How to increase your Dips | Calisthenics Starter Guide Ep.1

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what's up guys it's Michael and Jana

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Cofer here from calisthenics family and

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in this video we're going to show you

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how to increase your dips so we're going

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to show you several exercises and

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progressions that you can use to

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increase your dip so stay tuned

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alright guys so welcome to the new video

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and like Michael said we're gonna

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explain how to progress with the dip and

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in this video we're gonna do several

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variations for literally level 0 of two

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weighted dips and also at the end of the

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video we're going to do some accessory

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exercises to get strong for each muscle

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group that you were used before the dip

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so let's start off with the first

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variation which is the easiest dip

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variation and that is the bench dip so

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we're gonna use a box for this so

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Michaels gonna do the exercise I'm gonna

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explain how to do the technique of this

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exercise so you get a box the height of

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your knees and are you gonna leave on

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the shoulder width so like Michaels

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doing right now

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exactly and now you're gonna walk

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literally forward until your hips are

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off the box so don't go too much forward

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like this that's wrong yes so a little

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bit back yes it's like and now you're

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gonna make dips until you have a 90

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degree angle in your elbows so as you

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can see Michaels also keeping the leg

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straight which is the perfect way to

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perform this exercise using the tricep

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the shoulders and also a little bit of

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his chest to perform this exercise and

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one very important thing is also that

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you want to keep the lower arms

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completely straight so keep the lower

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arms vertical as possible so you don't

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have much of a angle in your business

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like perfect actually

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alright so try to make this for 10 to 15

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repetitions that will be the perfect

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goal to move on to the next

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sighs all right guys so this was the

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first variation the bench dips and now

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we go to the next variation which is to

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dip with a cyst back and for this we are

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not gonna need a very thick bath because

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then the band will be helping too much

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because we are using this band double

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like this so we're gonna start with the

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yellow band so the correct execution is

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with the feet in the band and then

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you're gonna do the dip and while doing

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the dip it's really important to lean a

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little bit forward yes exactly and keep

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the legs nice and straight exactly so

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it's really important with the dip that

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you keep your forearms completely

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straight just like with the bench dip

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yes exactly so this is the best way to

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do the dip there are some other

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variations where you involve your trash

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up a little bit more or your shorts a

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little bit more but this is just the

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neutral position where the dip is

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easiest as possible something

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alright guys so if you can do 8 to 10

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repetitions with the thinnest band you

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can move on to the next progression and

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that is not the tip itself first you

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wouldn't do negative tips and with the

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negative tips because we don't gonna

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need a bath so I'm gonna put this away

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we're gonna do a negative dip which is a

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eccentric move so you're going to start

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in the deposition and now it's really

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important to make the repetitions for

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five seconds exercise is gonna have the

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same execution so keep the four up

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straight also keep the leg straight and

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then a little bit forward until you have

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a 90 degree angle in your elbows so

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you're going to keep the tension from

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the first second to the last second so 1

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2 3 4 5 and now you're gonna stand on

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your feet take some rest maybe 2 seconds

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3 seconds now you're gonna move on to

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the next repetition ok 1 2 3 4 5

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alright are you gonna do this for five

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repetitions and whenever you are

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comfortable with this exercise so you're

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gonna do five repetitions of five

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seconds when that is easy for you you

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can move on to the regular dip so Mike's

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gonna go back up again in a dipping

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position like this and now we're gonna

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do at the dip negative way and then

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we're gonna go back up again so like

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and now because we don't have any vents

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Mike has to do all the core work itself

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so he's gonna go leaning forward

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exactly like that and as you can see

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he's also keeping the lower arms

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completely strip yes that's a proof

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execution so leaning forward straight

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legs so now we did the regular dips and

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the goal for this exercise is to do this

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for like ten to fifteen repetitions

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before you go to the last variation

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which is the weighted dips and with the

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weighted dips you're gonna take it to a

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next level because actually when you

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want to increase your dips to like 25

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for me 30 dips it's better to progress

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through weighted dips and to do a lower

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amount of repetitions than just do

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regular dips and try to do 25 25 and 30

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over and over again so you're gonna go

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get a dipping belt you're gonna get some

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weights and now we're gonna do some way

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two dips

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alright guys so with the way the dips

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the same rule rule supplies so might is

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gonna get up again to a different person

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with this variation is even more

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important that you keep your legs

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completely straight and to keep your

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core engaged because otherwise the

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weight will really swing a lot I said

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with the way if you go is not to do ten

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to fifteen repetitions you actually want

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to do four to eight repetitions and when

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you're going to do eight repetitions

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you're gonna go to a higher weight so

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let's go try to pay for at least four

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repetitions yes exactly two three and

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four exactly

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so like I said when you can do in

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repetitions you can move on to maybe 15

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kgs or 20 kgs if you want to know more

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information about these exercises

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they're all explained in the

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instructional videos which you can find

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in our programs but also in our free

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training guide for this guide you can

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visit the first link in the description

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alright guys so I really hope that you

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find this video helpful and please let

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me know if you did so also please don't

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forget to like this video and before I

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close off this video or what I would

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like to mention one thing and that is

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that common Friday is Black Friday and

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actually we're doing a black weekend

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sale so our programs and merchandise

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will have a you chill I think it's the

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biggest sale that we ever have done

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before so make sure to check out our

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website and make sure to check that our

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show shows too and that's pretty much it

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about this video yeah I will catch you

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guys in one of the next videos peace out

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