How to Make Calisthenics EASY for everybody

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all right guys so today we're going to

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show you how you can make calisthenics

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easier because for most of the beginners

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calisthenics exercises can still be

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quite advanced

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think of a pull-up or a dip most of you

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that start with calisthenics and haven't

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any training before can be quite

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challenging to start right away with the

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pull-up or the dip

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so we're going to show you several ways

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how you can decrease

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the intensity of the exercise so you

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will be able to do the exercises at

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any level but before we gonna start this

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video guys we want to do a short

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we introduced our new calisthenics

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basics course that we are

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releasing very soon like we said it's

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our biggest project

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so far we've been putting a lot of work

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into this course it's not only

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it's not like a worker plan it's a

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complete course with a theory part and

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also a practical part maybe you can tell

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a little bit more about project

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yes exactly so there's a calisthenics

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program but that is only at the end of

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the course

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before that we have a huge part which is

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uh 100

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theory so you will learn everything

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about every exercise

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we have multiple regressions and

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progressions so

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even if you are a ultra beginner you

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will learn everything about the basics

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of calisthenics

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yes exactly so if you want to get

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notified when we release this course

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make sure to sign up in the sign up form

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down below and also in the link

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right here and you will get a discount

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if you sign up as one of the first

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sign-ups in the first 100 people so

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without further ado

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let's get into today's subject all right

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guys so let's get started with today's

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video and in today's video

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we're gonna pick four exercises which

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are considered

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as basic exercise but are still a little

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bit too hard for some of the beginners

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out there so

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we're gonna explain how you can make

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this exercise easier

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and we're gonna pick several methods on

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how you can make this exercise easier so

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let's start with the first exercise and

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that's going to be the pull-up

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so for a pull-up you obviously need a

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pull-up bar

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and a regular pull-up looks like this

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but that can still be too hard for most

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of us so

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um how you can make it easier there are

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three ways

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that i'm gonna explain the first one is

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by doing jumping pull-ups so you're

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actually gonna use

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the strength of your legs to get you on

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top of the bar

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so what you're going to do you're going

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to grab the bar

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you're going to do slight jump

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so this bar is a little bit too high for

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me so what you want to do

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is you want to pick a bar like this so

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you can grab it while you're standing

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and then jump

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jump so that is the first method

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to make the pull up easier and the

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second method is with a resistance band

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so these bands are available in

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different sizes

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i'm going to pick this one and what you

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want to do

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you want to step into the band with one

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feet or two

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this bench is going to help you to get

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so if you have so if you have access to

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bands i would really recommend

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to use them for the purpose of making

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your pull-ups easier

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so the third way to make a pull-up

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easier is by doing

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negative repetitions and for this

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exercise we're going to use this box

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so we don't need this one anymore so

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you're going to step

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into the box and you're going to start

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on top of the bar so you want to grab

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the bar

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a little bit wider than shoulder width

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and you're going to start

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with your chin above the bar and from

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you're going to lower down as slow as

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then you're going to get loose from the

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bar and do another repetition

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so try to make the downward movement for

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about five seconds

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and with this method you will really

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build the strength

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in your back muscles that will

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ultimately enable you to unlock the

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pull-up without any assistance

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alright guys so that was the pull-up now

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let's over to the second

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main exercise in calisthenics which is

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the dip so i'm gonna perform

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like a normal dip on the dip bars right

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so it looks like this grab the bar

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deep press your shoulders from here lean

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90 degree angle in your elbows and go up

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so this is how a correct dip looks like

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but of course can be quite challenging

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if you have never done this exercise

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so there are also a few ways how you can

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make this exercise

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easier so the first one is by using a

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box again

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i'm gonna use this box

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you can do bench dips or

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box dips in this in this case so grab

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the box

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right here step forward

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deep press your shoulders again and make

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the dip

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90 degree angle in your elbows

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if this is too hard you can also bring

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your feet in

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and do it like this

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so that's the first way how you can make

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the regular dip

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easier the second one is by using an

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assisted band again

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most of the people don't even know that

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you can train the dips with an

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it's actually very easy you grab the

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band like this

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in your hands you can either do it in

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your knees or

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with your feet i'm going to do it with

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my feet in the bed

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so you step into the bend just like this

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go up and the band will help you to do

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the dips

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make sure to lean a little bit forward

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again elbows stay in the same position

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and ultimately you can choose a lighter

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band or a thicker band

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to work to regular dips and the last way

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how we can make the dips easier

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is by using an explosive movement again

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by doing a jump it looks like this

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gonna grab the bar again and now we're

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not doing multiple repetitions with only

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one repetition

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each time by using the momentum of our

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knees by

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doing a little squat just like this and

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it can also be quite challenging to stay

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in this position

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already if you're new to dips so that's

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basically the three ways how you can

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make the dip easier alright guys so that

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was the second exercise let's move on to

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the third exercise and that will be

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the body weight row also known as the

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australian pull-up

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so for this exercise we're going to use

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a low bar

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the regular row looks like this so

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you're going to

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lean back and pull your chest towards

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the bar

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like this shoulder hands a little bit

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wider and shoulder width

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so how to make this exercise easier the

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first and best method is to

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have a different elevation so you're

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just going to walk forward

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to be able to stand a little bit more

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upright like this and then

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pull the bar towards your belly or your

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chest like this

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so this is very easy for me if you want

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to make a little bit harder

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just do a little step forward like this

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until you can ultimately make it to

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this angle

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so that was the first way to make this

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exercise easier you can also do this by

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using an

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assistance band and this method might be

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new to you to use an assistant band with

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australian pull-ups but you can use it

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and you can

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you can do it in the following way grab

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the band like this

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behind your back and grab the bar

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and as you can see the band will help me

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to get to watch the bar so if i'm gonna

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do a regular row like this

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the band is gonna make it easier for me

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it's also a really good way to progress

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to a new progression

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with the row uh for example you only

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didn't did it lower right now

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so then you can progress away like a

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newer and harder variation

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while using the band yes exactly so just

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one more method

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to make this exercise easier that is by

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bending your knees

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so the the best way of or the good way

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to perform this exercise is with

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straight legs

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because then you have to incorporate

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your core which have to make your body

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straight like this but you can make this

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exercise easier by just

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bending your knees so you don't have to

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use your core

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to keep your hips in front you just

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can do the exercise like this and you

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have a little bit more

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stabilization while performing this

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exercise so this

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is one method to make the exercise

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easier as well so

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that was the third exercise the

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bodyweight row

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all right so now let's move on to the

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very last exercise

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probably the main exercise the push-up

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so the push-up that looks like this

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starts on the floor

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shoulder hands and shoulder weight apart

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and from here

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lower all the way down and get back up

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in a scapula protraction

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but of course for some of you this might

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also be

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too challenging to start off with so

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there's several ways how you can

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decrease the intensity of this exercise

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the first one

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would be in my opinion the best one is

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by doing

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an incline push-up so you can use an

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elevation again

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a box or a bench or if you trade at home

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your couch

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grab the box and play with the angle of

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the exercise

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so you place your hands again and

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shoulder width apart

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and from here straight body activate

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your core and your glutes

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and move towards the box

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all the way and get back up

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the reason why i think this is the best

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way to decrease the intensity for

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push-ups is because you're doing the

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same exercise

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the body stays in the same position

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you're using your core you're doing full

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range of motion

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but only the angle of the exercise

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decreases which makes this exercise

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easier so then if this one is still too

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hard you can also do

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knee push-ups of course looks like this

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start on the floor this time from a

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plank position

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your knees on the ground and from here

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go all the way down

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and back up you can make it a little bit

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by bringing the knees even further away

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from your body

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and then the very last way is by doing

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with the push-up if you want to go from

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a knee push-up to a regular push-up

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this one is really good start

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in the plank position and now we're

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going to do negatives so we

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slowly gonna lower ourselves down just

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like this for five seconds

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one two three

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four five and repeat this as many times

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as you can

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so that was the last exercise the

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push-up so now you have

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four exercises and three ways per

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exercise how you can decrease the

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intensity of the exercise

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and like we said we're coming out with a

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calisthenics bass

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course with a lot of different exercises

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just like these with a lot of

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progressions and regression of each

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exercise showing you all the clues all

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the details all the intention points

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that you need to

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work around with in this video we just

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showed you everything

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quite fast several ways how you can

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adjust the exercise within the course we

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show you

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everything in full detail with lots of

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instructional videos as well

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so if you want to get notified of this

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course it's coming out really soon make

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sure to sign up down below and also

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check the link right here yes exactly so

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why did we make this course

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it's basically because we just know that

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there are so many people who

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just cannot do a dip a push-up or a

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pull-up and yet

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so many people on youtube so many

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are categorizing these exercises as the

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but they are just so many people who

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cannot perform these exercises yet so

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with this course we're not going to

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explain only

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these basic exercises but we're going to

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show you many regressions and also

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progressions and we're going to explain

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them in full details alright guys so

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that's it for the video and make sure to

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sign up for the course

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and we see you in the next video peace

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out subscribe

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peace out

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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it will do the same for you i'm gordon

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and i've been with calisthenics family

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almost three months now and all the time

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i've had yannick as my trainer

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like mike orianna can just be like that

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little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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