How To Get The Straddle Planche FAST | Tutorial
what's up guys today I'm gonna show you
how I got the straddle planche and six
alright guys so the first subject is
about training frequency and many people
have been asking me how many times I
have been training for the planche and
most people actually think that I've
been training like four or five or even
every day for the planche but I actually
didn't what I did I trained specifically
for the planche two times per week next
to my other strength workouts that I
also did two times per week so that was
four workouts per week in total and the
reason why I did not train planche
everyday is because I wanted to take
rest after I trained for the planche
because I was always really sore in my
shoulders and also in my radius when I
trained for the planche so I wanted to
give my muscles and of rest to recover
so at least 48 hours so now you probably
wonder how I structured my workouts per
week so let's talk about the second
subject which is about my training
methods as I already said I did skill
workouts and also strength workouts and
that's how we always train so when I'm
talking about skill workouts then I'll
mainly focus on static exercises for the
skills that I'm trying to train and
those are the planche the front lever
and the back knee for Enda handstand and
on strength days we focus on the so
called strength exercises or how we say
the bent arm exercises like push-ups
aeration full of variations and also leg
exercises for example the handstand
push-up pull-ups Archer pull-ups muscle
ups of course so how do i structure the
workouts for example on Monday I did a
skill workout then I do the planche
workout and then the next day after on
Tuesday I did the strength workout when
I focus on the bent arm exercises and
then after that I take one day off and
then on Thursday I start with the skill
workout again so that will be the second
planche training for me and then on
Friday I do the strength workout again
so that is how I structured my own
workout routine so now you probably
wonder why the difference between scale
workouts and strength workouts and why
do you just not train for the planche
like 4 or 5 days in a week well actually
that's because the exercises that I
on strength days such as hands and
push-ups weighted dips weighted push ups
are really good to increase your
strength for the planche
so that kind of benefits each other and
therefore I structured my workouts like
this so guys I highly recommend you guys
to also implement these training method
into your own workout program or workout
structure alright so that was all about
the training method and now let's have a
closer look to my actual planche
training routine as I just said I did
two workers per week and I actually
focused on two different areas on each
workout so in the first workout are
focused on the downward movement of the
planche also known as negative movements
for example the handstand to a planche
and on the second workout I focused more
on the other way the other movement
which was the upward movement for
example an l-sit to a flange and with
this approach
I make sure that I hit the plank from
different angles every single training
and I personally think that this
training technique has helped me the
most during my planche progress from the
past six months all right guys so let's
have a look to a example workout routine
from my skill training that I did during
my planche training sessions when it
comes to skill training guys I always
divide my workouts in three different
aspects and those are static exercises
dynamic exercises and core exercises so
for those who don't know what statics
our aesthetics are known as holds in
calisthenics and with this you can think
about a planche hold it properly for a
back knee for hold and these are
exercises when you try to hold a certain
position in a certain angle as long as
possible and on the other hand dynamics
are exercises when you actually move
from a certain position to another
position for example planche push-ups or
full Navy pull-ups and what I've
personally found during my planche
journey is that these dynamic exercises
have been a crucial part of my progress
because I see many people only doing the
static exercises so when they're trying
to train for a branch
they only do flinch holes so they're
gonna try to do the torque variation and
advanced up
then they stopped raining but that's in
my opinion one of the biggest mistakes
that you can make because you actually
need to work for it you need to train
for it and that can you do by doing
these dynamic exercises so when I did a
plank training I only did a few statics
a few holes for like 5 or or maybe 6 to
7 times and after that I started my
actual workout when I did my reps and
sets and I actually counted the reps and
sets as well all right guys so let's
have a closer look to my actual workout
routine so the first part our aesthetics
so for example the first exercise that I
always did and still do on a day when I
focus on the negative movements are a
handstand to a planche and with this
exercise I try to hold this for a
minimum of 5 seconds I see so many
people trying to do this exercise as
well and then they only can hold it for
like one second or two seconds and that
just don't work you need to actually
hold the exercise for a couple seconds
if you want to increase in strength
I say minimum of 5 seconds if you want
to see some actual progress and if you
can do it for 5 seconds then you need to
go back to a lighter variation so for
example if you can do a handstand to an
advanced text blanch and you can't hold
it for 5 seconds then you need to go
back to a handstand to a tucked planche
for 5 seconds and when you reach the 5
seconds then you can move on to the next
variation so I do this exercise for 4
times for Holtz and this is personally
more like a check what my current level
is and then I always move on to a
assisted variation when I do the planes
with a resistance band and this also has
been a crucial part in my planche
progress because now your body can
adapt to the full movement that you're
trying to reach so when I do assisted
blanch exercises with the resistant band
I always do the full movement so in my
case my goal was to do the straddle
planche so what I did I always did the
straddle planche so I started with the
strongest bent which enabled me to hold
the straddle planche for like five to
ten seconds and when I noticed I got
stronger in that position with that
certain bent I moved on to a lighter
bent and so I kept working on my
straddle planche with the resistance
band so I highly recommend you guys do
the same because that has been a crucial
part in my blanche progress alright so
the second part of my routine are
dynamics and for example I did flange
leans pseudo push-ups and also a
straight farm dumbbell raises and when I
do dynamics I always try to do at least
six to eight repetitions because now we
want to work on strength and when you
want to work on strength you want to do
multiple reps and you want to try to
beat those reps every time when you
train and then at the end of the workout
I always finish my workouts off with
some core exercises because core the
core is a crucial part when it comes to
skill exercises especially to leave her
switch the planche is so exercises what
I mostly did was the l-sits hold as long
as possible the hollow body hold and the
Superman holds and with this again guys
a row Dharma results and every time when
I got back to my training I try to beat
those results ok guys so there was an
example of my training routine and again
I want to emphasize that you need to
include static exercises but also
dynamic exercises all right so let's
move on to the fourth subject which is
about my training volume so how many
exercises did I do and how long do I
train well actually as she has just have
seen when I train for skills I do
blanch exercises but also front leave
for exercises so for planche I do eight
exercises and for Fort Lee for I always
also did eight exercises so that's like
16 exercises in total so you might think
now wow that's a lot 16 exercises but I
actually superset the XS
so that means when I do a planche
exercise I immediately do a front leave
for exercise after that but that will
take a lot less time and my workout
duration is about one hour to one and a
half hours in total all right guys and
the last subject that I want to discuss
today is analyzing your progress and
that comes down to two different aspects
the first one is recording your
exercises and this has helped me a lot
so when you're recording your exercises
you can immediately see if you're doing
the exercise correct or incorrect and by
doing that you can also immediately
change your form and your technique so
that's what I personally did and the
second way to analyze your progress is
by whole by tracking your results in a
digital logbook and why is this so
important guys every time when I went
for a flash training I knew my current
level and what goals I had to achieve
for example when I started to work out I
knew my best branch hold was like a
five-second hold with a resistance band
so I knew I'm gonna try to beat that
five-second hold and I'm gonna try to
get six seconds today and this also will
helps you and stimulate you to keep on
going because you're in this way you're
setting small goals for yourself and you
see yourself progress every single week
and that is what helped me so much
during my planes journey so I would
highly recommend you to do the same
start making a routine and start making
a digital lock book and track your
progress guys track your progress that's
so important and if you find yourself
having struggles with that we also can
take care of that we make personal
programs so if you have any certain
goals you want to work on for example
the pledge or probably for we can help
you by making a personal program and a
digital logbook so you can apply this
exact same method that I use for myself
so that was it guys for this video this
was actually the first time that I just
talked to you guys and there was more of
an informational video and I'm really
curious guys how you think about that
let me know in the comments and if you
like this video please put a thumbs up
it will help us a lot to grow this
channel guys so please put a thumbs up
and I'll catch you in the next video
this coming Sunday
peace out guys