How to Learn the HANDSTAND at HOME | Beginner Calisthenics Tutorial

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what's up guys it's Michael fear from

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calisthenics family and in this video

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we're gonna show you how you can learn

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the handstand

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at home so let's get this video started

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morning Abed

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mommy mommy oh gosh

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morning alright guys so welcome to this

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video so if you want to learn the hand

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sense from home then this video is

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definitely gonna help you out because

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we're gonna show you a complete handsome

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guy started from the very beginning

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until you can ultimately do the

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handstand on your own on the floor so we

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have been doing the handstand for like 4

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years right now

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possible to train hand at home and what

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we've noticed from our own experience is

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that the whole Hansen journey actually

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consists out of a few different phases

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and we have prepared exactly those

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phases in this video so we're going to

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show you three different spaces that

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focuses from different areas of the

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handstand so it's really important that

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you work for example on your wrist

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strength on your shoulder mobility on of

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course your shoulder strength and also

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your core strength so within each face

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we're gonna do a few exercises that

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focuses on these different aspects and

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if you can master all those exercises

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within the first phase then you can move

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on to the second phase so for example in

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the first face we're going to focus on

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all the preparation exercises that in

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the second phase we're going to focus on

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the wall handstand so actually trying to

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do the handstand for the very first time

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on the wall and in the third space if

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we're gonna practice the handstand on

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the floor just on your own and also guys

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the problem with most Hansons videos

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that you can find online is that they

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only show you a few progressions of the

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handset itself but they don't show you

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all the different exercises that comes

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with the full Hanson journey from the

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very beginning until being able to do

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the handstand on your own on the floor

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so that is exactly what we're going to

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show you in this video so guys let's get

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started with the first exercises in the

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first phase the preparation phase

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alright guys so welcome to the voiceover

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and welcome to the very first base the

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preparation phase so it's really

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important in this phase to prepare

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yourself your body especially your

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joints and your tendons for the

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handstand so for this exercise we'll

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start off with straight arm strength so

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we're gonna start off with the floor

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bike stand

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if you mess at that one then you can

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move on to the elevated bike stand that

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you can see right here so it's probably

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new for you guys to actually be in a

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straight arm handstand position and that

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is exactly what you need to master so

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try to aim for at least one minute with

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that exercise so the second exercise

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that you see right here our frog stance

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and the first variation actually our

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frog stand kick ups so you're basically

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going to try to be in excellent position

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just jump into the position try to hold

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it maybe for three seconds and if you

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can't hold it just fall forward to get

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yourself so you want to do this for like

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five repetitions and aim for a 30 second

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frog stand hold until you move on to the

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second phase so the next exercise is

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especially for scapular strength so the

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scapula is a really important aspect of

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the handstand it's really important that

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you get some movement going on in this

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area so it's really good to start off

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with the gets to cow post and practice

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so basically you're gonna try to rock

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your upper back as you can see right

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here and then move forward to an arms

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back while keeping your arms completely

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straight during the whole movement so

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the next exercise is the child's pose is

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actually one of the very first exercises

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to increase your shoulder mobility and

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this is a really common mistake with

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most people especially for everyone that

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has a gym background we see a lot of

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people having shoulder struggles so try

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to do this exercise and if you feel more

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comfortable with that exercise you can

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also move on to this one so this one is

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slightly more difficult it's called the

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floor shoulder opener so you want to

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actually try to bring your arms forward

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and bring your chest towards the floor

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so the next exercise is for your core

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strength so you're basically going to be

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in a handstand position on the floor and

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bringing your legs and hands and

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straight arm position from the floor so

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with these core exercises you want to

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aim for 30 seconds to a one-minute hold

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and the last core exercise is the plank

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hold make sure that you have a

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protracted scapula so that means press

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into the ground which are elbows so you

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have a nice Ramnath upper back

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also of course make sure that you have a

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complete straight body with this

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exercise alright guys so that was the

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first space the preparation phase so

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emotionally included all the basic

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exercises and so make sure that you're

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going to combine all these different

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exercises and create a routine out of

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this and once you're feeling comfortable

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with all these exercises then it's time

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to move on to the second space and with

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the second space we're going to focus on

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standing on our hands for the very first

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time so the goal with this face is being

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able to stand on your hands on the wall

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and we're also going to focus on

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different and also a little bit more

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harder exercises for example for

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shoulder strength and also for scapular

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strength so let's get started with the

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second face while hands dead alright

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guys welcome to the second face and with

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this pace we're gonna focus on learning

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the Hansen on the wall I know it's quite

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scary to do this for the first time so

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make sure that you have a really white

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well it allows you to practice the

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handstand so we're going to start with a

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handstand kick-ups make sure that you do

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this with straight arms that's the most

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important thing with the wall handstand

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make sure to do the kick up with one leg

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first and then bring the other leg with

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the first leg up to the wall

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so why should mass at the kick up then

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you can try to hold the wall handstand

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you want to make sure that you are able

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to hold the wall handsome for 60 seconds

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with straight arms and always make sure

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to press into the ground it's like a

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scapular protraction on the floor so

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that's the practice and now I'm gonna

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move on to some exercises that will help

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you getting stronger with the wall

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handstand the first one are shoulder

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taps so with this exercise we're gonna

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bring our wave to the slide and from

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here we're gonna do shoulder taps by

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bringing one hand to one shoulder and

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then alternating twin hands so this

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really improves our handstand

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coordination and also of course straight

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arm strength for the handstand so next

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we're going to do scapula push-ups so in

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the beginning we did the cat to carve

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and now it's gonna be a little bit more

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difficult because we're standing in a

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plank position and we're trying to press

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as hard as we can in the floor and

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ground our upper back by having our arms

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completely straight so try to increase

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your range of motion with each

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repetition and to increase our core

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strength in phase two we're going to

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bring it to the next level by doing

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butterfly holds who are basically going

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to stand on one arm and one leg this is

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a really challenging exercise try to do

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this for 45 seconds 51 minute

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alright guys so that was face to the

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well has sent and you definitely want to

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make sure that you can hold the

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handstand to wall has it at least for

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sixty seconds so I really remember me

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and Yannick aiming for it at sixty

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second hold when we were training for

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the handstand for the very first time

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like a few years ago and only when we

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were able to do that we moved on to the

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free handstand so make sure that you

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mess up all these exercises that I've

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just showed you before moving on to the

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next phase so you want to combine all

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these different exercises into one

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routine and try to practice this for

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three times per week for optimal results

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so now let's get started to the last

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phase phase 3 moving on to the free

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handstand alright guys so welcome to the

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last phase phase 3 learning the free

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handstand so before we start make sure

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that you have enough space to practice

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so the first exercise is the kick up

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again it's really scary to do this for

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the first time and so try to bring your

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legs above your hips by first getting

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one leg off the ground and then moving

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the other one with first leg towards

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your shoulders and hips and then if you

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feel you're from filled with this we can

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move on to the second exercise and that

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is learning how to rotate so when you're

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falling over you have to choose a

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direction that you're gonna face so in

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my case I'm gonna always rotate to the

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left side and when you fall over then

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you have to bring one hand off the floor

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and land on your feet so that's really

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important to match the first before

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moving on to the last phase of the

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handstand practice just the free hand

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cent hold and when practicing the free

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hand cent it's really important that you

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focus on your fingers so your fingers

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are going to be counter forcing the fall

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so really press with your fingers into

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the ground to prevent you from falling

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over so once you know how you can

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practice the handstand is also still

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really good to do some accessory work

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first to increase your straight arm

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shoulder strength you can practice the

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reverse well

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Hansen walks or you can also try to hold

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this exercise try to do like six walks

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and try to hold the Refresh wall hand

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sense for one minute

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so to increase your scapular strength

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even more we're gonna do elevated

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scapula push-ups so by bringing our legs

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in an elevated position there's going to

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be more weight on my shoulders which

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makes this exercise harder than for

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example that scapula push-ups on the

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floor so try to press into the ground

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and try to protract your scapula so and

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for increasing your core strength we're

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gonna practice the hollow body hold try

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to start with the turqu hollow body hold

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for 60 seconds and when you can do that

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it's time to move on to the full auto

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body holds and make sure that you've

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always had to contact with the ground

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with your lower back alright guys so

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that was the last face face 3 the free

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handstand so right now after seeing all

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those different exercises and different

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faces I really hope that you now have an

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idea how you can train your head stance

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at home and that you also know what

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exercises are most important for you

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right now so guys that was the full

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video on the handstand please let me

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know if you'd like this video and next

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to that guys we also just released a new

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calisthenics at-home workout program and

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today it's the last day that we have a

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25% discount on this complete program so

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with this program we mainly focus on

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being fit and getting strong with your

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own body weight from home you don't need

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any equipment with this program so guys

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I'm actually really interested in what

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face you are in right now so are you in

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phase 1 phase 2 or phase 3 let me know

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because then we also know the current

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levels of the audience that is looking

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towards our channel so then we can make

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more videos like beginner videos or

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videos for intermediate and advanced

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level and also guys and we're also

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thinking about creating more videos for

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example about nutrition and also

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lifestyle and our own workers we're

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really curious what you want to see on

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the channel so let us know as well in

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the comments and that's it for this

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video please leave a like subscribe for

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more and we catch you next Sunday in the

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next video peace out

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but I found calisthenics family and they

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were offering this program bless the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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price so I decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics I would

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highly recommend this it'll it'll do the

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same for you I'm Gordon and I've been

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with calisthenics family for almost

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three months now and all the time I've

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had Yannick as my trainer like my

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chorionic and just be like that little

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extra push to keep you going

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also seen the pictures I'm really proud

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of myself that what I achieved in the

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last eight weeks go for it and start

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your journey

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come around later ah suck it all that

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blah blah blah a big scoring cheap tears

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Barney gotta keep our amigo Kashi

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