How to stay FIT while TRAVELING

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what's up calisthenics family it's micah

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here and yannick behind the camera

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and as you can see i'm standing here at

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this beautiful place here in

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north italy we are on our vacation and

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in this video we're gonna show you how

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keep our gains how we keep our strength

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and how we stay

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fit how we deal with on a vacation and

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we also

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brought our sister with us and it was

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actually a surprise for her that she

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came with us

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how do you feel about this uh this area

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yeah i'm very surprised about this trip

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and also this area

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it's so beautiful and this view is

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really amazing

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yeah it's so awesome so uh guys let's

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get this video started and let's

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show you how we do it on our vacation

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and the first thing that we're gonna do

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is we're gonna do some groceries for the

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rest of the week

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and my sister is helping me out she made

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a whole list

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because my sister is the most organized

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person that i've ever

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met in my life yes i am really awesome

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for me

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because i'm not that like that so

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you you made a whole list so we're gonna

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do some groceries

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so we don't have to visit uh the grocery

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for the rest of our vacation

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uh that we're here for seven days so

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let's do this

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the groceries for one week sick

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don't forget the beers very important

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all right all right so we just got all

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our groceries

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yes yes so we just got home from the

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market and this is all we got

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and let's start off with the healthy

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stuff so we have a lot of fruit

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and vegetables we have these large

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melons apples bananas

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carrots lemons everything and we also

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some proteins we've got some yogurt and

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cork here for

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breakfast we also have a lot of meat

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normally we don't eat that much meat but

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now we're on

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a vacation and when the sun shines we

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always like to do some

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barbecue so that's why we have some meat

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it's still pretty lean meat so it's not

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fat stuff so we're gonna enjoy this meat

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yeah we also have some beers uh to enjoy

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the sun as well

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this is some italian beer one of my

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favorites actually

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so um yeah we also we also have some

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cheat stuff here some chips some

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m m's some candies uh pringles

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so that's basically it um we're planning

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to do some cooking here

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for two nights um go out for dinner for

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two nights do some barbecue

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and yeah we usually when we're on

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vacation we do

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one big uh grocery uh shopping

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at the beginning of the week so we don't

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have to go out and we make sure that we

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have all the healthy stuff

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in instead of just going to a bar or

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restaurant and eat some junk food

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when we are hungry so when we are going

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to the beach for example we

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just gonna take some healthy stuff like

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melons and bananas so

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we just make sure that we have all the

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healthy stuff on vacation

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good morning good morning

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are you enjoying your morning yeah it's

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still doing the morning routines also on

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vacation of course

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i'm currently reading this book a brief

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history of humankind

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with this beautiful spot right here

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perfect way to start the morning

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i'm doing great i'm just reading some

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having some morning coffee nice

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enjoying the view

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alright guys so now it's around 12

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o'clock uh this morning we had a really

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chilled out morning we did some yoga

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some morning reads and now we're going

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to do a workout we transformed our

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terrace into this little workout station

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and the only thing that we need when we

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go on notification

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you guys can already guess it is of

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course the rings so we can do our

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and um also our parallettes

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and we also got some bands over here so

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we can

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basically train everywhere that's how we

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do it with calisthenics super awesome

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one of the main benefits of this sport

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so we made a little workout of today so

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what is it are we gonna do

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so we compiled a workout with different

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exercise we're gonna do statics bent arm

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also some basics because uh when we're

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on vacation we like to

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um like do our workouts based on what we

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have because normally we have bars we

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have some different stuff

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also a dip station now we have a ring so

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we're going to do

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a little bit different exercise than we

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used to do but still very good exercises

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so yeah we're going to do uh handstands

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bench training

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conley for bagley so all the static work

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and we're also going to do some bent arm

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exercises such as the muscle ups and the

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push-ups and we're gonna

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end the workout with some basics right

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so um pull-ups dips arose

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all with the rings yes exactly so we

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basically gonna train uh like one day on

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one day off so we hit our complete

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upper body uh probably we will be sore

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but we also have plenty of time to

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travel here around

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uh this beautiful area so we also save

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some time so that's why we train

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uh one day off one day on so let's get

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this workout in of

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the devil's maze

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a sad state of affairs

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it's a good world

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all right guys so we finished the first

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two circuits so we did some static holds

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some skill exercises we also did some

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bent arm exercises like elsa to

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hands and push ups so now bring muscle

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ups ring muscle ups as well

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so now we're going to move on to the

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basics we're going to do three rounds of

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four exercises and 10 to 12 repetitions

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each so

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let's do this

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oh so as you can see we just finished

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this workout with minimal equipment

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only the rings parallettes and some

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so this is how we train we can train

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anywhere that's the benefit of

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so if you also are if you're new to this

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way of training to calisthenics

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bodyweight training

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if you want to get to know how we train

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and check out our website and you can

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find the first link in the description

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for a free training guide now we're

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gonna chill

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have some lunch and then go after the

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right there and chill for the rest of

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the day

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so let's have some lunch

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all right guys so today it's the third

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day of our vacation

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and today we're going to start off the

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day with a little a train tour to

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explore the area here

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and afterwards we're gonna go to the

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because we have a really nice pool up in

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the hills

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and afterwards we're probably gonna rent

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a boat

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and explore the lake and afterwards

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probably also a bbq so a whole day with

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a lot of activity so

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let's get this day started

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i can't control

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he's calling me

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what's up guys it is day four of our

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it's eight in the morning right now and

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we're standing here at this beautiful

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taking some photos and later on we're

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gonna chill out there

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at the grass area and also we're gonna

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shoot some video content

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because you all know the deal guys we're

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calisthenics athletes and we're seeing

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uh little swim ladder so we have to try

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the handstand maybe an lcd headset on

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this thing

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over here so let's try it out

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alright guys so we just came back from

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our morning shoot

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at the water and now it's time for our

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breakfast this is actually our

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standard breakfast that we have every

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morning here uh on our holiday

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so uh what we're having is uh some

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yogurts some

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bruce lee a smoothie healthy smoothie

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with lots of

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fruits and vegetables and a watermelon

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so this is also a really good tip on

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vacation to stay healthy and to keep the

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gains is that

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most people when they are notification

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they probably eat

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croissants every morning really

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unhealthy breakfast

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but you should try to avoid that by

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eating at least a healthy meal in the

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to start your day energized and

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alright guys so today it is monday and

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on monday we are

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always training so also when we're on a

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vacation it's time to train on mondays

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so we found two calisthenics parks

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around this area

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we used the app calisthenics parks this

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is a really useful app that you can use

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to find any catastrophic spark around

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your area worldwide and we found one in

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15 minutes right and the other one was

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like 30 minutes

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so we're gonna head over to those

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calisthenics parks and have a good

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workout session

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and av is also gonna join you're going

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to try some handstands right yes

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yes all right let's go

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all right guys so we just made it to the

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park as you can see it's a really small

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park so we have to be a little bit

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but um when we're on a vacation our goal

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is not to gain more strength or to

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learn more skills just to maintain

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skills and also to maintain

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our basic strengths so probably we're

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going to do some basics but first we're

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going to do some skills just for fun

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yonick is already warming up here doing

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some handstands

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it's a beautiful place here right at the

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so that's really awesome so let's get a

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good workout in guys

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get you with the tech signed exo my ace

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boom boom no flex note

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fight for your love can't slow me down

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don't go far

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i take me and you over

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a little bit a little bit

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you're making it making it brighter

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alright guys so we just finished that

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workout we had an amazing workout did

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some skills and also some basics

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we trained for like one and a half hours

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like a small hour

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and afterwards we took a dive in the

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lake really refreshing

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and now we're having this my vegan carb

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it's basically a protein bar with 15

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grams of protein

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and we actually took a whole box of

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these on our vacation so that's really

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to take some proteins with you on a

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so we're actually having a bar of this

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every single day

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if you want to find out these bars you

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can check out my protein their website

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and user code

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cf-35 for a 35 discount check the links

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in the description

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what's up guys it's a new day and today

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we're doing a tour around the lake

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at this moment we are already at the

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other side of the lake i think we are

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halfway there

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we're gonna do a stop we looked up some

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places around the lake and this seems to

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be a

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good spot to have a great overview

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around the lake

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we'll maybe show some of the footage uh

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in a moment

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but now we're gonna have some lunch and

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then continue the tournament

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alright guys so we just made it to the

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top of the mountains and the view that i

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right here is just amazing it's so

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beautiful it's definitely the best that

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i've ever seen in my life

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just uh turn the camera man

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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it'll it'll do the same for you i'm

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gordon and i've been with calisthenics

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family for

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almost three months now and all the time

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i've had yannick as my trainer

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like mike orianna can just be like that

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little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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