How To Increase Your Pullups From 0 to 10 FAST

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are you currently struggling to increase

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your pull-ups or are you not able to do

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pull-ups at all then you're at the right

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video because we're gonna share the

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fastest way to increase your pull-ups

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from zero to ten pull-ups in three

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simple phases the pull-up is the one

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single best exercise to build pulling

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strength and wide back muscles and

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besides that it's a cool exercise to

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master it's the ultimate exercise to

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build a solid foundation for

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calisthenics skills such as the muscle

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up and the front lever so when we first

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started with pull-ups it took some time

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for us to figure out what exercise and

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what routines were best for us to

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progress we certainly didn't have an

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optimal routine like the one we

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explained in this video but we did learn

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from experience what the best and

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fastest way is to progress from 0 to 10

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and eventually 25 plus pull ups

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so today we are going to explain in full

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detail how to increase your pull ups

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from 0 to 10 pull-ups in 3 simple phases

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however it's very important to determine

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your pull-up level first to start at the

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right phase because different pull-up

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levels require different exercises to

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practice so are you ready let's get

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straight into the first phase and make

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sure to watch the video till the end for

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our weekly giveaways

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the first phase has no strength

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requirements at all and will take you

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from zero to your first clean pull-up

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there are a few exercises that are

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essential to practice in this phase and

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you should practice them regularly in

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order to get stronger so let's get into

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the exercise in the first phase to

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unlock your first clean pull up

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all right so these were the exercises

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that you have to practice at this level

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now let's have a look at the optimal

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weak routine to unlock your first pull

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up fast the routine includes two pool

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workouts per week starting with the

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harder exercises with low reps followed

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by easier exercises and higher reps do

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this routine until you can do your first

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pull up that should take about four to

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six weeks depending on your current

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strength level once you get your first

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pull up you can move on to the second

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alright so the second phase will take

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you from one pull up to five clean pull

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ups this phase includes some new

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exercises that you weren't able to do in

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the previous phase but it also includes

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some of the same exercises but this time

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you'll be able to do more reps or less

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assistance so let's dive into the

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exercises and i'll show you the week

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routine afterwards

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all right so some of these exercises may

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be hard to perform when you first start

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with this phase please know that this is

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normal and this is exactly what you're

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going to work on during this phase again

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the optimal weak routine would be twice

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a week starting with the harder

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exercises first followed by the easier

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ones do this routine until you're able

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to do five clean pull-ups once you get

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there it's time to move on to the third

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the last phase will bring you from 5 to

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10 pull-ups but you can also use this

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routine to go beyond 10 reps in this

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phase you already got rid of the

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assisted exercises and you can already

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try to add some weight with low reps

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once you get to the end of this phase so

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let's get straight into the exercise and

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the routine to unlock your first 10

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during the last phase you are somewhat

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more experienced so you can train your

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pull-ups three times per week at this

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moment it's better to have more

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frequency and less volume so you might

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do these exercises together with other

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training days such as a push workout or

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a leg day follow this routine until you

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get to 10 pull ups or longer if you'd

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like to go for 15 or even 20 pull ups

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alright guys so these were the three

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faces that you have to go through if you

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want to increase your pull-ups from zero

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to ten reps when we look back to our own

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journey these are the exact exercises

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that we did to increase our pull-ups

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very fast to the point that we started

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to attend pull-up competitions as well

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we really hope that you enjoyed the

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video and that will help you to unlock

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your first 5 or 10 pull-ups

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so last week we just introduced our new

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weekly giveaways and of course we want

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to help you to get started with pull ups

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so we will give away our very exclusive

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calisthenics family six-pack resistance

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bands right here so how to win these

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like this video subscribe to our channel

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and comment within the first 24 hours

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last video we gave away our parallettes

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and the winning comment will appear

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right here right now congrats and guys

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don't forget that today is the last day

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that you can sign up for our

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calisthenics transformation challenge

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with 40 of all programs and online

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coaching and huge prizes to win

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click on the first link in the

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description to sign up now and we'll see

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you in the next video peace out guys

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