How To Learn The Handstand Pushup For Beginners
hey guys michael here from calisthenics family, do you want the handstand push-up?
do you want to be able to train with your own body weight?
then this is the perfect video for you to watch, in this video we show 5 different exercises
who have helped us tremendously with handstand push-ups
these are a number of exercises that you have probably never seen on youtube before
so keep watching and especially
enjoy the video
as with any exercise, we must of course start with the basis
and the basis of handstand push-ups are the pike push ups
With this exercise you have to push your head forward and keep your arm in a 90 degree angle at the bottom
try to do about 15 reps of this in total
if this is successful, you can proceed to the next progression
where you put your legs on an elevation this is the elevated pike pushup
you want to try about 10 repetitions
Now you make it a bit more difficult for yourself because you are already putting the weight a little higher
and more towards the handstand pushup
the next exercise is the pushup with the belly against a wall
this exercise is already a lot heavier since you now have legs straight up
just like in the handstand position.
This exercise requires a lot of power from the front of your shoulders
and that is exactly the muscle group you want to trigger for the handstand pushup
the next exercise is an exercise that you have probably not seen before
that is the head-stand pushup and this exercise requires a lot of coordination and balance
what you are going to do, you put your head on an elevation, I use weights.
you try to push up explosively from a stationary position
this way you train the handstand pushup slightly differently
because you now start all the way from the end position
you also try to remove the legs from the wall and push up from there
and just keep the balance and then make the push-up again
now the advanced variant
that is of course the same exercise but without a wall
Of course you should be comfortable with your handstand here,
With this exercise you really work at the handstand pushup. So you do exactly the same.
you put your head on an elevation and try to push up
especially the part downwards requires a lot of strength and coordination in your shoulders
so you train both concentrically and eccentric in this exercise
try to make about 3 to 5 repetitions
and then you can remove a weight
which will make you do an even deeper handstand push-up
making you work more towards the full handstand pushup
the next exercise are negative handstand pushups
you start in a handstand position and you let yourself lower slowly
and you try to stop yourself in a 90 degree angle
we call this also isometric training and is very good to increase the muscle load
and that's exactly what we need with the handstand pushup
since it is often difficult
to make the handstand pushup in that 90 degree angle
if this is successful for 15 seconds you can also try without a wall
where you try to hold at least five seconds
and try to count it for yourself -1, 2, 3, 4, 5
so slowly lower. This was an eccentric movement
and then we arrive at the last exercise. this is really the best exercise that has helped us
to learn the full handstand pushup
Namely the handstand pushup pulses. these are small movements that you make
so that your body can get used to the position in the final exercise
if you can make about five repetitions try to go a bit deeper
until you finally work towards the full handstand pushup
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and I wonder how much handstand push-ups you can against the wall or without the wall
and which variant you think is easier, on the ground or on the parallettes
I personally find the parallettes a lot easier as you see here
and as the last guys if you also want to develop muscles by working on this kind of cool exercises
Then go to
and sign up for one of our calistics programs
thanks for watching and I see you in the next video, peace out guys!