How to Start Calisthenics with Rings Only | Best Beginner Workout Routine

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what's up guys welcome to this

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informational video

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so if you want to start with

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calisthenics but you don't know how then

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this video might be very helpful

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why because today we will explain how

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you can

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train with rings only we will show and

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explain the three most

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important training topics to start with

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calisthenics for beginners

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and we will show a full 12 week training

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to get you started with calisthenics so

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let's start this video

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so why should you consider to train with

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well it's a very cheap option it's only

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a one-time payment

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and you can train forever then besides

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this you can just train everywhere you

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can hang these

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on a tree on a goalie on any bar you can

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outside or you can train at home and at

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last you can practice almost

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every calisthenics exercise with rings

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so let's get started with the first

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topic to start as a beginner with rings

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and that is

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training the basics

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all right so why should you start with

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calisthenics basics first

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first of all you should gain enough body

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weight strength you should lay down a

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good foundation

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in order to prepare your body for more

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difficult exercises because you probably

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haven't trained before so it's really

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important to

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get a good foundation by building enough

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strength but also building enough

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muscle so you should train in a

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relatively high rep range

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by doing the exercises with repetitions

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8 and 15 repetitions to prepare your

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for more intensity and by training these

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calisthenics basics first

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you will also avoid injuries so first

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let me explain

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what the calisthenics basics are the

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calisthenics basics are the push-up

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the pull-up the row and the dip and

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these exercises can be done

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perfectly with rings so let me show you

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so for example if you start with the

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push-up when you first start with rings

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we would recommend to start the push-up

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with an inclined position

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so you place the rings relatively higher

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than the regular position

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when you're comfortable and stronger you

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can lower the rings a little bit down

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to a regular horizontal position or you

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can even

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bring your feet in the rings and do

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decline ring push-ups

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so here you can clearly see how easy it

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is to adjust the exercise just with

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rings only

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the same goes for the australian pull-up

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or the bodyweight

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row you can first start with the rings

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relatively high so you do

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high ring rows then if you get stronger

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you can

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place the rings a bit lower and you do

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body weight ring rows once you get

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stronger you can move on to the pull up

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and the dip first when you start with

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the pull up you can start with

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negative ring pull ups so you jump up

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grab the rings and let yourself down

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as controlled as possible until you can

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regular pull-ups without the negative

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the same goes for the dip

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you can start with your feet on the

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floor and basically do bench dips but

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in rings and when you get stronger you

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can do the regular

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dips so these were the basic

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calisthenics compound exercises

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which targets multiple muscles at the

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same time but of course you can also do

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more isolated exercises if you want to

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on more specific strength or build

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muscle in a specific area

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by for example doing ring flies to focus

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on your rear delts

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your shoulders or do chest flies to

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focus on your chest

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or you can target your arms by doing

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body weight bicep curls or you can do

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the triceps three tip extensions with

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the rings

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and with this exercise you can also do

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the rings in a

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relatively high stand or a low stand

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depending on your own

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current level so when training the

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calisthenics basics the goals that you

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should strive for

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are at least 20 push-ups 20 rows

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10 pull-ups and 10 dips before moving on

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to any harder exercises

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so now let's move on to the second topic

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that you should be working on

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as a beginner if you want to start with

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calisthenics and that is

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building a strong core

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all right so why should you work on a

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very strong core

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first of all the core is always involved

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in bodyweight training

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think about the push-up for example

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where you stand in a plank position

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during the whole movement but also for

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harder skills think for example about

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the back lever where you need your core

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to lift your legs up to be in a straight

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back lever position

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and the second reason is because the

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core is the connection

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between your upper body and your lower

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body and this is really important to get

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and to progress fast with body weight

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training so how to train your core

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with rings well one of the most

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important exercise

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is the leg raise because this targets

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the lower side of your abs which is the

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most neglected part but also

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the most important part because you will

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use this for static exercises

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such as the human flag foam lever and

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the back leaflet

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when you first start with leg raises we

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would recommend to do the knee raises

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and when you get comfortable with this

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with doing eight repetitions you can

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move on to the leg raises

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and when this gets easy for you you can

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move on to the toes to bar

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exercise you can move on to the toes

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toaster bars by bringing your legs

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all the way up to the rings so the leg

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raise is a dynamic exercise but it's

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also really important to work on static

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and the best exercise to do with rings

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is the l-sit hold

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so when you first start with this

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exercise we would recommend to start

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with the tucked l-sit by bringing your

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knees in once you get comfortable in

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this position you can do

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a one-leg ljit or even move on to the

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full l-sit hold

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so these are two of the best exercises

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to strengthen your core

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and the goal for these exercises are 5

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repetitions of the toes to bar

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and 10 seconds of the l-sit hold so this

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was the second topic

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to start with calisthenics on rings

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let's move on to the third one and that

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training the skills

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so when you meet the goals in the

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calisthenics basics

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and the core exercises you can move on

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to practicing

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your calisthenics skills it's best to

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wait with skill training and first build

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your upper body strength

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and core strength because skill training

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goes a lot faster when you have

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upper body strength and core strength

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first and also because

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skill training demands a lot of stress

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on your tendons and joints because of

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all the straight arm exercises which are

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probably new for you so let us show you

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a few skills that you can train

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on rings first let's start with the

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muscle up

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when you train the muscle up with the

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rings it's best to first start with

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assisted muscle ups you're basically

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gonna practice the transitioning part of

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the muscle up but now with your feet

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on the ground by first doing a

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bodyweight row and then transition into

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a standing dip

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then you can move on to negative muscle

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ups but first

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bring yourself into a deep position and

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from there

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move down as controlled as possible hold

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the pull up as well

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when you go down until you let yourself

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down into

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a dead hang position once you feel ready

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and you have combined enough

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pulling strength and muscle up

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preparation exercises you can try the

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muscle up then let's move on to the

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static exercises

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the back lever when you start with the

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backlight for in rings it's really

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important that you first

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master the skin the get this exercise is

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perfect to get your shoulders ready

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of the mobility that is required for the

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back lever

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once you can do this you can strengthen

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the back left foot by doing

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the tucked back leaf by bringing your

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knees all the way to your chest

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once you can do this for 20 seconds you

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can move on to the one

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leg back lever when you can do this for

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10 seconds

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you can try the straddle or the full

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back leaflet

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and next to the back lever you can also

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train the front lever

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perfectly on rings same as the back

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lever you can start with the tucked

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front lever by holding the tick position

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for about

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20 seconds then move on to the advanced

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tucked front lever

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and when you feel ready you can move on

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to the straddle front lever or even

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the full front leafer next to these

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static holes there are also dynamic

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exercises to strengthen

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these skills for example you can do

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front left

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or backly for races on rings for the

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front lever race you basically start in

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a dead hang

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ticked position and from there you pull

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yourself up

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with straight arms all the way to the

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top and go down and repeat this for five

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or ten repetitions and with the back

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leafer you do the same

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but now you start in a tucked back lever

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and pull yourself all the way to the top

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these exercises are really good

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to strengthen straight arm strength for

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these exercises

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so now that we have covered the

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calisthenics basics the core strength

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and also

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the skills let's show you an example how

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you can use a

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full routine to start with calisthenics

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with rings

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all right guys so like we said before

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you should first train the basics

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and the core before you're gonna move on

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to practicing the skills

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and we would recommend to do this for

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about six weeks and a perfect routine

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to do this is a upper body lower body

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split routine

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and this is also the routine that we

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used especially

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in the beginning so on the first day

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you're gonna do an upper body workout

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so you're gonna practice the dips the

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pull-ups the push-ups

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and the rows then on the second day

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you're gonna train the core

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and your legs and then on day three when

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you have 48 hours of rest between the

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first day you're gonna train the upper

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body again

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you can do the same basic exercise but

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you can also add some isolation

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exercises then on day four you're gonna

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do the core and legs again

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and on day five you're gonna do the

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upper body basic again

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then you can take the weekend off or you

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can do some flexibility or

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cardio and then repeat this whole cycle

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for six weeks

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and then we're gonna move on to the next

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cycle where you're gonna practice the

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so from week seven to week twelve we're

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gonna have a different routine

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and we're gonna split skill training

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from basics training because from our

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own experience

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we noticed that it's most effective and

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most convenient

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to focus on skill training separately

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from basics

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because you only have to focus on one

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specific training style so on the first

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day you're gonna practice

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skills and core together in one workout

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and then on the next day you're gonna do

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basics so these are the pull-ups dips

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push-ups and all the other variations

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on the third day you can do legs or

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cardio or take a rest day

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and from day four you're gonna repeat

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the cycle again

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so day four is gonna be skills and core

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then on day five you're gonna do basics

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on day six you're gonna do legs cardio

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or rest

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and on sunday you're gonna have a rest

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day so this was

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one full week of training and you should

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do this for at least six weeks to see

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significant progress in your skills

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alright guys so this was our

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informational video on how to start

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calisthenics with

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rings only so we hope this was helpful

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make sure to use all the tips and also

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start implementing the routine that

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young just gave you

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and also guys if you need a pair of

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rings we have developed our own rings

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made especially for calisthenics because

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these rings are with a slightly thicker

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grip than usual which is optimal

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for calisthenics training so if you want

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to get a pair make sure to check the

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link in the description

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and also if you want a full training

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routine a full training ebook with much

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information about calisthenics different

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training routines different training

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you can just download this ebook for

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free down below

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so guys that's it for this video we hope

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that this was helpful

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make sure to put your thumbs up and also

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subscribe for more videos in the future

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peace out peace out guys

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