How to Start Calisthenics at Home? | Best Week Routine | No Equipment

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what's up guys it's michael and yannick

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over here from calisthenics family

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welcome to this informational video so

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if you're currently sitting at home or

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you don't have access to a calisthenics

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park or to the gym then this video is

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going to be very helpful for you why

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because we're gonna show you the best

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full week workout routine that you can

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do at home without any equipment and

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actually we have already been doing this

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for years we started with bodyweight

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training at our own backyard in our own

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homes so we're gonna show you the

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perfect way to start with bodyweight

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training at home yes exactly so in this

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video we're gonna cover a full routine

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which consists out of three full body

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workouts and also if you want to train

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more often four or even five or six

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times per week we're also gonna cover

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this at the end of the video so stay

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tuned guys

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alright guys so welcome to this video

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like yonick said in this video we're

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gonna cover the most optimal workout

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routine that you can perform at home

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without any equipment so why do we

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choose for a three-time full-body

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workout routine it's because from our

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own training experience in the beginning

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we noticed that this was the most

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optimal way to progress with each single

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muscle group but it's also the most

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accessible way of training to maintain

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and to start with bodyweight training

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because it doesn't take much time if you

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only train three times per week for like

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one hour so that routine would basically

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be the best and most optimal way

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for beginners but i can also imagine

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that you already have more training

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experience so then a training routine

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with more days for example four five or

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six days per week would be actually

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better and that is what we covered in

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the end of this video so stay tuned for

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all right guys so let's start with the

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first workout in this particular workout

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we're gonna focus mainly on the push

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exercises but also we're gonna hit all

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the other areas uh of the muscles the

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full body workout and we have been

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doing all these workouts also with our

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clients and that is just what works

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really well to maintain and also gain

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muscle mass or to stay fit so let's jump

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into the first workout you can do this

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workout for example on the first day on

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monday so let's get straight into this

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alright guys so welcome to the first

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workout with this workout we're gonna

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focus mainly on all the pushing

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exercises so that involves the chest and

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the triceps and the shoulders we're

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gonna start off with the push-ups and

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exercise for the chest we're gonna aim

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for eight to twelve reps with each

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so with the push-up make sure that

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you're gonna perform this exercise with

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full range of motion so that means

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bringing your chest all the way to the

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floor and pressing back up towards

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straight arms also make sure to have

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your complete body as straight as

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so the next exercise is going to be the

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pike walks and this exercise is for the

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shoulders so we basically gonna move

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towards a plank position and back

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towards a pike position

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try to keep your shoulders and arms as

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straight as possible during the whole

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movement and when you're coming down

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make sure that you have come in a plank

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with this exercise aim for six

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repetitions and if you can try to do

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eight or ten repetitions

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the next exercise is going to be

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another pushing exercise and this is the

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tricep extension

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and this exercise

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is mainly of course for the triceps so

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we basically gonna bring our hands in

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front of our head as you can see right

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here in straight arms and from here

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we're gonna bring our elbows towards the

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floor make sure that you turn your

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elbows inwards so you activate your

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complete triceps during this exercise

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it's an isolation exercise for the

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triceps so make sure to

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bring them in

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so the next exercise is a pulling

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movement this is called the australian

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pull-up for this exercise we're going to

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grab a table that's probably in your

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living room

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make sure that you stand on your feet

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and perform this exercise with the best

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range of motion that is possible

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the next exercise is going to be the

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squats of course for the legs with this

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exercise we want to do 8 to 12 reps

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again and if you can you can also do

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more repetitions of course so with this

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exercise we gonna aim for a 90 degree

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angle in our knees

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but if you're already a little bit more

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experienced with leg training then you

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can also do the full squat

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the last exercise is going to be for the

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abs and mainly focus on the lower abs

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it's called the leg raise

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we're going to place our arms on the

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floor and by pressing into the floor

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makes this exercise a little bit easier

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um make sure to have your legs straight

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as possible and bring them down and up

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all right guys so that was the first

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workout it was a push focus workout and

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you want to make sure to have at least

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48 hours of rest between the first and

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the second workout because that is

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optimal for muscle recovery so the

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second workout is going to be a pull

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focused workout so we're gonna start off

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with two pull exercises so get ready

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guys for the second workout

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break it up

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alright guys so welcome to the second

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workout of this routine with this

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workout we mainly gonna focus on all the

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pulling exercises so that involves the

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back and the biceps so that's why we're

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gonna start off with chin ups underneath

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the table again here in the living room

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make sure that you bring your chest as

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close as possible towards the table and

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also stand on your feet otherwise you're

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definitely gonna lose your balance

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so after we finish this first exercise

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we're gonna move on to the lat slides

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also an exercise for your back mainly

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for your lats

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it's probably a new exercise for you

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try to have your

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arms as straight as possible

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and make sure that you

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slide on your toes

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that's really important otherwise you

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won't be able to do this exercise so

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definitely wear socks and make sure to

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pull your complete body forward

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so the next exercise is called the bicep

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dip it's quite a rare exercise this

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exercise focuses on the biceps

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because we're having our hands in a

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supinated grip again

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we're targeting the biceps

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try to go as deep as possible and make

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sure that you have your arms as straight

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as possible when you're coming up and

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lean a little bit forward this way

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you're targeting your biceps even more

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so the next exercise is called the

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diamond push-ups with this exercise we

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focus on the chest again and especially

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on the mid section of your chest make

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sure to do this exercise with full range

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of motion again so go all the way

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towards the floor with your chest and

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press back up until you have straight

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the next exercise is the lunge this

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exercise is of course for your legs so

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we're gonna alternate in between the

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moving forward with the right leg and

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then moving forward with the left leg

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make sure that your knee is never gonna

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be in front of your toes otherwise

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you're definitely going to get injuries

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so the last exercise is for the abs

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again and with this exercise we're going

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to focus on the upper

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part of your abs and that's why we're

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doing crunches so mainly you want to

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focus on bringing your upper back off

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the ground

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don't pull

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on your head but just grab your ears and

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look upwards as you can see right here

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so you have a neutral spine

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all right guys so that was the second

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workout the more pull focus workout so

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after this workout make sure that you

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your proteins

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right after the workout and

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also 48 hours rest and now it's probably

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wednesday or thursday so um now you're

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going to move on to the last workout of

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this week so it's going to be a more lag

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focused training so make sure to hit a

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lot of carbs before the training to get

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your energy in and start with this

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all right guys so the last workout is

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a lag focused workout so that's why

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we're going to start off with a leg

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and this time with a quite new and

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probably difficult exercise the pistol

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squats but to make this exercise more

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accessible for everyone that is watching

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right now we're gonna use the couch to

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do half range of motion vessel squats so

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basically you're gonna sit on the couch

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with one a leg actually and from there

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you're gonna initiate the squat

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all right so the second exercise is also

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in leg exercise this one is called the

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side lunge so we're basically gonna move

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from the left side towards the right

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side by bringing our glutes backwards

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also with this exercise really focus on

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not bringing your knees in front of your

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so then we're going to move on to the

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abdominal exercises this one is the

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windshield wiper

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with this exercise we mainly focus on

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the side abs also called the obliques so

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we're basically gonna move with straight

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legs from left to right

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and after this exercise we're gonna do

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an isometric exercise the hollow body

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hold and this exercise focuses on the

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whole core so that involves your upper

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abs your lower abs and also your

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obliques so make sure to bring your legs

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up in straight position and bring your

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upper back

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from the floor so after doing the leg

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exercises and the core exercises we're

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going to move on to the

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exercises for the upper body we're going

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to start off with the shoulder exercise

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this one is the bike push-up it's quite

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a hard exercise actually you can also do

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them on your knees but make sure to

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bring your head in front of your hands

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to really target your shoulders

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so the next exercise is

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a pulling movement the bicep rose so

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it's basically an isolation exercise for

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the biceps so we're gonna grab the table

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again and make sure to grab the table

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with a supinated grip and bring your

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head towards the table just like a bicep

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that you're doing in the gym alright

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guys so that was the full week routine

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three full body workouts that you can do

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i hope that you have an idea on how you

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can train at home right now without any

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equipment and also guys we also have

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made a complete no equipment home

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workout program with more routines as

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well actually four

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programs in one program because we have

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a workout routine with three days with

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four days with five days and six days so

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we have used multiple workout methods

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for example a

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full body routine a split routine a

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push-pull leg routine and also a upper

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and lower body routines so it's made for

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men and women at any level so if you

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want to stay fit gain muscle mass

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or even maybe prepare for calisthenics

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the harder exercises that we do so then

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check this program it's the perfect

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program to start without any equipment

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so to motivate you guys and also to help

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you out we have a discount code only

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available for the first two weeks after

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release of the program so after today

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with 25 discount on this program right

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now so you can check all the links down

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in the description yes exactly so if

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you're training at home we have also got

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a lot of important tips for you make

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sure you don't have any distraction

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because training at home can often be

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difficult for your motivation because

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it's your home environment and so make

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sure to put some music on get off all

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social media um and make sure to prepare

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for the workout and also make sure to

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track your progress with a log book and

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the program that michael just talked

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about also includes log books for each

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workout routine so that is covered in a

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program and if you got any other

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questions about calisthenics or

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bodyweight training or training at home

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without equipment

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feel free to leave your comment and we

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will be answering your questions as soon

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as possible so we really hope that this

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video helps you out in these times and

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make sure to stay safe help each other

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out and we'll see you in the next video

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peace out guys peace out

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it

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if anyone's looking to start

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calisthenics i would highly recommend

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it'll it'll do the same for you i'm

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gordon and i've been with calisthenics

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family for almost three months now and

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all the time i've had yannick as my

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trainer like michael orioni can just be

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like that little extra push to keep you

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going you're also seeing the pictures

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i'm really proud of myself that what i

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achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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shake it up shake it up she got

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