How to Start Calisthenics | Best Beginner Workout Routine

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what's up guys it's Michael and yamakawa

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here from kinesthetics family welcome to

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this informational video if you want to

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start with chemist Enix but you don't

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know how then this video might be very

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helpful for you why because in this

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video we are going to explain three

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different topics that are really

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important to know if you want to start

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with calisthenics and we're also gonna

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explain the routine that we did in the

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beginning and we're gonna tell you why

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you should try this routine as well so

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stay tuned and enjoy video

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alright guys so today we are making this

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video because recently we got

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overwhelmed with a lot of comments on a

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recent Body Transformation video if you

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haven't seen that video then we suggest

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you to check that one out first you can

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click on the link here in the corner and

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then we can move on to this video

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alright so today first we will start

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with the three really important topics

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that you should know if you want to

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start with calisthenics and at the end

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of the video we will also give you a

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routine that you can use for yourself if

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you want to start with calisthenics for

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body weight training in general but

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before we get into this video please

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consider to subscribe to our channel if

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you haven't yet and also don't forget to

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like this video if you find this video

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helpful so without further ado let's get

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right into it alright guys so the first

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topic also our advice to you guys is to

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master the bodyweight basics first with

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the basics we mean the exercises such as

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the push-ups the pull-ups and the dips

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before you start with calisthenics it is

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essential that you master the basics

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but before we get more into this topic

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we can say that two different groups

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that are watching this video right now

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the first group are people that have

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never actually trained before for

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example the people that are quite young

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let's say 14 years or younger or people

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have just never got into sports and want

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to make a change now for those people it

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is so important to work on a solid

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butter its strength foundation before

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you will get into harder stuff because

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if you don't chances of injuries are

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really really big also if you find

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yourself having over weights probably

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due to a lack of training experience it

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is so much more efficient and logical to

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start training which are on body weight

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to burn off those calories why because

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it's so much easier to create an

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effective high-intensity workout for the

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people that have overweight then instead

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letting them do low intensity gym

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exercises on a machine for example

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another reason why we think it's

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important why you should master the

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basics is because it's the more natural

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way why should you train with extra

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weights if you can't even train with

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your own body weights just yet just

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about it so a short start and master the

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basic bodyweight exercises first why to

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prevent injuries to lose overall body

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fat quicker and because it's the more

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natural way to Train first body weight

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then extra weights all right so these

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we're our recommendations for the first

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group for the people that don't have any

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experience training experience just yet

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then for the second group the people

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that already have some kind of training

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experience for example people that are

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going to the gym or doing any other

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we actually belong to this group as well

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because when we started with

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calisthenics we also went to the gym

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before from our experience we learned

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that it's still super important to get

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back to the 40 weight basic exercises

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although you might think that you

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already are pretty strong

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why because form technique and execution

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of the exercise can always be improved

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especially for this group that probably

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does push-ups or pull-ups with half

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range of motion just like we did in the

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beginning and that's exactly what we

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don't want with get aesthetics we try to

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do every repetition as clean and strict

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as possible so you will get strong in

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the full range of motion of the exercise

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which will be really really essential in

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the latest stadium and when you're doing

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calisthenics if you want to work up to

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exercise like a muscle up a handstand

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push up or other advanced exercises

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alright guys so let's talk about the

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goals that you should strive for with

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the basic bodyweight exercises before

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you get into the more advanced

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Callanetics exercises the goals that you

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should strive for are a minimum of 10

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Strickland pull-ups 15 strict form dips

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and also 20 strict form push-ups if you

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can't do these yet there's no reason to

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work on harder exercises such as the

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muscle up exactly for a handstand

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push-up or anything else alright so that

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was all about the first topic now let's

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move on to the second topic and also our

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advice to you as a beginner is to work

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on a really really strong core why

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because with calisthenics or bodyweight

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training the core is always involved

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there is just no way to neglect the core

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and anybody

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exercise we will give you a short

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example just look at a push-up and the

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branch press for example with the bench

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press you just lay down on the bench and

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kinda deactivate your core and only give

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power with your shoulders arms and chest

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well in a push-up the core is really

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active because it needs to hold up the

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entire body this small comparison is

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just a quick example how bodyweight

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training works and why the core is

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always involved just a quick fun fact

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when I personally did 110 push-ups in a

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row and when I fell to the ground it was

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actually not my arms shoulders and chest

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that gave up but it was my core I

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couldn't hold it to stay in a plank

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position and anymore and that's why I

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felt on the ground so this is the

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ultimate proof why the core is so

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important and should be trade very very

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hard with calisthenics or bodyweight

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training but of course guys the push-up

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example is still a relatively easy

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exercise that doesn't need much core

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strength but if you really want to get

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into the more advanced skills like a

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front knee for or exactly for or even a

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plant or a human flag then a strong core

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is really really essential

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why because with these kind of exercises

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the feet are not grounded on the floor

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anymore just like with the push-up but

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they are actually in the air so you can

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already imagine how much core strength

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is required to keep those legs up in the

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air right so that leads us to the next

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step which is don't train for a six-pack

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don't train the apps but trade for a

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really strong core guys we see so many

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people that wants to get a six-pack and

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start training their apps by doing these

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kind and gym exercises like those

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exercises with a dumbbell on the side

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cable sit-ups and of course you can make

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get a 6-pack with these exercises but

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they will just not give you the core

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strength that is required for

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calisthenics exercises that you might

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want to learn so instead of doing these

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kind of ab exercises please start doing

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like leg races those two bars hollow

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body holds Superman Holt's elbow planks

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sight elbow planks and if you do these

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exercises guys in combination with the

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compound bodyweight exercises we promise

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you that six-pack will definitely come

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so what are the goals that we recommend

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you guys to strive for with the core

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well we always say strife at least for a

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one-minute elbow plank a one-minute

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hollow body hold and also 10 leg raises

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if you want to work up to more advanced

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skills such as a back lever for example

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alright guys so that was all about the

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second subject why you should strive for

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a really strong core and now we're going

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to move on to the next subject

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and our next advice and that is that you

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should work on your flexibility and

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mobility if you are a beginner at

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calisthenics at least why if you don't

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have any training experience you

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probably have tired muscles such as

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tight hamstrings for example but also

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people that do have training experience

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for example the people that go to the

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gym often have even more stiff muscles

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and joints due to all the isolation work

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and not stretching the muscles after a

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good gym session in mobile shoulders are

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very very common with this group of

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people it was the same I'd like us when

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we started with calisthenics and only

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had gym experience but first let's have

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a closer look to flexibility what is it

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and why do you need it as a beginner

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calisthenics athlete flexibility is the

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amount of stretch that you can get in

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the muscle also called the muscle length

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with kinesthetics a large muscle length

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or flexibility is essential for certain

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exercises for example a handstand or a

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back lift which requires hamstring

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flexibility to straighten out the legs

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and secondly mobility what is it and why

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do you need it as a beginner

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calisthenics add me mobility is the

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movement capacity of the joints so it

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tells you how far a bone can move in a

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certain direction so the more mobile the

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joint is the further the bone can move a

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large mobility is essential for

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calisthenics because you ask your body

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to move in

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unknown positions for example think of a

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skin the cat where your complete body

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hangs upside down on your shoulder

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capsule so working on flexibility and

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mobility is really important because it

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just helps you to move better which is

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so important with calisthenics and next

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to that it also prevents injuries

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alright guys so that was all about the

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first three topics that are really

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important to know if you want to start

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with calisthenics first of all working

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on basic bodyweight strength

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secondly working on a really really

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strong core and at last working on and

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increasing your mobility and flexibility

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so now what kind of routine should you

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do if you want to implement all these

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three aspects in a weekly workout

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routine well there are endless

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possibilities that you can think of and

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also what we have tried consider for

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example a split routine where you train

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each muscle group separately or a

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push-pull leg routine or an upper or

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lower body routine however from our own

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training experience we notice that a

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routine that works with a sequence of

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one training day and one recovery day it

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works best for calisthenics why because

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with calisthenics you always train

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multiple muscles at the same time

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because it's a functional way of

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training and we also know that the body

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needs at least 48 hours to rest to

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recover in the most optimal way so

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therefore we created this own routine

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for ourselves like two years ago and

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that is exactly what we recommend you to

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do the same so let's have a closer look

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to the actual routine the first day you

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focus on the basic body weight strength

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it is your strength training day then

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the second day you focus on the core and

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flexibility for example forward folding

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and back bending then the next day day

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three your muscles should be recovered

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from the first day so you can work on

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the basics again then they fourth you

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can work on the core and the flexibility

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and mobility again and then on day six

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you can work on the basic body strength

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again so in total you will be training

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the basic body weight strength for three

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times in a week which is more than

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enough if you want to

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with get aesthetics and like we said

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guys we tried so many different routines

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and this routine it was just a routine

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that works best for us and that we still

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do mainly I think also because if you

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work on a sequence with one day like a

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strength training day it is also

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mentally easier to fully focus one day

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on one strength training day and then

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the next day you focus on more the core

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recovery flexibility and mobility and

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then the next day you are just

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completely ready for the next strength

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training day so that is what we do we

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don't say that this is the best routine

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but it is just what we do and then we

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advise you to do the same alright guys

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so that was it about this video we

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actually made a free calisthenics ebook

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which you can find all this information

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that we just discussed in this video

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again you can just easily read it and

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there's so much more information in this

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free ebook for example about nutrition

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different training principles and also

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the workout routines that we share today

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and other routines just laid out for you

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that you can just easy implement for

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yourself so definitely make sure to

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check that one out you can find the link

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down here in the description it's the

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first link you can just download it and

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it is free so that was it about this

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video we hope that you like this video

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and if you find it informational or

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helpful for you please please like this

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video and subscribe for new videos in

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the future and that was it guys peace

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out peace out guys alright guys first of

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all thanks for watching this video and

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one important thing one update that we

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want to make we are currently organizing

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a calisthenics Fitness retreat and one

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really cool update is that we are going

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to organize this together with Stan

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brownie he is going to join us and

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organize this retreat the retreat is

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basically four days with us and Stan

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brownie of working out workshops classes

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of course enjoying at the beach doing

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some cool activities as well and it is

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actually for a really really good deal

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now we don't make any profit out of this

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so if you're interested in this just

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check the link in the description and

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hopefully you can come

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with us and have a really really good

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time with us and a pizza so that was it

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and we check you in the next video guys

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peace out peace

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