How To L-sit to Handstand FAST in 3 Steps

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what's up guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family and today

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i'll show you how you can learn the

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l-sit to handstand as fast as possible

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and what exercises helped me the most in

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my journey

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so let's get this video started

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all right so when it comes to my own

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experience with the lc2 handstand

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it took me about six months to unlock

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this move

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i had a hard time to learn this move

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especially the transition part was

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really hard for me

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but when i look back at my journey i can

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remember that there were three phases

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how i unlocked this move and in this

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video i will explain

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those three phases and which exercises

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helped me the most in my journey

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and in my journey i always made sure

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that my nutrition was on point i use the

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products for my protein

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whey protein creatine and supplements

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that i

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used and still use on a daily basis so

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if you need

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any products from my protein for optimal

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and recovery make sure to use our code

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up to 50 discount you can check the link

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in the description so let's get started

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with the first phase

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and the first phase is all about gaining

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shoulder strength

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so when you look closely to the lc2

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handstand you can actually see that this

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is a vertical way of pushing so that's

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why we need to get stronger

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in our vertical pushing movements

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and the exercises that you can do to get

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in this movement is the dips bike

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and also hands and push-ups because

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these movements

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are similar to the l-sit to handstand

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so before moving on to the next phase

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make sure that you're able to do

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15 dips 10 bike push-ups with good form

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and also five hasn't push-ups against

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the wall

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so when you are able to do this we can

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move on to the second phase

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and now we're gonna practice the move

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itself by doing

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eccentrics or negatives of the exercise

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to get our body

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used to this movement

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alright so doing negatives or eccentrics

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the movement is a really good way to get

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used to the movement and to get

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neuromuscular connection

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to the move i can remember that i also

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did negatives first

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before i tried the lc2 handstand itself

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and this really helped me out

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in understanding the movement so there

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are several exercises

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how you can do these negatives from easy

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to hard

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the first one is a negative against the

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so you start in a handsome position you

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just jump up

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towards the wall and you basically tuck

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your knees in

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and come as controlled as possible to

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the floor

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and while you're doing the negative also

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make sure to bend your arms so you get

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comfortable to

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the bent arm pushing position of the lc2

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do this for five repetitions per set

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and when you get comfortable with this

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you can make it a little bit harder by

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doing this same exercise but now with

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your feet

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against a bar so with this exercise

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it's most convenient if you have

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relatively high parallettes because this

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will enable you to do the full

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range of motion of this exercise because

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you have more space

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underneath the parallette so it's easier

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to get into the l-sit

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when you come down from the handstand we

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are using

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these parallettes from street gains they

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are really stable and have the perfect

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to learn and unlock the lc2 handstand

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you can get these parallettes at

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and use our code califam for 10 discount

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the link is in the description so with

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the negative else to handstand

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on a bar you should do the same thing

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but now do the full range of motion by

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down as controlled as possible and

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getting down into the l-sit position

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repeat this for five repetitions do

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three to four sets

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and if you're able to do this you can

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move on to the free standing

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negative lc2 handstand start on parallax

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again bring yourself in a handsome

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as controlled as possible really focus

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on bringing your heels

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towards your glutes first and then

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your hips and bring your knees towards

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your chest

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until you come down as controlled as

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to the lt position try to do this

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slower and slower with each repetition

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or with each

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training when you get really comfortable

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with this

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and you feel strong enough then we can

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move on to the third phase

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which is about learning the skill itself

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all right so now you're comfortable with

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the negative part of the exercise we're

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gonna focus on the concentric part of

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the exercise

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and we will divide this part in several

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the first exercise is the l-sit swing to

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a bent arm position

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so with the l-sit swing bring yourself

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in a

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l-sit position for a really short time

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only one second

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from there use momentum to move towards

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a bent arm position in your elbows and

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bring yourself to the l-sit again do

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this for five repetitions

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per set so that's really the first part

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of the lc2 handstand but now when we're

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getting to the second exercise it gets

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really hard because

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now you should be able to move and do

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the first part of the lc2 handstand

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but when you get to the transition part

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it gets

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really hard so to overcome this struggle

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and to work on your transition

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i would really suggest to work on the

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following exercise which is the assisted

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tux to handstand with the help of a

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resistance band all right so now

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grab a resistance band and put this

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around your hips

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so the starting position with this

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exercise is

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the tucked hold with bent arms so we're

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gonna skip the l-sit but really focus on

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the transitioning part

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and from here push yourself up into the

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handsome position

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at first this exercise might feel a bit

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but when you keep training and doing

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this exercise

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then you get the hang out of it and you

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understand the movement

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and you will notice the benefits of this

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and really get better in the transition

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part of the lc2 handstand

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so when you're comfortable with this

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exercise you can move on to a thinner

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until you feel ready to move on to the

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last and third exercise

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the free standing l-sit to handstand

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when doing the lc2 handstand

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focus on creating momentum so

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start in the lcd position hold this for

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only one second

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use the momentum to bring your hips

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above your shoulders

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as fast as possible and bend your arms

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no further than a 90 degree

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angle a really big mistake with the lcd

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handstand is that people tend to

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bend their arms too deep so you're in a

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deep handstand push-up position and

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there's just no way that you're able to

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press up from this depth so really focus

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bending your arms only until a 90 degree

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angle and bringing your hips

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above your shoulders when doing the

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exercise of course

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i can imagine that it's really hard to

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press up from that

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position i've been there myself but one

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thing that really helped

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me out is pushing and kicking

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at the same time so when you push up

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kick your legs out so you create even

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more momentum to get into

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the handstand position and at last when

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practicing the else to handstand

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don't be afraid to fall forward i've

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done this

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so many times moving from the l-sit to

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the handstand

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and then falling forward you should be

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at least falling forwards for

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10 to 20 times maybe 50 times 100 times

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just focus on getting the full movement

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with falling forward if you're

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comfortable with that

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then you can focus on counter-forcing

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the fall

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and staying into the handsome position

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all right so these were the three phases

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how i learned the lcd handstand and i

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think you should also

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go through these faces to unlock your

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lc2 handstand

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i hope this was helpful and that you get

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something out of this video

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and use these exercises in all different

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i will also show an overview of a

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workout routine that you can

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use to learn else to handstand because

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you should start always at the hardest

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variation that you're currently at

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so for example first start with skill

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the lc2 handstand itself then move on to

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and at last work on increasing your

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shoulder strength

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so make sure when you're in phase three

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don't neglect the exercises in phase two

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and phase one always keep practicing all

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the exercises

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to progress as fast as possible with

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this exercise

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alright so that's it for this video if

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you need any help with your training

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you can check out our full journey

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workout plan in which we also cover

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this exercise in different phases but

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also many other exercises

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and skills that you can learn like the

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front leaf or the back leaf for

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muscle up and just general basic pushing

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and pulling exercises

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and don't forget to check out these

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parallettes from street gains user code

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for 10 discount and if you need any

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supplements or nutrition make sure to

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check out my protein and also use our

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code califam

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the links are in the description that's

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it for this video

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thanks for watching guys and let me know

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what kind of video you want to see next

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and we'll see you next monday peace out

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