Increase Straight Arm Strength with these Exercises!

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what's up guys welcome to this new video

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my name is boss i'm an online coach at

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calisthenics family and part of the team

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and today i'm going to show you two

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exercises to start increasing your

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straight arm strength so let's get into

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so if you want to unlock exercises like

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press to handstand or a planche you're

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going to need straight arm strength so

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before we get into the exercises i'm

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going to explain a little bit about what

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the difference is between straight arm

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strength and bent arm strength so first

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of all straight arm strength so when

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you're doing straight arm exercises

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you're producing force through your

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muscle while it stays in the same

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position this is something we call

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isometric strength when doing bent arm

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exercises like a pull-up or a push-up we

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either shorten or lengthen the muscle

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this is also something we do in daily

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life when picking up something or

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putting something away so this is why

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bent arm exercises feel more intuitive

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and we also learn them faster but we're

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gonna need straight arm strength in

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order to unlock exercises like the press

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to handstand or a planche for me

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personally i was always pretty strong

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with like bent arm exercises but um like

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the straight arm exercises did not come

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easy for me i recently unlocked the

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straddle press to handstand and these

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two exercises were a real game-changer

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for me so the first exercise that i'm

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gonna show you is called the pike press

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okay so i'm gonna show you two

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variations for the pike press the first

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one is the easy one and the second one

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is the harder one so what you're gonna

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do is you're gonna sit on your knees

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you're gonna put your toes you're gonna

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point them towards the floor and you're

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gonna put your hands

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a little bit in front of your knees

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from here

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the only thing you're going to do is

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press the floor away as hard as you can

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this will cause you to lift up your butt

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and you're going to press as hard as you

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from here we're going to go slowly

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backwards in a controlled manner until

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our knees are on the floor again

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it's important that you keep your arms

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straight and locked and that you keep

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eyesight between your hands at all times

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so again

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nice and easy and controlled

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if this is too hard

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you can produce

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force through your legs to help you get

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up all the way

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this will of course

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take away some pressure from your arms

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and will also make the exercise less

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efficient but in this way you can tailor

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it to your own strength level so the

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second variation i'm going to show you

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is the harder one for this we're going

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to flatten our feet on the ground

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we're gonna put our hands

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next to or even a little bit behind our

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knees from here it's the same movement

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again lock out the arms

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and press the floor

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away as hard as you can

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from here we're going to go back nice

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and controlled

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you want to feel the force through the

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palm of your hand not your fingers but

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through the palm

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arms are straight all the way

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and you keep your eyes between your

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hands at all time

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since this is a beginner exercise we

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want to aim for a high volume so aim for

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8 to twelve reps for three to four sets

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in order to uh strengthen your ligaments

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tendons muscles but also to increase

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your mind muscle connection so this was

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the first exercise and now let's move on

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to the second exercise which is called

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pike steps

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so the second exercise is called pike

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steps so what we're gonna do is we're

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gonna put our hands

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on the floor

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we're gonna straighten our legs bring

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our butt into the air we're gonna lean a

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bit forward

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push away from the floor

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and we're gonna float our feet

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off of the floor towards our hands we're

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gonna repeat this for eight to twelve

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so three important things to remember

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when doing this exercise is that you

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keep your arms straight and locked that

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you press through your palm of your hand

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not your fingers

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and that you get your feet as close to

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as possible to your hands which will

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work your compression strength

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so you can incorporate these two

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exercises in your current routine for

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example on your push day but if you want

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to get the most out of these exercises

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you can also do them every day for

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example during a break from work or

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just do like one or two sets you only

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need the floor so that's perfect

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and that way you'll get the mind muscle

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connection way faster so guys these were

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two exercises that you can use to

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increase your straight arm strength let

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me know if you liked the video if you

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have any questions and if you have any

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other suggestions to increase your

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straight arm strength put your thumbs up

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leave a comment and definitely check out

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our free ebook for beginners if you want

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to start with calisthenics thanks for

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watching and i hope to see you soon

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peace out

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