won't sink in

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during the exercise from here stand on

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your toes while getting in a small pike

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now squeeze your glutes together and

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push your hips forward

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now you're in the right starting

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position now try to hold the standing

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position as long as you can aim for one

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to two minutes when you can hold for two

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minutes you can use weights to get even

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stronger in this position

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make sure to place the weight on your

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lower back to work your core strength

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most optimally

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another great way to increase your

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push-ups are weighted push-ups this

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might sound quite unexpected especially

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if you're only able to perform to 10

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but this is actually a very effective

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way to get stronger in your push ups by

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adding more weight than your own body

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weight your body will adapt to this

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heavier body weight and therefore

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increases muscle and strength which

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ultimately makes the bodyweight push-up

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a lot easier when looking at strength

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training rules you should aim for one to

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five reps with an intensity of 80 to 90

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percent of your one rep max this

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training principle also applies to body

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weight training so when starting with

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weighted push-ups pick a weight that

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enables you to perform a minimum of

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three reps but a maximum of six reps

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once you can do three sets for five

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repetitions move on to a heavier weight

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the last step is to use the grease in

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the groove training method with this

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training method you're basically

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training a skill which is in this case

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the push-up multiple times per day the

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aim is to improve neuromuscular

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connection because the more often you

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practice a certain movement the more

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efficient your body gets in the

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execution of the movement with this

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training method the intensity is low at

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50 percent of your max effort and the

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training volume is very high for example

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twice the amount of your max reps per

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day so for example when you're currently

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able to perform 10 push-ups your goal is

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to perform 20 push-ups throughout the

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day in 4 sets so for example 5 push-ups

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in the morning 5 push-ups at lunch time

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5 push-ups in the afternoon and 5

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push-ups before bedtime

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i've done this a lot in the past up to a

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point where i was doing 50 push-ups per

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set with a total volume of 200 push-ups

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per day next to increasing reps the

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grease in the groove method is a good

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way to focus on perfectioning form and

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execution as we know practice doesn't

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make perfect but perfect practice makes

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perfect so therefore when training the

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exercise on such a low intensity is the

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perfect opportunity to work on perfect

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form so you will basically program the

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movement into your neuromuscular system

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so you will never let form get affected

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by fatigue or failure

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so these were the three things that i

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did a lot to get to 100 plus push-ups

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and i would recommend you to use these

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same methods that i did

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i really hope that you enjoyed this

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video and that these three tips will

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help you to increase your push-ups so as

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you know we are doing weekly giveaways

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on this channel of course we want to

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help you out with your push-ups so

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that's why this week we give away one

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set of our optimal grip parallettes

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these parallettes are made with a

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slightly thicker grip than usual which

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makes a world of a difference in

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stability and injury prevention next to

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that they come with four strong rubbers

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so they don't slip away and stick to the

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ground in any situation so how to win

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these like this video subscribe to our

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channel and comment within the first 24

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hours the winner will be announced in

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the next video so make sure to be

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subscribed so you don't miss out last

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video we gave away our full journey

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workout plan and the winning comment

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will appear right here so congrats

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so guys thanks for watching and if

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you're new to calisthenics make sure to

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download our free beginner workouts and

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ebooks to get you started in a safe and

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effective way and let us know in the

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comments what type of videos you want to

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see next peace out guys

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