Human Flag For Beginners | How To Start Training?
what are sup guys and welcome to a new
video it's Jonah care from calisthenics
family and today I'm going to explain
how to start with the Yuma flag so stay
tuned and enjoy the video
alright guys so in this video I'm going
to explain how to start with the human
flag so I'm gonna explain how to grab
the bar I'm gonna do some first
progressions and also I'm gonna give
some really good tips that helped me
personally to get the straddle human
flag and this video is actually for the
people that already have some experience
with bodyweight training so you can do
like 5 to 10 pull-ups but you haven't
done any skill training for human flag
yet you're just getting started with the
human flag so yeah that's basically the
purpose of this video so let's start
with the first subject which is actually
how to grab the bar and this is really
an important matter because we see a lot
of people are starting to Train human
flag with like a vertical pole so just
like this one and if you grab a bar like
that it's really hard to get yourself in
position and stay in the position
because you really have to squeeze like
really hard to get yourself in the right
position and this is like only possible
when you have some experience with the
human flag already and so we're gonna
start with a Swedish wall like we call
this like horizontal bars like this and
in this way you can also if you were
small you can like grab this one if
you're a little bit larger you can grab
this one and also with this point it's
really important how you grab the bar
because it's also possible to rotate the
one side or the other side but because
if you grab the bar like this and your
other hand is like here it's not in the
right position so as you can see my hand
is here and my other hand is here so I
will definitely rotate this way and also
the other way around
if my lower hand is here and I grab my
upper end here you can see it's not it's
not aligned perfectly so you will rotate
backwards so one really important tip
when you grab the bar is to grab it all
the way to the side so
touch the side of the wall and also with
your upper arm touch the side of the
wall so you have a perfectly aligned
real alright so that was all about where
to place your hands and now I'm going to
explain how to place your hands so how
do you place your hands with your upper
hand supernate it like you need to put
your hands underneath the bar like this
and then grab it and with the other hand
pronated so this hand is going over the
bar like this we also see a lot of
people doing especially the lower arm
wrong so they grab it like this
and then this I cannot really imagine
how to do a you know flag like this
that's really a challenge maybe in the
future but that's a really wrong way to
start off ok so how to get started with
the actual human flag it's really an
uncommon position because with the lower
end you have to push and which up end
you have to pull and this is actually I
think the only skill or exercising
calisthenics where you have to push and
pull at the same time with different
arms so that makes the skill really a
new skill to learn and also a new
movement so that's why it's really hard
to start off with this skill so the
first thing that you want to do is just
grab the bar like I just explained so
like this and now the only goal is to
get your feet off the ground so like
all right so that is the first position
that you need to master if you want to
learn the new blue flag and how do you
get into this position well your lower
arm needs to be a slightly bent so you
can also involve your triceps and
shoulders drink a lot because if you
lock this arm all the forces will come
to your shoulders and this will really
really like hurt your shoulders in the
long term if they are not strong enough
so the lower arms slightly bent and also
the upper arm slightly bent or maybe a
little bit more bent so you can also
pull a lot with your upper arm so to
involve the strength of your bicep and
your back muscles that will make it a
little easier to get yourself off the
ground but in a long term your goal will
be to have your upper arm straight so if
you start off you can ask your upper arm
like this and then you go up will be
just raising this out like this
all right and one really really
important tip to get into this position
and what we see a lot of people doing
wrong actually is you you don't have to
jump in this position but you just have
to tuck the knees really slowly until
you just hang so you're actually your
upper body has to do the work instead of
your legs
jumping yourself in a position so we see
a lot of people doing this which is the
wrong way so they are like this then
they are trying actually to already go
into the human flag so they really jump
high and it will be really difficult to
stay in that position with a jump so
instead what you want to do is first
look one leg and then get all the forces
in your arms to lift yourself up and
then slowly lift the other leg alright
guys so this exercise is really the most
important exercise when you want to get
started with the human flag because with
this exercise you really get used to the
forces that you need to like get in this
unnatural position with one arm pulling
and one arm pushing and for this
exercise your goal will be to hold this
for about 10 to 20 seconds and where you
can do this for 10 to 20 seconds then
you can move on to further progressions
which I will come to next alright guys
so that was the first step into the
human flag and this exercise actually is
called the vertical flag down hold
because it's a free reflec and you hold
it in a downward position and then the
next step is to get used to the
horizontal flag like the regular flag
but with a resistance band so you can
really get used to all the other
strengths that are also involved in the
human flag such as the core strength
alright so with this exercise you're
going to need a band and this is kind of
a thin band
and the first progression is actually to
do a one lagged human flag and with this
exercise is also important to have the
band also aligned with your ends so if
your hands are here and the other hand
is here you're gonna need the band
exactly above your hands and then you're
gonna need the band to be tied into your
upper leg so like this so the band can
already help you a little bit to get
yourself in a Yuma flag position so I'm
already feeling the force upwards and
what you need to do next is take your
lower leg in so you will do a one leg
human flag this is enough
and with this exercise it's actually the
same principle you don't need to jump
into this one leg human flag you can
just lift your leg up in a tuck position
to get into one leg human flag so watch
carefully I don't jump I don't do
anything but I make sure that I get
already the strength in my lats
and my shoulder to lift myself up and
then only thing lift this leg up I would
recommend to start with a thicker band
and then work your way up with thinner
bands until you have like a really
controlled feeling in this position and
once you I can do the one leg human flag
you can move on to a straddle and
ultimately a full human flag in a band
so I'll also demonstrate the straddle
human flag so you just got to pull
yourself up in the air and don't jump
don't do anything
all right so once you can do this riddle
you move like with a bent you can move
on to the last step which is to fool you
in flag and you can also do it without a
jump and just move your lower leg to
your upper leg
alright guys so I just showed you how to
progress with the bands but you don't
want to train with bands only because
once you get used to the bands your
bodyweight will just feel so happy that
it will really be impossible or almost
impossible to do the human flag without
the bands so whenever you get
comfortable in this position where they
bent you want to start trading the yield
flag with your bodyweight only and then
the first thing that you need to do is
the kick up and you've got to start in
the same position as before so like this
but now instead of just hang you got to
kick yourself up until a vertical flag
up hold so this was vertical flag down
hold the next step is the vertical flag
peple so like this
alright guys so this probably looked
very easy but I know that it's really
hard if you have never done this before
so I'm gonna explain how to get in the
vertical flag that hold position
so the most important aspect is that you
just need to jump as high as possible
and you can also use your legs to create
a swing like this so your outer leg
needs to cross your inner leg like this
and then you need to swing all the way
up and jump with this leg at the same
time and then bring your hips to the
bars as fast as possible all in one
movement it won't look like this cross
your legs
all right so that is the first step when
you want to train the human flag with
your bodyweight only and once you reach
that vertical up hold position
you can move on on a negative movement
to a one leg you move like or Australian
flag or ultimately the fool you moves
like so for the one leg it would look
like this so you will start in the up
hold and then lower down in the negative
movement and then hold the one leg use
like as long as possible
alright guys so with these methods you
can work your way up to train for the
human flag so first of all get used to
the human flag with the down halt and
then next get used to the human flag a
horizontal position with the bends and
once you got comfortable with that
movement you can use your own body
weight with the up hold and then do
negative exercises such as one leg drops
or maybe races up and down to ultimately
work towards your full human flag
alright guys so these were all the tips
that we could give you to start with the
human flag training like if you are a
beginner and navigate the human flag
before I would say these tips are really
crucial to get your first progressions
of the human flag and yeah once you get
strong in other areas also if you do
more core work of course like
and windshield wipers all those crucial
exercises were also really fast in your
progress with the human flag so yeah
that's all I got to say about this video
if you like the video make sure to put a
thumbs up and also subscribe if you
haven't yet and I have one more thing to
say and that is that today is the last
day that we have a discount and we have
a discount because we reached 30,000
subscribers on YouTube which is really
really epic I can remember that in the
beginning of this year we reached the
10,000 subscriber milestone and already
we got 30,000 subscribers which is
really epic and yeah it's only it only
motivates us to make more content so
yeah it's really great so therefore we
have a 30% discount on our whole website
and this includes the full journey
program which is a long-term program
where you can step in in a beginner
level and work your way up to
like unlocking skills suggestible
support a handstand and you can also
apply the discount on the beginner
program or maybe the cursive program or
maybe the meal plan if you want to get
ready for the summer but check out the
links in the description for everything
on our website so that was all about the
human flag video and now something
completely different as you might have
noticed in the latest videos we've been
doing English videos only and also as
you might have seen in one of our videos
Michael discussed the stringers that we
have on this channel because we've been
putting out english content but also
dutch content on this channel and we are
really thinking about maybe make the
next step and make a dutch channel only
and keep this channel english or just
keep one channel and do dutch videos and
english video on the same channel so we
would really like to hear your opinion
and if we should do this channel english
only in a new channel or just mix them
together in this channel so guys please
let us know in the comments we would
really love to hear your opinion and if
we get enough support on this channel to
keep it in english we will keep it in
english so yeah that's it about this
video and like I said if you liked the
video make sure to put a thumbs up and
we will catch you in the next video
peace out guys