How to Swing 360 - Step by Step | Freestyle Calisthenics Tutorial

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what's up caddy fam it's michael and

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yannick over here

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and in this video we're gonna show you

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how to learn the swing

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360. so let's get this video started

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all right guys so in this video we're

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going to show you how to learn the swing

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and we actually learned this move about

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six months ago

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and we actually made a progression video

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about this and you might have also seen

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us in one of the latest videos

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going to primitive gym also

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participating in some freestyle

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sessions it was really actually the

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latest video yeah the latest video

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and because we just unlocked this move

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uh we got some questions from you guys

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on how to learn the swing 360.

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so in this video we're gonna show you

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all the steps that we took

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to learn the strength 360. um yeah so

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we're going to cover the technique

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uh how to swing and how to grab the bar

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but also

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some progressions that you can do

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already on the floor like getting speed

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of the rotation and also some bar gyms

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to really get comfortable with like

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grabbing the bar rotating around

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your own body and stuff like that so

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that's what we're going to cover and

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yeah we're going to start off

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with the basic exercises like just

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getting comfortable with the bar

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and the swing so let's get started with

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the video

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all right guys so we divided this cool

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move into a few steps

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so the first step is grabbing the bar or

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actually jumping towards the bar

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just from the floor so you're gonna

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stand like a few feet away from the bar

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and just swing to the bar and grab the

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bar just like this

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step one grab the bar and

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go back then we can take one

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step away and do an even

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further swing so

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grab the bar

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maybe a little bit further again

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and this exactly what we did in the

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first place to get comfortable

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with grabbing the bar because we were

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not used to this

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at all so once you can do this

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do this a few times maybe 10 times then

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you can try to go from

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bar to bar this bar is quite far

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at some casting sparks we have bars that

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are closer

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but you can try to attempt the bar hops

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from bar to bar to get comfortable with

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grabbing the bar

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from a swing so it looks like this

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you're gonna step

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like one meter away from the bar and

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then you're gonna swing

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into the bar and bring your body forward

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make a huge swing go back use the

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and then grab the bar on the other side

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so it looks like this

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jump swing

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and grab the bar

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so as i said this bar is pretty wide i

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would recommend to start with

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bars that are closer to each other so

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that is basically the first step

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bar gems

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all right guys so let's move on to the

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second step and in the second step we're

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going to focus on

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the rotation and also grabbing the bar

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so in the first step we focused on

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grabbing the button a little bit off the

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swing now we're going to do a rotation

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and grabbing the bar and we're going to

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start off with a quarter rotation

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so we're going to stand 90 degrees from

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the bar like this

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now we're gonna jump and then turn a

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quarter around and then catch the bar

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like this

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so that's actually the first step you

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can make this harder step by step by

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moving a little bit further away from

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the bar so this is a

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180 jumping swing so you're going to

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jump and then what you want to focus on

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looking at the bar as fast as possible

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so i'm going to jump look at the bar

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and grab the bar like this

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all right so the next step is to do the

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turn so we're going to start here i'm

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going to move all the way from

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here towards the bar like this

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as you can see it can be a little bit

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sloppy sometimes that is because

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you won't necessarily always catch the

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bar it's really different than

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trading statics for example because with

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statics you just have the strength and

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there's no coordination or something

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so when you're going to practice for the

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swing 360 you are not always going to

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get it maybe it's only 10

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20 of the times that you're actually

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gonna get it so

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let's try the 360 jump so we're gonna

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stand like this

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make it 360 turn and then grab the bar

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so this one is actually already pretty

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all right guys so that was the second

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step learning how to rotate and then

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grab the bar so now let's move on how to

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and rotate

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all right guys so let's move on to step

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three so now we just learned

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to swing from the floor towards the bar

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and also to practice the rotation

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and now with step three we're gonna

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learn from making the rotation

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from the bar uh towards the floor so now

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we're gonna start

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from the bar and also do exactly these

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same steps

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so first a 90 degree rotation then a 180

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and then maybe a full rotation with only

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making rotation

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and not grabbing the bar because

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otherwise we will already have the

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string for 16.

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all right so first the 90 degree swing

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grab the bar swing

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and try to land on your feet and try to

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break the fall

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by landing on your toes and then your

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so that's the first one if you can do

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this you're going to try to do

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a 180 swing

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so when we practiced this in the

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beginning we felt all the time

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all the time we felt on the floor we

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were not able to just land on our feet

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just like this but first it's really

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important that you can

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do this and have a controlled landing

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before you move on

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to the next step so then we're going to

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try to make a

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three quarter rotation so

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all right so then at the end

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the full swing just like this

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so for me sometimes it's kind of sloppy

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but i still got the full swing

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so now that was the third step

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learning and practicing the swing from

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the bar

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and now we're gonna move on to the

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fourth step

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all right guys so now we covered all the

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progressions and now it's time to

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everything in the swing 360. so first of

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all what we're gonna focus on

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is um only touching the bar with one

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hand so we're gonna make the swing like

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we learned in the first step

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then we're gonna rotate that we learned

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in the previous step and then the goal

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is to only

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touch the bar like this

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so swing

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so touching the bar with only the left

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hand so that's actually

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a step that comes very quick so the left

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hand is pretty easy because you can just

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do this but the right arm is actually

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the hardest one

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so that's what we're going to focus on

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next and i got one

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little trick that you can apply and that

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is some

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coordination work that you can do on a

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low bar so

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let's go to this low bar right here

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so what you can do you can like simulate

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the 360 and then

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go with the right arm to the bottom like

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you can even close your eyes so when you

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feel the bar when you touch the bar

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you're going to grab it immediately so

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like this

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so that is a very good coordination

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exercise and this one actually i got

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this tip

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and the next attempt i just got my first

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360. so it was a really

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valuable tip all right so once we get

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comfortable with

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touching the bar with one hand we're

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gonna try to catch the bar with

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two hands

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so luckily i got it and like i said it's

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not always that i come

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i'm gonna get it so this time it was

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just a good attempt

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it just took me three months to finally

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go from

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like only a 360 a jump

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to ultimately grabbing the bar with two

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so it's like you just gotta know and be

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aware that it's

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a long process and you're gonna fall a

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lot but you just gotta get up and

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do it over again and over again all

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right guys so these were basically all

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the steps to learn the swing 360.

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yannick just showed you the very last

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step and also a really good catch bro

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yeah that last swing was really nice um

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but for us

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it was also a really tough journey and

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um like we said

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if you are at the last steps or learning

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the swing360

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and it doesn't work out you always have

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to go back to a previous progression

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and also even start your new training

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with all the steps that

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you've just learned so don't just start

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with attempting the 360 only

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but practicing all the different

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progressions is really what helped us

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out the most right

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yes exactly so when you're gonna try and

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something does not work out it's always

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one of the progressions that you can

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improve on so you need to find out that

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if you do not rotate fast enough you're

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going to take step

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3 i guess go to the bar

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and practice the rotation because that's

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what you need to improve on and that's

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actually for all the steps so if you do

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not swing high enough you're gonna go to

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step one

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and do the bar swings with a better

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swing so always

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go back to where you can improve yes

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so guys um for us the the the whole

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freestyle journey was really new to us

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it also seemed really impossible to

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unlock this skill

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because we're kind of of the like the

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calisthenics basics athletes

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we're doing lots of basic workouts

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and also we have quite a like a muscular

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if you uh compare us with most freestyle

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calisthenics athletes so we always

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thought yet you have to be

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really light and really like a way uh

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you know and also like have this

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gymnastic background of

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doing this explosive stuff so yeah i was

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actually very shocked when i saw myself

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doing the first 360 and you as well

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yeah it was like holy did this just

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so yeah we can do it so you can also do

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it especially also if you're just

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training basics

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guys basic you can also do this

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discipline of calisthenics so guys

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that's it for this video we really hope

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that you like this

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tutorial on the spring 360. we also want

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to create

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more freestyle moves freestyle tutorials

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and we might even want to invite some

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freestyle athletes here in the

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netherlands and

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maybe do a tutorial on the shrimp flip

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or other freestyle

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exercises so if you would like to see

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that on the channel just let us know

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in the comments and that's it for this

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video peace out guys

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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uh it will it will do the same for you

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i'm gordon

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and i've been with calisthenics family

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for almost three months now and all the

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time i've had yannick as my trainer

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like mike orioni can just be like that

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little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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