How To Human Flag | Calisthenics Step-By-Step Tutorial

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what's up guys my career from

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calisthenics family and today I will

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show you how to train for the human flag

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alright guys welcome to the voiceover

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the first step to learn the human flag

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is the vertical flag down hold and with

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this exercise you will specifically

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focus on your arms and how you will

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place your arms on the bars in a human

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flag position you can first start where

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they talked vertical hold which I just

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showed and once you get comfortable with

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that you can straighten your legs to get

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it a little bit harder try to reach for

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5 to 10 seconds in this hold and then

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move on to the next step which are

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vertical flag kick ups so grab the bar

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and jump and pull yourself up until you

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reach the bar the highest bar with your

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feet try to hold that for maybe a second

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then go back down and then go back up

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again and just repeat this for a couple

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times and the reason why you want to

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practice this exercise is because you

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want to start training your human flag

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from the top because it's way easier to

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train the human flag eccentric so from

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negative holds then when you start from

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the ground so with that said the next

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step is the vertical flag hopes and here

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you just start releasing one foot at a

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time and try to hold that for like 5

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seconds and then you can alternate

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between legs and once you get more

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comfortable in this position you can

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also try to release both feet together

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and watch your form here try to

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straighten your arms completely and also

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straighten your legs completely exactly

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above your hips try to hold this for a

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minimum of 10 seconds before moving on

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to the next step which are tucked human

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flag holds and this is actually the

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first step when you're going to try and

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train eccentric so you make a negative

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movement when you try to lower your feet

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into a tug version so try to bend your

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knees and try to keep it as close as

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possible to your chest and try to hold

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that for again for a minimum of 10

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seconds before you're gonna bring your

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knees away from your chest to get

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stronger and you talked hope you

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also trained dynamically as you can see

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Yannick is doing here

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try to implement this exercise to get

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more variation in your workouts as well

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once you get stronger in your talk note

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you can move on to a advanced tech hold

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in which you're gonna bring your knees

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to your waistline and try to hold that

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for a minimum of 10 seconds before

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moving on to the next step which is the

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one-leg human flag hold

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so here again you're gonna start in a

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vertical flag position and from there

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you're gonna lower down it with one leg

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and one ticked leg into a horizontal

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position so to make it easier for you

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you can just put your shoes off but it

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won't really help but just mentally it

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will help and from there you're gonna

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start and training for the straddle

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human flag and here it's gonna be really

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tough really hard and for those that are

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new here or don't know what a straddle

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position is it's just a position with

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your legs spread so here you're gonna

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start and try to go from a vertical flag

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into a straddle human flag and try to

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hold this for another five seconds

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before you're gonna move on to the last

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step which is of course the full human

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flag I have found it most easy to go

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from a straddle a human flag into a full

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human flag because it's just too hard to

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get in a full flag position at once when

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you're not comfortable enough in a

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straddle flag position so I would

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recommend you to do the same okay guys

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so these were all the steps that I

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personally took to get my human flag I

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hope that you enjoyed this video and it

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was informational to you so you can

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apply this approach for your own

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training methods as well but if this

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video helps you out please put a thumbs

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up and also make sure to subscribe to

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our channel because there will be lots

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of more informational videos and that

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was it for today peace out guys

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