How To L-sit to Handstand FAST in 3 Steps
what's up guys it's michael here from
calisthenics family and today
i'll show you how you can learn the
l-sit to handstand as fast as possible
and what exercises helped me the most in
my journey
so let's get this video started
all right so when it comes to my own
experience with the lc2 handstand
it took me about six months to unlock
this move
i had a hard time to learn this move
especially the transition part was
really hard for me
but when i look back at my journey i can
remember that there were three phases
how i unlocked this move and in this
video i will explain
those three phases and which exercises
helped me the most in my journey
and in my journey i always made sure
that my nutrition was on point i use the
products for my protein
whey protein creatine and supplements
that i
used and still use on a daily basis so
if you need
any products from my protein for optimal
and recovery make sure to use our code
up to 50 discount you can check the link
in the description so let's get started
with the first phase
and the first phase is all about gaining
shoulder strength
so when you look closely to the lc2
handstand you can actually see that this
is a vertical way of pushing so that's
why we need to get stronger
in our vertical pushing movements
and the exercises that you can do to get
in this movement is the dips bike
and also hands and push-ups because
these movements
are similar to the l-sit to handstand
so before moving on to the next phase
make sure that you're able to do
15 dips 10 bike push-ups with good form
and also five hasn't push-ups against
the wall
so when you are able to do this we can
move on to the second phase
and now we're gonna practice the move
itself by doing
eccentrics or negatives of the exercise
to get our body
used to this movement
alright so doing negatives or eccentrics
the movement is a really good way to get
used to the movement and to get
neuromuscular connection
to the move i can remember that i also
did negatives first
before i tried the lc2 handstand itself
and this really helped me out
in understanding the movement so there
are several exercises
how you can do these negatives from easy
to hard
the first one is a negative against the
so you start in a handsome position you
just jump up
towards the wall and you basically tuck
your knees in
and come as controlled as possible to
the floor
and while you're doing the negative also
make sure to bend your arms so you get
comfortable to
the bent arm pushing position of the lc2
do this for five repetitions per set
and when you get comfortable with this
you can make it a little bit harder by
doing this same exercise but now with
your feet
against a bar so with this exercise
it's most convenient if you have
relatively high parallettes because this
will enable you to do the full
range of motion of this exercise because
you have more space
underneath the parallette so it's easier
to get into the l-sit
when you come down from the handstand we
are using
these parallettes from street gains they
are really stable and have the perfect
to learn and unlock the lc2 handstand
you can get these parallettes at
and use our code califam for 10 discount
the link is in the description so with
the negative else to handstand
on a bar you should do the same thing
but now do the full range of motion by
down as controlled as possible and
getting down into the l-sit position
repeat this for five repetitions do
three to four sets
and if you're able to do this you can
move on to the free standing
negative lc2 handstand start on parallax
again bring yourself in a handsome
as controlled as possible really focus
on bringing your heels
towards your glutes first and then
your hips and bring your knees towards
your chest
until you come down as controlled as
to the lt position try to do this
slower and slower with each repetition
or with each
training when you get really comfortable
with this
and you feel strong enough then we can
move on to the third phase
which is about learning the skill itself
all right so now you're comfortable with
the negative part of the exercise we're
gonna focus on the concentric part of
the exercise
and we will divide this part in several
the first exercise is the l-sit swing to
a bent arm position
so with the l-sit swing bring yourself
in a
l-sit position for a really short time
only one second
from there use momentum to move towards
a bent arm position in your elbows and
bring yourself to the l-sit again do
this for five repetitions
per set so that's really the first part
of the lc2 handstand but now when we're
getting to the second exercise it gets
really hard because
now you should be able to move and do
the first part of the lc2 handstand
but when you get to the transition part
it gets
really hard so to overcome this struggle
and to work on your transition
i would really suggest to work on the
following exercise which is the assisted
tux to handstand with the help of a
resistance band all right so now
grab a resistance band and put this
around your hips
so the starting position with this
exercise is
the tucked hold with bent arms so we're
gonna skip the l-sit but really focus on
the transitioning part
and from here push yourself up into the
handsome position
at first this exercise might feel a bit
but when you keep training and doing
this exercise
then you get the hang out of it and you
understand the movement
and you will notice the benefits of this
and really get better in the transition
part of the lc2 handstand
so when you're comfortable with this
exercise you can move on to a thinner
until you feel ready to move on to the
last and third exercise
the free standing l-sit to handstand
when doing the lc2 handstand
focus on creating momentum so
start in the lcd position hold this for
only one second
use the momentum to bring your hips
above your shoulders
as fast as possible and bend your arms
no further than a 90 degree
angle a really big mistake with the lcd
handstand is that people tend to
bend their arms too deep so you're in a
deep handstand push-up position and
there's just no way that you're able to
press up from this depth so really focus
bending your arms only until a 90 degree
angle and bringing your hips
above your shoulders when doing the
exercise of course
i can imagine that it's really hard to
press up from that
position i've been there myself but one
thing that really helped
me out is pushing and kicking
at the same time so when you push up
kick your legs out so you create even
more momentum to get into
the handstand position and at last when
practicing the else to handstand
don't be afraid to fall forward i've
done this
so many times moving from the l-sit to
the handstand
and then falling forward you should be
at least falling forwards for
10 to 20 times maybe 50 times 100 times
just focus on getting the full movement
with falling forward if you're
comfortable with that
then you can focus on counter-forcing
the fall
and staying into the handsome position
all right so these were the three phases
how i learned the lcd handstand and i
think you should also
go through these faces to unlock your
lc2 handstand
i hope this was helpful and that you get
something out of this video
and use these exercises in all different
i will also show an overview of a
workout routine that you can
use to learn else to handstand because
you should start always at the hardest
variation that you're currently at
so for example first start with skill
the lc2 handstand itself then move on to
and at last work on increasing your
shoulder strength
so make sure when you're in phase three
don't neglect the exercises in phase two
and phase one always keep practicing all
the exercises
to progress as fast as possible with
this exercise
alright so that's it for this video if
you need any help with your training
you can check out our full journey
workout plan in which we also cover
this exercise in different phases but
also many other exercises
and skills that you can learn like the
front leaf or the back leaf for
muscle up and just general basic pushing
and pulling exercises
and don't forget to check out these
parallettes from street gains user code
for 10 discount and if you need any
supplements or nutrition make sure to
check out my protein and also use our
code califam
the links are in the description that's
it for this video
thanks for watching guys and let me know
what kind of video you want to see next
and we'll see you next monday peace out