How to Start FREESTYLE CALISTHENICS - ft Melanie Driessen (World Champion🌍🏆)

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what's up kelly fam it's michael over

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here and today i'm with a very special

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today with melanie trisa world champion

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two times and also four times national

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of freestyle and today we're going to

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show you or actually

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mentally is going to show you how to

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start freestyle calisthenics

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but first maybe you can introduce

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yourself to the channel

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all right so like michael said my name

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is melanie driessen

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i was a gymnast for 11 years and after

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that i started with calisthenics

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before i started with freestyle

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calisthenics i started with the basics

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so like pull-ups push-ups and everything

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and after that i went to a competition

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where they showed us freestyle

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and my first impression was like wow i

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want to learn this and i think a lot of

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will have this same feeling but they

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don't know how because it looks

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really hard to learn but i always say

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you have to start with the basics and

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that's what we're gonna do today

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yes so you're gonna show us like

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or actually me four or three exercises

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how i and also the people at home or

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watching the video can start with

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freestyle calisthenics right

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exactly yes all right so let's do it

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let's jump right in

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the birdie is back tell me i'm garbage

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i'm going through sadness why i call it

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progression it's all that i wanted to

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follow and affection i summoned up

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summoning dub dub dubby

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all right so before we gonna start this

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video maybe it's nice to tell

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what is skeleton freestyle when people

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ask me that i always tell them

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it kind of looks like gymnastics but

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it's more raw it's more urban

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so we don't really have any rules we can

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do whatever we want so that's why it

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freestyle and because of that it's

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really creative people make their own

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moves come up with some really cool

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so yeah that's how i will explain

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that yeah so combining basically all the

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like aesthetics the power

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moves the basic everything together in

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like one epic freestyle session yeah

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it's like a

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bodyweight training but like extreme

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because you can do whatever you want so

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it's not always strange

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exactly it's not only strength it's also

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uh just like swings and moves and

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and like it's like acrobatic yeah like

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circus yeah

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awesome all right so now you guys know

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what freestyle is

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let's start with the very first exercise

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right we're gonna start with a normal

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swing because i think this is a really

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really good basic because

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most of the moves that you learn

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contains the swinging

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movements and this is also a move that a

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lot of people do wrong

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so i think it's good that we're going to

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start with the swing all right

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so let's do it let's do it so how

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we're going to start a swing this is the

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most important

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we're going to hang on the bar and from

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there we're gonna lift our knees up and

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extend them

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outwards and then we're gonna land in

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the back so it's gonna look like this

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you grab the bar you bring your knees up

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and out

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and let go all right looks easy it's

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you want to give it a try yes just like

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yeah and you don't want to swing all

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right so we're going to start from a

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hang all right so knees up and out

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like that yes

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that's it all right so that's it yes

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okay so the next step is you want more

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momentum because now we

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understand how we're gonna start the

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move but maybe you don't have a lot of

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so you're gonna grab the bar and you're

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gonna try to make some momentum

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like this out

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and let go and this kind of movement

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that will help you to get your momentum

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better alright so first swing and then

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yeah like you can make it like a hollow

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body then bring your knees up

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and out hello oh yes

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and as you can see he's doing also a

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little bit of a hollow body in the back

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then you bring his knees up

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out and then you get your momentum good

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job awesome

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yes nice if you can easily do this then

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you can focus

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more on the swing so we're gonna look at

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the back swing we're gonna re-grab the

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and after that if you feel comfortable

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you can maybe let go a little bit

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or even clap your hands so we start

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re-grab the bar if you get comfortable

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let go

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and the last step yes

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sick it goes off over here i want to try

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okay let's get it so first the normal

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exactly now let's go to the bar oh that

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was open already

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i almost had it

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next up we're gonna do a 180. and before

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we gonna jump on the bar we're gonna

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just jump on the floor

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because then you know which side you

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want to turn if you jump and you turn

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to the left side you're gonna turn also

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to the left side on the bar

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yes show me a jump all right just just

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jump to the bar no just to jump on the

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floor oh on the floor yeah

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okay and then rotation rotation all

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so michael's also turning the same side

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as me left side

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yes what we're gonna do now we're gonna

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jump on the bar we're gonna swing

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in the second swing we're gonna try to

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make a 180

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touch the bar and land on the floor like

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so once swing then another

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there we go 180

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and let go

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so try it out

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so just one swing for momentum

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there we go 180 oh he's already old

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i only need to grab it yeah oh yeah but

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that's the second step so that's perfect

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all right

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so as you could see that was already the

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second step

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instead of just touching and letting go

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you're just going to grab the bark

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i'll show you one more time so just a

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normal swing

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and there we go 180

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smooth yes and i was trying to go

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off in the back swing so otherwise you

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can just fly

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yes exactly all right so that was the

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second exercise that was the second

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let's move on to the next third exercise

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so we just learned the 180 and this is

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the basic

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basic of for example a 360

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a 540 900 and more

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so this is just like uh the way how to

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turn your body and if this gets easier

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you can focus on

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turning a little bit more yes all right

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up we're gonna do a pullover because we

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don't only want to hang

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underneath the bar we also want to get

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on top of the bar

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and if you don't have strength for

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example for a muscle up just yet

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then this is a great start exercise for

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getting up

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the bar all right let's show it yes it's

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very important

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before you're going to start with pull

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over is that you can at least

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do like five pull-ups to get some

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and the pullover looks like it's

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so what you do you pull yourself up and

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you put your legs over that's why it's

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called the pullover

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all right so the first step what we're

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going to do with this one is of course

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the full ups

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so we're going to do five pull ups you

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want to do it with me yes

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sure let's go grab the bar

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one two three

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four and five

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yes all right that was easy that was

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easy yeah so

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like i said if you can do your pull-ups

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go back

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train your pull-ups first before you

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even want to start yeah

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yeah next exercise what we can do is a

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half pull-over so what we're going to do

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is a pull-up and then we bring our legs

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halfway and then we go back to the

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pull-up halfway

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back to the pull-up and you can make

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reps of this as well which can also give

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you strength to

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do the pull-over yes so like this

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hang pull up here

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and back and every time

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you straighten your arms and bend them

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good exercise really creative all right

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so first pull up and then like a whole

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pull over

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like this and then exactly

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and then chill above the bar every time

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so again above the bar perfect

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you can feel the momentum that you can

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use to do the next exactly yes

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really good so that's what we're looking

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for for that momentum to get over

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exactly yes yeah you need the momentum

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to get around and with this exercise you

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can really feel that

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yeah exactly so the last step we're

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going to do the full pull up

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yes so grab the bar

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and get over the bar

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all right

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yeah and this is funny because you don't

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really do a pull-up which is also

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okay yeah i like it i have like a

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different technique for this one you use

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really your legs like

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this is it is as possible like you can

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see yeah but most of the time when

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people don't have the strength

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it's not gonna happen because it would

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look a little bit like this

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if they don't have strength for pull-ups

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they would look

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like this and they can't go they can

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pull themselves towards their waistline

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yeah so that's why you say the pull-ups

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is really important

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yeah and also the like the the next one

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yeah you need to strength for the

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pull-up together all right but you have

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it so

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yeah luckily i haven't yes cross on my

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down with your efforts i'm dealing with

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pressures i know it's a lesson that's

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worth the watch

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last exercise of today is the forward

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rule and this is also a move that you

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see a lot because it can give you

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momentum it looks kind of cool

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sometimes it's really good to use this

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move because in the meanwhile you can

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think about your next move

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so we're gonna start from the basic

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again and we're gonna build up

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towards the normal roll and before we're

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gonna start i will just show you the end

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so i will do the pull over which we

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just now and then from here you roll

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and you come up and a mistake that is

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made often is

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that you roll and you don't know how to

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get up like that

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this is the most most made mistake

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in this exercise i see myself doing that

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right now

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so we're gonna start with um the roll

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but instead of

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grabbing it like this when you start to

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roll you're gonna grab your legs

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like this all right yeah it's very

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important that if you go forwards that

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your body

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just like fall forwards to make the

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momentum and then when you try to get up

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again you make yourself as small as

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all right so first exercise would look

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like this

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from here grab your legs

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that looks scary to me all right so

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uh first uh

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all right now grab your legs

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yeah perfect all right

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i had it

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but it was kind of sloppy but at least

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uh no it was really good you have the

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good momentum

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so i'm sure you are ready for this next

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step all right so next step

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next step is the same thing but instead

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of grabbing your legs

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we just hold our hands like this it's

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very important to keep them close

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and strong uh like the muscles should be

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strong like teamwork and you're

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liking your body because if you're gonna

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be like this you're gonna slide away

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yes so

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from here arms go here

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oh they go on top of the bar yeah yeah

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so you roll

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and she made it look so easy

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all right

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all right let's go yes

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very good all right how did that feel

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it sounds good yeah yeah but i i feel

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like i don't

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like you're doing it really smooth and i

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feel like i'm kind of sloppy and

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like not having the swing or something

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momentum i think that's just thinking

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yeah because i never do this very good

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all right all right awesome

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okay so the last step is going to be the

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full roll with the hands

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and just holding on to the back yes

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let's show you one more side

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again make your momentum

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and up and it's very important that you

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just like

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be big here and a small in the end so

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and small okay

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let's give it a try

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let's go go go go yes

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yes better i felt it on my wrist yeah

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yeah you're holding it yeah exactly so

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let loose of the wrist

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just like do it with your body instead

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of try to grabbing it

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okay yeah all right so these were the

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four exercises

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yes all right i think what would be a

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cool idea is to start combining

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them yeah exactly so what we did we did

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a swing we did a 180

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then we did a pullover and a roll or

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forwards so i think if we're going to

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combine them all

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it's going to look a little like like

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like freestyle

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this is swing 180

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pull over and then the roll

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yes all right sick

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all right let's go stick um swing

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180 pull out for a roll yes

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so swing yes 180

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pull over okay make another swing no

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yeah yeah yeah

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thanks good job but at least we all know

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the main four exercises to start with

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freestyle yeah there's

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like there's more things to learn but i

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think these would be

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a good way to start at least some

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freestyle training

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all right guys so these were the four

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basic exercises to start with

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calisthenics freestyle

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thank you melanie for showing me all the

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exercises welcome

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i have one uh more question um how do

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you start

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with freezer training uh what is the

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like the workout routine that you

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do when you're when you're training well

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first of all it's very important

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that your body is warmed up well and i

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would recommend to do a lot of

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dynamic movements so for example turning

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your hands twisting your upper body

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just like all these movements to get

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your shoulders your arms

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everything warmed up and if you feel

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like you're warm

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you're just gonna start on the bar and

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in the beginning

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you might not have a long training

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because it's gonna

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be painful on the hands uh but after a

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your hands will get used to it you will

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have skeletons and then

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you probably maybe can continue for an

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hour or

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there's not so much rules in the

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freestyle trainings i think

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it's just really important that you

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always listen to your body

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and just like don't go too fast too soon

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all right yeah so it's just like a lot

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of practice

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practice practice practice without

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having a really structured routine or

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yeah i think you have to just do it for

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yourself um like feel what is

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comfortable for you

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if you feel scared for example that

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means that you might not

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uh ready for it yet so i would recommend

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do the exercises uh which are easy for

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more more time so you get more

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comfortable yes and then maybe take it

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like a step harder all right so step by

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step basically

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step by step yeah yeah don't rush it and

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also i think it's really important that

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you have a basic strength because if you

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don't have

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muscles or uh like strength in your arms

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you're just gonna hang on the bar or

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like they're going to be like you fall

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yeah your arm's not going to be able to

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hold that so it's really

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important to have a basic first basic

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strength yeah yeah all right

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well thank you welcome so where can

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the people find you if they want to look

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look you up on instagram or something

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yeah most active on my instagram

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and also i'm on tiktok so if you are

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there make sure to follow me there's the

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same name

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so yeah all right so thanks guys for

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watching to the video i hope that you

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liked this video kind of new to the

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channel freestyle

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if you want to see more videos just like

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this let us know in the comments and

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also make sure to follow melanie on the

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instagram and tick tock

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we'll catch you in one of the next

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videos peace out

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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recommend this it will do the same for

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i'm gordon and i've been with

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calisthenics family for

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almost three months now and all the time

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i've had yannick as my trainer

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like michael ariana can just be like

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that little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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