How to HUMAN FLAG Tutorial - Step by Step Beginner Guide
what's up caddy fam it's michael here
a special guest today with boss and
today we're gonna show you how to learn
the human flag
alright guys so welcome to this new
video as you can see i'm standing here
with a special guest with boss
and today boss is actually going to show
you how to learn the humor flag
we're going to do more videos together
with special guests so
maybe you can introduce yourself a
little bit yeah sure my name is boss i'm
23 years old
i've been doing calisthenics for the
past two years now i've been a member of
this gym since
12 months and since last week i became a
certified personal trainer
and today i'm going to show you how to
do the human flag
all right so let's get into this video
guys okay so today guys i'm gonna
show you how to do the humor flag it
took me about one year to unlock this
and i'm gonna give you a step-by-step
guide on how to do it
so the first progression is the swedish
wall walk and for this you need
of course a swedish wall you're gonna
grab the bar you're gonna walk
with your foot all the way up until
upside down and you want to be
comfortable in this position a good
check for yourself
is that you have to be comfortable
talking to
someone else and if you can do that then
you have mastered this first step
so i'm gonna grab the bar with your
bottom arm you're gonna push yourself
with your upper arm you're gonna pull
you're gonna
rotate your shoulders inwards step
one step in front you're gonna walk all
the way
up the swedish wall
this is the end position and you want to
be comfortable and be able to talk
what's important here is that you keep
your low arm straight and that's the one
you push with
your upper arm can be bent and that's
the one you're gonna pull
so the second progression is the
human flag so what you want to do here
is lift your feet off the bar
and clench your elbow elbow with your
knees like this
while being upside down so i'm going to
just show you so you walk up
get your feet off the buffer and clean
your elbow
again your arm underneath
straight and the upper arm can be bent
here again 10 to 15 seconds and you want
to get comfortable with this
don't rush it
the next progression is the human flag
we're going to start in the same
position as we just did so
upside down we're going to lower
ourselves eccentrically
and just to get the feeling of the human
flag and to get stronger
in the movement so i'm just going to
show you again
so you walk up
you're gonna lower yourself
so try to do this exercise for five reps
for five seconds
and take some rest in between each rep
now we're at the fourth progression um
here we're gonna
try to hold the tucked human flag so
we're gonna start in the same position
we're gonna lower ourselves and we're
gonna hold
we're gonna try to hold the position
when we're horizontally so
so you walk up
try to keep your knees as close to your
chest as possible
you're just gonna lower yourself
try to get comfortable in this position
10-15 seconds before moving on to the
next progression
okay so the fifth progression is the one
leg human flag we're going to start in
the tuck position
then we're going to straighten one leg
the other leg stays close to your chest
and you're going to lower yourself
eccentrically until you get
to the hole
again tuck position straight in one leg
other one stays close to your chest
you're gonna lower yourself
the first try to do the eccentric
movement of the one leg
for five reps for five seconds and if
you get comfortable with this you can
try to hold it again
just like we showed you in the
so the sixth progression is the straddle
human flag we're getting really close to
the full human flag now
so that's good news um for this position
you're going to start in the tucked
position again
we're first going to lower down
eccentrically um and then we're gonna do
the hold just as in the previous
um for this progression it's extra
important to brace your core
since you're gonna be bringing your legs
further away from the bar
and from your body so let's go to the
again we're gonna start we're gonna
start in a duct version
we're gonna spread our legs
lower ourselves eccentrically and then
hold the position
for this again five reps five seconds if
you get comfortable with this
you can start to try to hold the
so the seventh and last progression is
the full human flag
for this i like to use some romania pro
for more grip when doing the full human
going from straddle to full human flag
is the hardest progression
it's gonna take a lot of time more time
in all the other progressions combined
so don't rush it most important thing is
stay safe and don't get injured so do a
lot of eccentrics
and also additional core exercises that
target the obliques
in order to be able to hold the human
so let me guys show you the full human
flag you're gonna put your lower arm
in a straight position on the bar upper
arm goes also
to the bar you're gonna start in the
tucked position again
straighten your legs
and do the eccentric motion first and
then try to hold it
okay guys so this was the human flag
again try to do the eccentric first
and then when you're comfortable with
five seconds for five reps
try to do the hold this is how i
personally learn the human flag
there are many other ways but this is my
and i've also got two additional
exercises that will strengthen your
shoulders and core
for the human flag so the first exercise
is the hanging human flag on a
regular pull-up bar this will get you
comfortable with the pushing and pulling
for the human flag and
the second exercise is the side plank
and this will target your obliques which
you will need when doing the human flag
make sure to hold this as long as
possible in order to strengthen your
for the full human flag okay guys so
this was the video
i hope this will help you in your human
flag journey if you need help in your
calisthenics journey check out the
at leave a like
subscribe and
join the family see you soon
um for more grip when doing the full
then i found calisthenics family and
they were offering this program plus the
online coaching for a very affordable
so i decided to try it if anyone's
looking to start calisthenics i would
highly recommend this
it'll it'll do the same for you i'm
gordon and i've been with calisthenics
family for
almost three months now and all the time
i've had yannick as my trainer
like michael ariana can just be like
that little extra push
to keep you going you're also seeing the
pictures i'm really proud of myself that
what i achieved in the last eight weeks
go for it and start your journey