How to HUMAN FLAG Tutorial - Step by Step Beginner Guide

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what's up caddy fam it's michael here

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a special guest today with boss and

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today we're gonna show you how to learn

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the human flag

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alright guys so welcome to this new

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video as you can see i'm standing here

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with a special guest with boss

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and today boss is actually going to show

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you how to learn the humor flag

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we're going to do more videos together

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with special guests so

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maybe you can introduce yourself a

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little bit yeah sure my name is boss i'm

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23 years old

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i've been doing calisthenics for the

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past two years now i've been a member of

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this gym since

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12 months and since last week i became a

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certified personal trainer

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and today i'm going to show you how to

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do the human flag

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all right so let's get into this video

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guys okay so today guys i'm gonna

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show you how to do the humor flag it

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took me about one year to unlock this

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and i'm gonna give you a step-by-step

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guide on how to do it

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so the first progression is the swedish

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wall walk and for this you need

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of course a swedish wall you're gonna

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grab the bar you're gonna walk

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with your foot all the way up until

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upside down and you want to be

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comfortable in this position a good

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check for yourself

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is that you have to be comfortable

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talking to

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someone else and if you can do that then

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you have mastered this first step

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so i'm gonna grab the bar with your

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bottom arm you're gonna push yourself

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with your upper arm you're gonna pull

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you're gonna

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rotate your shoulders inwards step

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one step in front you're gonna walk all

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the way

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up the swedish wall

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this is the end position and you want to

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be comfortable and be able to talk

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what's important here is that you keep

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your low arm straight and that's the one

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you push with

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your upper arm can be bent and that's

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the one you're gonna pull

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so the second progression is the

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human flag so what you want to do here

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is lift your feet off the bar

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and clench your elbow elbow with your

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knees like this

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while being upside down so i'm going to

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just show you so you walk up

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get your feet off the buffer and clean

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your elbow

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again your arm underneath

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straight and the upper arm can be bent

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here again 10 to 15 seconds and you want

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to get comfortable with this

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don't rush it

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the next progression is the human flag

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we're going to start in the same

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position as we just did so

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upside down we're going to lower

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ourselves eccentrically

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and just to get the feeling of the human

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flag and to get stronger

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in the movement so i'm just going to

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show you again

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so you walk up

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you're gonna lower yourself

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so try to do this exercise for five reps

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for five seconds

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and take some rest in between each rep

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now we're at the fourth progression um

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here we're gonna

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try to hold the tucked human flag so

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we're gonna start in the same position

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we're gonna lower ourselves and we're

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gonna hold

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we're gonna try to hold the position

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when we're horizontally so

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so you walk up

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try to keep your knees as close to your

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chest as possible

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you're just gonna lower yourself

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try to get comfortable in this position

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10-15 seconds before moving on to the

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next progression

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okay so the fifth progression is the one

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leg human flag we're going to start in

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the tuck position

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then we're going to straighten one leg

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the other leg stays close to your chest

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and you're going to lower yourself

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eccentrically until you get

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to the hole

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again tuck position straight in one leg

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other one stays close to your chest

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you're gonna lower yourself

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the first try to do the eccentric

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movement of the one leg

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for five reps for five seconds and if

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you get comfortable with this you can

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try to hold it again

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just like we showed you in the

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so the sixth progression is the straddle

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human flag we're getting really close to

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the full human flag now

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so that's good news um for this position

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you're going to start in the tucked

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position again

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we're first going to lower down

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eccentrically um and then we're gonna do

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the hold just as in the previous

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um for this progression it's extra

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important to brace your core

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since you're gonna be bringing your legs

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further away from the bar

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and from your body so let's go to the

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again we're gonna start we're gonna

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start in a duct version

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we're gonna spread our legs

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lower ourselves eccentrically and then

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hold the position

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for this again five reps five seconds if

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you get comfortable with this

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you can start to try to hold the

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so the seventh and last progression is

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the full human flag

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for this i like to use some romania pro

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for more grip when doing the full human

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going from straddle to full human flag

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is the hardest progression

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it's gonna take a lot of time more time

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in all the other progressions combined

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so don't rush it most important thing is

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stay safe and don't get injured so do a

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lot of eccentrics

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and also additional core exercises that

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target the obliques

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in order to be able to hold the human

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so let me guys show you the full human

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flag you're gonna put your lower arm

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in a straight position on the bar upper

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arm goes also

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to the bar you're gonna start in the

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tucked position again

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straighten your legs

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and do the eccentric motion first and

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then try to hold it

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okay guys so this was the human flag

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again try to do the eccentric first

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and then when you're comfortable with

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five seconds for five reps

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try to do the hold this is how i

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personally learn the human flag

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there are many other ways but this is my

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and i've also got two additional

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exercises that will strengthen your

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shoulders and core

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for the human flag so the first exercise

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is the hanging human flag on a

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regular pull-up bar this will get you

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comfortable with the pushing and pulling

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for the human flag and

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the second exercise is the side plank

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and this will target your obliques which

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you will need when doing the human flag

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make sure to hold this as long as

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possible in order to strengthen your

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for the full human flag okay guys so

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this was the video

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i hope this will help you in your human

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flag journey if you need help in your

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calisthenics journey check out the

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at leave a like

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subscribe and

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join the family see you soon

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um for more grip when doing the full

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then i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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it'll it'll do the same for you i'm

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gordon and i've been with calisthenics

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family for

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almost three months now and all the time

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i've had yannick as my trainer

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like michael ariana can just be like

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that little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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