How we Learned the SWING 360 in 2 Months and how YOU can too!

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what's up cats things family what's up

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it's Michael and Jana go over here and

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in today's video we're gonna do

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something special because we have been

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practicing your swing 360 for like two

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yeah two or three months you have three

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months and today we're gonna analyze our

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footage and show our progression on

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basically how we learn to spring 360 in

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like two months and this was a really

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exciting project for us and just to give

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you guys an idea on our own experience

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with freestyle we have never done

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freestyle before it was just this year I

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think in March or February that we

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started with freestyle now since we have

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the gym we can finally do some freestyle

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also indoor yes so a good opportunity to

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start on 360 swing so now we have made a

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progression video where we show you guys

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all the way from the beginning until we

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are not to swing 360 and yeah we're

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gonna just review this video and tell

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you guys about our journey with this

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freestyle move alright so we got the

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laptop right over here so let's start at

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the very start so here I started to try

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to do some swings on the bar as you can

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see this was really uncomfortable for me

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so it was literally the first time that

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we tried to persuade yeah exactly see we

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couldn't hold the bar we hadn't enough

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grip to swing like that yes exactly and

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here you see me trying to do the

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rotation for the first time and actually

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land on my feet first doing a quarter

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rotation and then a like 180 rotation

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and that was actually the first exercise

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that we unlocked yeah exactly so that

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was that was actually pretty easy to do

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a quarter turn so we also tried to just

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swing a lot more explosive to get that

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speed so as you can see I also stepped

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my hand off the bone and hurt really a

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lot in the beginning so we just weren't

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used to this kind of training so alright

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so here this is the first 360 attempt

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like the swing

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and we couldn't land on our feet and

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then this is me i won

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yeah those it was pretty good one my

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first LAN so the goal was here to land

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on our feet and do eight like a 3/4 turn

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or a full turn and land on our feet

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oh yeah this is a this is a new part

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actually so here we started to work on

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our on our bar graphs because at this

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moment we were able to to swing off the

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bar do a 360 land on our feet but

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catching the bar that's a whole lot of

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getting we were not used to that at all

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so what we did we tried to do a 360 from

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the floor and then grab the bar as you

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can see right here so so the first goal

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was to do a 180 turn and then a 3/4 turn

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and as you can see here a full turn it

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was actually the first time that you got

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it it's actually pretty hard but it was

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really hard it's way harder than else if

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you're not used to this right ok so once

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we got the swing 360 swing from the

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floor to the bar we tried to move on to

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the bar again and do some swings and

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then 360 and then grab the bar our goal

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was first to just touch the bar with one

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hand there was already a really really

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big challenge yeah and as you can see

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these were like the attempts that we

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like touch the bar that was the first

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time that attached the bar so I was

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really close right here even closer man

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yeah so many fails yeah so touching the

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bar with two hands already

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really close that's a lot of fields

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I remember you falling here all the time

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and I think that that this was like the

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longest period of my journey that you

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just can touch the bar with two hands

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but just couldn't grab the bar so that

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was really the hardest part to just

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really guess the bar and just hang yeah

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hang on the bar so but we have to like

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do this clip again this I think this is

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the most hilarious clip of you when you

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this is literally when you think you

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have it right yeah thank you

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so as you can see also our wrists and

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our four hunch really touch the bar

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really hard them yet so yeah like you

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can see some red parts from our arms

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just really hurt and next time even

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might offer your blue so we have to take

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some days off and then do the next

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workout few days later so at this moment

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at this stage you are really close to

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actually I get a bar with two hands but

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you were not able to like catch yourself

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yes so I said do you like try to do this

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this little like coordination exercise

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like grabbing the the dip bar with with

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both hands which are eyes closed so you

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did right yeah and then this was

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literally the next try so oh it's so so

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that was actually my first catch and

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there was just because of the depth of

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my gave me that you just have to work in

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coordination by grabbing the bar just

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when you feel the bar with your eyes

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closed you have to grab it as far as

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possible so I applied this little trick

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during my swing 360 and it immediately

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paid off so that was actually my first

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case as you can see I was really really

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happy after

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all these weeks and then after that you

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did another one immediately here so

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there was like the best day of my

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exactly really excited no you know the

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pressure was high for me to also catch

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this wave 360 but I couldn't make the to

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peel it alone for you oh yeah

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it took me like two more workouts so

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this is what we recorded after doesn't

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work out alright guys so we just

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finished the first part of the freestyle

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we both practice a swing 360 and this

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man oh we're yes man today two catches

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I'm just really glad I've been

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practicing this for like three weeks in

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a row and today was the first time that

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I actually got it yes really nice so for

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me I I caught it with one hand so but I

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think I need to work on my my swing I

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need to do that way more explosive or my

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turn actually my rotation so anyway now

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we're gonna have some rest

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yes and then gonna do some other stuff

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alright new workouts and this is a whole

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dish my clothes that then I was so close

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right here and then guys right after

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that at times just watch it first catch

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finally it's just really weird to see

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you doing a 360 I remembered at a time

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oh yeah he's doing a 360 I've never seen

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that before yeah so it's really weird

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but it was just really awesome

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yes and right after that I also did my

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second one so here's me again we also

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had a lot of feels it's just when you

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catch it the first time it's not like

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it's you're always gonna catch it you

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have a lot of feels just like you see

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here yeah you're just not land always

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you will not have always a good grip on

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the bar so it was like I think only 10%

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of my attempts that I really catched it

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so yeah it's still a really challenging

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we wanna feel that another one Leslie

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yeah and this year they should first

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sketch in your second workout right did

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you had it yeah and also doing some

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flows here for your first time

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all right here you can see I'm Way more

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explosive touch the bar with two hands

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and then Oh finally until you slow Oh

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shrimp flip

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at this was definitely my best workout

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so far

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best moment the hype is real yes so

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right after that we both like not master

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at the spring 360 but we were able to do

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this ranger 60 and then we tried some

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new moves and this one is called the

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tornado 360 right so it looks like this

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first make a little rotation in

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transition and then do that the the

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Freestyle the spring your 60 on the

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other side of the bar and so guys that

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was basically our swing 360 journey and

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then at the adds to like create a really

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cool clip we did a like a professional

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shoot with some really cool epic footage

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so judge just watch it

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it was also our call to when we catch

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the 360 to do so some next flow so maybe

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he begged me for something else

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you still keep going with the flow

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that's what you always see with

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freestyle battles just start with a

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movie through sixteen that continue to

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flow by doing some other stuff alright

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guys that was basically a really short

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compilation of our spring 360 journey

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and also our first part first time doing

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some actual freestyle so yeah it was

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really awesome to do this we learned a

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lot of new skills new moves it was a

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really challenge as well yeah exactly

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yeah we had just so many feels so many

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we also forgot to tell it it just really

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hurts the hands a lot we got a lot of

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blisters I think you got visitors and we

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also try to do tape and but that didn't

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work as well because the grip wasn't as

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good with tape so then we remove some

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tape so it was a real journey with a lot

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of more struggles that we showed in this

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video but yeah it was just a lot of fun

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and we finally both managed to get the

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swing 360 so yes in a relatively short

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time actually if you imagine that we

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never did free stuff before of course we

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had some basic strength so guys that was

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our freestyle 360 progression video if

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you like this video please put your

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thumbs up and also leave a comment in

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the comment section let us know what you

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think and what skills we should work on

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in the future I'm definitely gonna work

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more on my shrimp flips you definitely

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gonna work on your flows I guess yeah

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yeah exactly but for now we're gonna

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have some rest do some some strength

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exercises again and

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where we can train outside again here at

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the park then we're going to continue a

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freestyle journey and when we can open

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up the gym again and with our members so

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guys that's it for this video please

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leave a like subscribe for more and

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we'll catch you in one of the next

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videos yes

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peace out Peter but I found calisthenics

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family and they were offering this

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program bless the online coaching for a

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very affordable price so I decided to

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try it if anyone's looking to start

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calisthenics I would highly recommend

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this it'll it'll do the same for you I'm

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and I've been with calisthenics family

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for almost three months now

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and all the time I've had Yannick as my

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trainer like my chorionic can just be

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like that little extra push to keep you

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going you also seen the pictures I'm

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really proud of myself that what I

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achieved in the last eight weeks go for

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it and start your journey

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