How to Russian Dip / Elbow Dip | Calisthenics Tutorial

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what's up guys it's jalek here from

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calisthenics family and today i'm gonna

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show you guys how to do

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the russian dip so let's get started

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all right guys so the russian dip is a

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really cool skill to unlock and it's

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also often called

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the elbow dip because it's basically a

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dip where you get

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from the elbows to watch a regular dip

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and push all the way up

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so like i said it's really a cool move

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to unlock but besides

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that it's just a cool move it really is

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a good exercise for

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explosive push exercises and think about

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the muscle up

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think about the clapping dip or some

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freestyle moves so

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it's really a good skill to unlock

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like calisthenics skills like the muscle

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up so let's get started with the

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technique so first i'm going to cover

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the technique of this exercise so how to

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perform this exercise

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then i'm going to show you guys a few

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exercises to get really

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stronger for this exercise so that's

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basically strengthening

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the shoulders and the triceps so let's

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get started with the rushing dip itself

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so i'm first going to show you guys what

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it looks like

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the start position is just like a

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regular dip

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make sure that you have a elevated

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scapula like this

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first you're gonna go all the way down

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you're gonna lean backwards so this is

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the end position of the russian dip

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next up you wanna go all the way up from

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this position

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so that's the russian did so this

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basically consists out of a few parts so

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like you just saw me doing first of all

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you're gonna go

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to start position then you're gonna dip

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you're actually gonna do a very deep dip

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as deep as possible

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and then you're gonna lower down until

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you have the elbow

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on the bars and from this it's really

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important to first

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when you first want to unlock this move

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to create momentum

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to really swing into this move so it's

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basically your elbows are going to

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come up automatically

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when you use the swing correctly and

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when you master the russian dip with a

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you can focus on doing the russian dip

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without a swing

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so let's do this step by step

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start position

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as deep as possible

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then you're going to drop from here

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you're going to create momentum

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so what you're going to do is your upper

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body is going to go

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backwards and your lower body is going

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to go forward so you can practice this

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by basically just doing this

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so you can already see that i'm making

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speed to get on top of the bar so let's

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do this

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three two one

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like that so one more dip

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drop momentum

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and dip so that's basically

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how this moves look like and how you can

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cut this booth into pieces to practice

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this move

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for yourself all right guys so this was

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the technical part of this exercise so

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now let's move on to three

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really important exercises to strengthen

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the russian depth so let's go

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all right so the first exercise is the

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deep dip so we also covered this

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exercise in a

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technical part so that's basically a

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regular dip

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but you go as deep as possible so

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with your shoulders as close to your

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hands as possible

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so why is this exercise so important

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because when you're gonna do the russian

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you're always gonna end up like this

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when you do the job

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so let me show this real quick so as you

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can see

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i end in this position and from here you

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just gotta have the strength to

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push yourself all the way up and that's

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exactly what you're gonna work on

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with this deep dip all right so with a

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deep dip it's really important that you

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do this move

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controlled when you go downwards and

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really explosive

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when you go upwards and you only want to

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focus on three or four repetitions where

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you really really focus

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on making the move very explosive so

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it's going to look like this

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so this is the downward movement slowly

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and then go up explosive one more

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so if you're gonna mess this exercise

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you really won't have any troubles

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by going from here and then do the

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rushing dip

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so this was actually practicing the

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first part of the russian dip

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that is a deep dip now let's move on to

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the second exercise where we're gonna

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focus on the strength

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that you need to go from here to here so

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that's gonna be

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the advanced tricep extension

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all right so the second exercise starts

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basically uh like a bench dip

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so that's the um the beginner part of

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this exercise

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and after this exercise we're gonna make

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it a little bit harder by doing advanced

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tricep extensions

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so when you're going to start with this

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exercise you want to do

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the bench dip but then on parallettes

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that's going to look like this

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so with this exercise you're really

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gonna strengthen your triceps

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and your shoulders so when you can do

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this for

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like eight or ten repetitions you can

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walk a little bit backward

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but your hands gonna stay on the same

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position on the parallettes

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you really want to focus on bringing

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your elbows

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all right so this was the advanced

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tricep extension now let's do one more

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exercise to get stronger for the russian

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dip that's gonna be the jumping muscle

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all right guys so this is the last

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exercise so it's basically a jumping

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muscle up but then on the parallel bar

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so it won't

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really look like a muscle up but it's

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basically the same thing so what you

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want to do

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is you want to grab the bar and you're

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going to just use the strength of your

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to go on top of the bar so like this

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it's basically the same movement as the

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russian dip but then you're going to use

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the legs

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this is really an exercise that you want

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to do for like 8 to 12 repetitions

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and when you find this exercise already

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a little bit easy

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you can make this harder by just jumping

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with one leg or just focus on

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jumping less as possible and get more

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strength out of your triceps so

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let's do six repetitions like this

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you really want to focus on trying to

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lift yourself up

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with the strength of your upper body

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instead instead of your legs

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six so this exercise but also the other

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exercises has a huge carry over onto

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duration dip

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so if you master these three exercises

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i'm gonna assure you that you have the

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brushing dip

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in no time all right guys so these were

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the exercises and also the technique

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explanation of the russian dip

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to work on this skill and if you want to

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learn the skill we've also implemented

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this skill

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into the full journey program you all

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learn the skill already

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in the second phase which is the

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intermediate phase so if you're

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interested in this program

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check out the links in the description

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so that's it for today

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let us know if you want to learn another

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skill so we will cover this in one of

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the next videos so

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please like the video subscribe and i'll

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see you next week

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peace out

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