How to STRADDLE PLANCHE - Step by Step Tutorial

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what's up guys it's jonah here from

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calisthenics family and welcome to a

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very special video

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because today we're going to teach you

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how to unlock the straddle plan so

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stay tuned

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all right guys so welcome to the video

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and today we have a special guest

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a team member of the gym welcome so this

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is shul and he's going to take you

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all the steps to unlock the struggle

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plan so maybe you can introduce yourself

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yeah my name is shu i recently turned 18

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and i've been training calisthenics

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since october now before that i did

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fitness and weightlifting since my 15th

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and today we're gonna demonstrate how to

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unlock a straddle planche so let's go

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alright so the straddle planche for me

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personally it took 10 months to unlock

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this move

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i unlocked this move with different

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kinds of progressions

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the first progression that i'm going to

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show you guys is the planche lean

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a very important exercise in order to

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get that straight arm strength and

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scapula strength

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the first thing you do is place your

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hands on the parallettes keep yourself

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like this

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and the first movement you want to make

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is lean and while you're leaning make

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sure that your biceps

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turn forward and then

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protract your scapula and if you want to

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make it harder for yourself lean more

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so what i meant with protection is very

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important for the planche lean

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the difference between protection and

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not protracting your scapula

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is this this is not protracting your

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in order to protract your scapula this

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is what you do

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you push yourself to the ground with

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your shoulders

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this is a protracted form all right so

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the first goal you're working towards is

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holding that planche lean

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for at least 15 seconds and make sure

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to keep the technique well biceps

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scapula protracted 15 seconds is all you

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need and if you want you can film

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yourself from the side

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and watch your own technique once your

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hands are in line with your hips

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your forearm is correct and you are

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ready to progress

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the second progression for your straddle

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planche are soda push-ups

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total push-ups are different from

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regular push-ups with soda push-ups you

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lean forward

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and then make a push-up but make sure

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that you protract your scapula

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all the way like this

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this is a correct sort of push-up the

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commonly made mistake is that people do

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protract the scapula the whole way and

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this is how that looks

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this is a wrong soda push-up

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so not protecting your scapula was one

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big mistake that i made myself

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luckily i've improved my form and that

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is how a correct toe push-up look like

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alright so this is the third progression

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towards your straddle planche

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it is called the tucked planche when

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doing the tuck planche make sure that

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your arms

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are always straight very important

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with keeping your arms straight make

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sure that your elbows are rotated inward

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and again protractor scapula

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all right so the goal you want to set

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for yourself is to hold this exercise

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for around 15 to 20 seconds

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once you have achieved this goal you can

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progress to the next

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all right guys so this is the fourth

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progression towards your straddle

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i personally call this the frog blanche

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so a very important thing with the frog

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blanche is to keep your arms straight as

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always and

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rotate your elbows inward

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besides that this is actually the first

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exercise where you'll be learning to

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open up your hips

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and a big difference between this

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exercise and the previous exercise

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is that you're bringing your knees

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further away from your body which will

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make it harder for you

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again the goal that you're working

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towards is to hold this progression for

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at least 15 to 20 seconds

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after that you're ready to progress

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alright guys so the correct way to train

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this exercise is to work with sets

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try to do three sets with eight to

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seconds each set once you are able to do

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one rep with between 15 and 20 seconds

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you are ready

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to progress

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so the fifth progression towards your

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straddle planche is an assisted straddle

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planche and for this exercise

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i will be taking a resistance back

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all right if you're using paradise make

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sure that the parallettes

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are in direct line with the bar very

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place this band in line with your hips

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very important because this will carry

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your weight

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lean backwards open up your hips feet

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and now you will start to lean keep

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those arms

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very straight biceps forward and once

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you're leaning

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forward you will notice that your legs

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will rise

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like this try to hold this as long as

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possible and keep those feet

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to the side

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all right so that was an assistant

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straddle planche

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all right guys so if you notice that

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your straddle planche isn't working with

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a pad like this you can

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also take a much thicker band try to

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this assisted straddle plans for around

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15 seconds because

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we're actually working on our technique

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and the technique is the most important

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part of this exercise

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and if you notice that you can hold this

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exercise for 15 seconds with a thicker

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then you can take a lighter vent and

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work your way down

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alright guys so we've come very far with

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the exercises

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and now it's time to do a straddle

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planche without assistance

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so again the same technique as the

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previous video but this time without a

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resistance band

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all right backwards open up your hips

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feet to the sides and now you're leaning

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just as we as we did in a previous video

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keep the arms straight elbows inward

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and that's how you do a correct straddle

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planche all right guys so one very

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important tip that i want to give you

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is make sure that your glutes are

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activated while doing a straddle planche

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this way you will not look like a banana

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and you will make sure that you are

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making a perfect straight line and have

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a perfect form and technique with your

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straddle planche

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alright guys so now let's wrap up all

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these exercises in one set

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planche lean

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from planche lean you'll be going to

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absolute push-ups

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then you're going to tucked planche

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and from tuck planche you're going to

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the frog planche

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and the final straddle

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alright guys so i hope you enjoyed this

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video and that you've learned something

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about straddle planche

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in case you want to increase your skills

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i would recommend

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to check out calisthenics family website

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and look at the full journey program

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like and subscribe and give me a follow

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on instagram if you want by israel

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all right guys so see you next time

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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it'll it'll do the same for you i'm

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gordon and i've been with calisthenics

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family for

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almost three months now and all the time

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i've had yannick as my trainer

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like michael ariana can just be like

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that little extra push

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to keep you going you also see in the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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