How to Get Rid of These Earbuds during a Calisthenics Workout

Time: 0.08

we bought these earplugs from the brand

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rollstone because they claim that their

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sports earplugs

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fit so well that they won't slip out of

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the ears during

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any type of training but what they don't

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know is

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how extreme calisthenics can be so

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let's find out if these earplugs will

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survive calisthenics

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we invited three athletes with different

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levels to compete

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against each other to get rid of these

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the first athlete is roam rohan is a

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with only a few months of training

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then we have mateo mateo is an

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intermediate athlete with a little bit

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more than one year of training

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and at last we invited luca luca is a

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professional athlete with over two years

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of calisthenics experience

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alright so these three guys will compete

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against each other and the first person

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that gets rid of

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these earplugs will win the earplug of

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100 euros

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so what is it that we're gonna do we're

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gonna do three rounds in total

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and in each round every person gets 30

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seconds to come up with every single

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to get rid of these earplugs so

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what are the rules in the first round

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you can only

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use the floor in the second round you

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need to use the bars

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and in the third round you can do

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whatever you want so

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let's get started with the first round

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alright so we just put in the earplugs

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how do they fit they fit very nicely i

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don't have any

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discomfort in my ear awesome let's get

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started round one

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go on are you ready yes i'm ready all

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right let's do this we got 30 seconds on

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the timer in three

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two one and go all right

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jumping jacks nice

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high knees high knees

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multi climbers

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all right hollow body kicks

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scissors still working two seconds left

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all right that was 30 seconds

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did it work all right the next person

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mateo how are you feeling ready to

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rumble ready to rumble let's do this

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30 seconds three two one and go

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alright we got some explosive push-ups

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arch push-ups

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oh one arm push-ups

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15 seconds left of the timer

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oh more explosive flapping push-ups

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earplugs still doing well oh you

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got five seconds left

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four three two one

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yes that's it still i got the ears uh

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in all right third person luca the pro

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are you ready yes i am gonna kill this

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fam all right let's do this

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let's see if it's fit nicely check let's

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30 seconds

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straddle flash a little sloppy

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but still ear plugs still in oh finger

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sick eight seconds left eight seconds

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left five

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four three two

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one bang that was some hard stuff man

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oh yes you killed it man you killed it

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so during the first round the earplugs

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did very well

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even though the athletes did some pretty

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explosive exercises

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let's see if the earplugs will survive

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the second round

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round two and this time you need to use

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the bars

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okay all right let's start in three

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two one and go 30 seconds

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all right skip again

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bar roll over and

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lots of dynamic moving here and

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elbow lever on the high bar sick

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five seconds left four

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three two one

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so it slipped away in the skin again

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position so we have uh one attempt now

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that the earplugs got out of the ears so

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let's see if it's gonna happen

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more often with the rest of the the

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competitors today

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all right it's time for mateo the

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intermediate and you've got some good

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tricks preparing right

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yes let's go let's do it all right 30

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and three two one and

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go oh

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oh 180 180

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some bar hops spinning around the bar

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50 seconds left oh oh

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damn 10 seconds

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still got the earplugs in five seconds

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four back leaning forward three two

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one damn

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sick man sick heavy heavy

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still got the earplugs in though yeah

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third person we got luca pro athlete on

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the bars

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let's do this let's go 30 seconds start

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in three

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two one and go

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all right we got some front lever top

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some statics

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explosive dips damn

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handsome press 90 degree handsome

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sick 10 seconds left 10 seconds left

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going to straddle

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sick five four

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three two one victorian

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yes that's it damn don't wear some

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endurance static over here

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all right still got the earplugs in so

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they're doing well let's move on to the

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last round

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freestyle you can do whatever you want

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we start with rowan again

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so that was a pretty explosive round

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but the earplugs slipped away only once

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so at this moment it looks like rowan is

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going to win

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the earplugs but will they survive the

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last round

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let's find out so are you ready yes i'm

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last round 30 seconds on the timer let's

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in three two one and go

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all right elsa swings

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we have the man we have the high bar

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all right

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15 seconds left that step

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still got the ear plugs in come on

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russian dip

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l-sit five seconds four oh elbow

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one and time is up that was some good

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free stuff

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yeah nice still got the earplugs in

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Time: 465.12

you're up time to do some crazy stuff

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and let's do some italian stuff let's do

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some italian stuff

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oh all right let's start in three

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two one and go

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more bar roll overs

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10 seconds left 10 seconds left

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nine oh that was one ear plug

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five seconds left that's done that's the

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second ear plug

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all right so oh

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damn so you went totally crazy man

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tell your stuff italian stuff and you

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lost both the earplugs man so they

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didn't survive your uh your training

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no sick all right let's see what the

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third person

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luca has got for us all right last round

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last person we got luca the pro athlete

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let's do some freestyle all right let's

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do this

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set the timer and three two

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one and go

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oh then got some crazy dynamics

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seconds left go to the dip bar

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oh handstand 12 seconds left

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come on

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five seconds

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oh i festive have pesto and

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time is up back lever hold that

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yes crazy move

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crazy moves yes but the earplugs still

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in the ears still got the earplugs

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damn all right works good so that was

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the last round

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let's gather everything and let's see uh

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the final results

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alright so the results and the

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conclusion of this challenge

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in general these earplugs they last very

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they survived the basic stuff the insane

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three-stop tricks

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but they didn't survive the italian

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stuff from mateo you lost two earplugs

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and that made you the winner of today so

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congrats man

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but of course we can't let you guys

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leave with empty hands so we also have

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a little present for you guys we got

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some liquid chocolate thank you very

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always very handy so guys thanks for

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this challenge it was a really fun

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challenge yes for sure

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um so guys that's it for this video

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thanks for watching

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make sure to subscribe and like and let

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us know what kind of challenge you want

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to see next

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on the channel peace out so after doing

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this challenge

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we can conclude that these earplugs are

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really comfortable

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the music quality is good and they won't

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out of your ears very fast only with the

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extreme exercises to end this video we

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decided to give away

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two pairs of these earplugs also to

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our 50k follower milestone on instagram

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so this first pair we will give away

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this one

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on youtube how can you win subscribe to

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our channel

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subscribe to rollstones youtube channel

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and also comment

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why you want to win plus the hashtag

Time: 677.279

rollstone and then

Time: 678.56

this second pair we will give away this

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pair on instagram

Time: 682.399

go to our instagram page visit the link

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down in the description

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and follow the rules over there so

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that's it for this video

Time: 690.48

make sure to put the thumbs up subscribe

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to our channel and we'll see you in the

Time: 694.24

next video

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peace out

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