How to Increase Pull ups Fast | 5 Methods
do you struggle to increase your
pull-ups then this is the perfect video
to watch
because i'm about to explain five really
important methods to increase your
pull-ups very fast so
let's go
alright guys so this video is all about
increasing your pull-ups
i had a long journey increasing my
pull-ups i started calisthenics about
five years ago and when i first started
i was able to do about 10 pull-ups
because i already had some strength from
the gym
and lately i've been doing some
competitions on strict front pull-ups
my personal record was now 25 pull-ups
so i've been able to
increase my pull-ups from 10 to 25 in
four or three years so in this video i'm
gonna explain
which methods i use to increase my
pull-ups so let's get straight into the
alright so the first method is to do a
maximum amount of pull-ups multiple
times per day
and this is also called the greasing the
groove method
and with multiple times per day i mean
doing a maximum amount of pull-ups
every three hours and really try to
track your progress so if you do five
pull-ups in the morning
then also try to do five pull-ups in the
evening and also in the afternoon
and it's really also important to do at
least three repetitions so if you are
not able to do three repetitions with
your body weight only
then it's really recommended to use a
resistance band because doing only one
or two repetitions
won't really increase your strength and
also please keep in mind that you don't
have to do this literally every day it's
really important to have recovery as
so it's really good to do this on your
workout days so for example
one day on one day off and then the next
day you're gonna do
your max pull-ups again so personally i
use this approach
right before my competition so about two
before my competition i did this
greasing the groove methods so i really
increased my pull ups from like 22 to 25
in the last
two weeks before i started my
this was the first method let's get
straight into the second method
alright so the second method is to train
really specific and do
various progressions of the pull-up and
by training specific i mean
doing exercises in exactly the same
range of motion as the pull-up itself
so it means with a pronated grip and
with a pull-up bar
think about progressions like the
pull-up itself
the negative pull-up the assisted
pull-up the pull-up hold the scapula
up and the bar hang so these are all
progressions in the same range of motion
and these will really increase the
strength in your muscles in the right
proportions so it means
that you are going to use your biceps
your lats and your upper back in the
right proportions to increase the pull
strength alright guys so this was the
second method which is one of the most
important methods so now let's move on
to the third one which is all about
muscle endurance
all right so muscle endurance is
basically the ability of a specific
to give strength consistently in a
longer period of time
so with the pull-ups it basically means
to increase the duration
of the exercise so that means for
example increasing your pull-ups from
to six repetitions so to increase your
pull-ups from five to six it's really
important to also
increase the endurance of other
exercises for example all the
regressions that i just mentioned
for example if you can do five
repetitions of the regular pull-up you
should do at least five repetitions
of the negative pull-ups i would suggest
six to eight repetitions
another example is the pull-up hold
which is a static exercise
this basically means that you're going
to hold an exercise in this case
the pull-up position for a longer period
of time and when you compare static
exercises with for example the pull-ups
you should always do
twice the amount of repetitions in
seconds so if you can do five
repetitions of the pull-up you should do
at least 10 seconds of the pull-up hold
and in this way you will also increase
the muscle endurance
with these kind of exercises and the
same goes for the negative pull-up
and also for the assisted pull-up and
the bar hang
and also the scapula pull-up you always
want to do
more repetitions on the exercise that
are easier
than the pull-up itself so this is the
way how to increase the muscle endurance
so let's move on to the fourth method
so if you're really serious about
increasing your pull-ups you should
a proper workout routine and with a
proper workout routine i mean not only
doing pull-ups
because when you're done with your
pull-ups that doesn't mean that you
don't have any strength left
in your muscles you can do many many
more exercises to increase your strength
and with a proper workout routine i mean
doing two specific
pull-up workouts per week where the
first exercise is always
the hardest exercise in this case this
will be your pull-ups
and when you're done with your pull-ups
for about four sets
you should go to a regression and this
is for example
either the assisted pull-up or the
negative pull-up
so like i said before with these
exercises you want to do more
than the previous exercise and this goes
on with all the other exercises so
your third exercise can be the pull-up
hold where you do more repetitions
than the exercise before and i will
suggest to do at least
four specific pull-up exercises to do a
pull-up routine and if you do this twice
a week i can guarantee
you that you will increase your pull-ups
very very fast
all right so the fifth and the last
method isn't really a matter but more
like a tool
so what am i talking about i'm talking
about tracking your progress
this is really essential to progress
with your pull-ups but not only your
pull-ups it basically goes for
every exercise within calisthenics so
how to track your progress
you can do this in various ways what i
personally like to use
is an app and we have some good news we
are actually creating our own californ
app which will be out
at the end of this summer but of course
you can also use different methods
such as a printout logbook or the notes
in your phone
so how to track your progress properly
it's very easy you just have to look at
your previous workout
and what you want to increase is the
total volume of this exercise so that
can either be
the number of sets or the number of reps
so say
the previous workout you did four sets
of five pull ups so that's
20 reps in total so today you want to do
at least
21 reps and it doesn't matter if you
increase your sets
or the number of reps as long as you do
21 reps in total all right guys so these
were the five methods that i used in the
past years to increase my pull-ups
from 10 to 25 and i'm really sure that
if you implement these five methods into
your own workout routine
you will increase your pull-ups in no
time so i hope this video was helpful
for you and if you
are interested in increasing other
exercises too for example the dips the
pull-ups or other basic exercises
we have just created a calisthenics
basis course where we teach you
all the basic exercises in full detail
and this course
comes in very much instructional videos
but also with a very easy to follow
workout plan
so if you want to increase your basic
strength i would really advise you to
check out
this plan check out the links in the
description so i hope that you like this
please put your thumbs up and subscribe
we will see you
next week peace out guys