How to FULL FRONTLEVER - Step by Step Tutorial

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what's up caddy fam it's michael here

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together with luca today

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today we're going to show you how to

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learn the full front lever so

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let's get this video started

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all right guys so today we're going to

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show you how to learn the full front

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today i'm with luca a team member here

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at the gym

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he's an expert in the front lever so

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he's going to help us out today

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to show you guys the full front lever so

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maybe you can introduce yourself a

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little bit

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of course hello i'm luca i'm 18 years

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old and i'm a certified trainer at

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calisthenics family gym

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and i train static for one year now yes

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exactly so

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luca is going to show all the exercises

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today and i'm going to explain all the

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so let's get this video started alright

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guys so let's get into the first step

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and that is

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the tucked front wafer

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so uh the duct from leaf are we gonna

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start here

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on the bar um so maybe let's start at

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the top

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only first so it's really important that

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you start

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with straight arms with this exercise so

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you can show the exercise

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grab the bar with shoulder width right

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make sure that you tuck your knees in as

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close as possible to your chest

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and really focus on a rounded back right

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and kinda depress and also retract your

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you wanna have your shoulders in a

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neutral position so that's the first

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the text from leaf wire it's really

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to do this exercise really controlled

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and with proper form

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um you want to train this for three sets

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to like 10 to 15 seconds right yes

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until you can do like 20 seconds so then

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it's time to move on to the second step

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so what will be the second progression

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now that's the reverse deadlift

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all right so the reverse deadlift is

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actually a dynamic exercise to get

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stronger in your straight arm pulling

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strength which is really important for

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the front lever

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so let's get into this exercise

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so you start in the tucked position

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first then you're going to straighten

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out your legs

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in an else position and from here you're

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going to bring your waistline

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towards the bar just like that it's

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really important

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that you use just the strength of your

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back so you're basically doing a pull

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on the bar try to do this for

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five repetitions and this exercise will

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help you

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to move on to the next progression which

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will be

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the advanced touch front lever all right

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all right so how many sets do we want to

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do this exercise

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three sets for four to six reps

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yes and if we have mastered this for

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four to six sets this is an exercise to

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get stronger in your pudding strength

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then we can move on to holding this

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exercise and then a little bit further

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which is going to look like the advanced

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tech front lever

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so let's get into this exercise

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so we grab the bar again kind of false

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make sure your arms are straight

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completely straight and from here

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we're gonna bring our knees forward

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until here so we have a horizontal line

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in our back and also with the knees

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also straight with your hips maybe a

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little bit further as luka did already

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so how many seconds do you want to do

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this exercise 10 to 15 seconds

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okay so 10 to 15 seconds before moving

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on to the next exercise

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and also with this exercise you can also

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train with

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a work set for like three to four sets

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and then holding the exercise for 8 to

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10 seconds

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so once we've mastered the advanced

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stick hold then we can move on to a new

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dynamic exercise to get even stronger in

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our advanced tech strong leafer

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so for this exercise we're going to do

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advanced thick front lever races

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so that's going to look like this you're

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going to grab the bar again

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you basically start in a knee raise

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position and this is actually already a

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position now the only thing that you're

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going to do is raise yourself

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up keep straight arms as you can see and

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make sure that you pull

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all the strength from your from your

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back that's really important

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you want to do this as control as

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possible as luca is doing

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yes one more time and as you can see he

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comes up really controlled

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in a horizontal line with his whole body

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so once this is too hard you can also do

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the tucked front lever race

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so it's basically the same exercise but

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now you're gonna tuck your knees in

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a little bit more towards the chest yes

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exactly like that

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pull the bar towards your knees and go

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back down

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start this exercise in a passive hang so

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don't activate but first

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from a dead hang position and then

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really focus on

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pulling the bar towards your knees with

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straight arms

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and one really big mistake with this

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exercise is

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that you're gonna swing way too much

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with this exercise and actually not

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using your back muscles so luka can

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perform the exercise

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so you basically what you're going to do

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just like this and you can see all the

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his feet on the other side of the bar

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and you see like all the swinging and

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he's just not

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using his back muscles and also not

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straight on putting strength

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and if you do this then you won't get

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stronger in your front lever

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so definitely try to avoid this really

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big mistake

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so now let's move on to the next step

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all right so the next step is going to

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be the one leg front lever and it's

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really important that you have

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exactly the right technique with this

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exercise so luca's going to demonstrate

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the exercise again

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so the good way looks like this you have

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knee at advanced stick like you see here

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and one leg

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in one leg variation so

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one really big mistake with this

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variation is that you tend to

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bring your other knee way too much in

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and then you actually have a

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tucked slash one leg from lever and then

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you're actually decreasing in the

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so it's really important that you

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increase the progression

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by keeping one knee at advanced stick

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and then move the other leg

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towards the one leg front lever

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so now let's move on to the last two

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on to the straddle front lever so now

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we're gonna use a different training

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we're gonna do negatives so we're gonna

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start at this time

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on the bar but now on the upside

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of the bar so race all the way up

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straddle position

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and from here you're gonna lower

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yourself down for like five seconds

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as control as possible exactly keep

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straight arms as luka's doing

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and then you can try to do this for

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three to four sets

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five seconds per set and then eventually

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try to hold the straddle from really far

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just like you guys showing you right now

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that straddle falling back

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exactly just like this okay

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so how many seconds do we need to hold

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the stratophone lever before moving on

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to the full front lead fire

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for at least 10 seconds all right

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exactly so 10 seconds

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is the minimum amount that you need to

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hold for straddle phone leave for

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and now we're moving on to the very last

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step the full front leg

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all right so the last step full front

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lever we're using the same approach so

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we're starting with negatives again

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so lucas is going to go up on the bar

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again now with the feet

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close to each other just like that

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your back activated keep straight arms

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and try to go down as controlled as

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don't let your body drop but really as

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controlled as possible

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maybe count one two three

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four five and this exercise is really

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good because you're working in a full

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range of motion as you can see so try to

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do this exercise

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also for three to four sets and then

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like three

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sets per set right all right guys so at

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this stage

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there's not really a goal that you're

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working towards but you're

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just trying to do the negative as slow

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as controlled as possible

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until you slowly can hold the full front

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so now we come to the very last step of

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tutorial the full front lever and for

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this we're going to use

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the bromania pro chalk because

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we need this grip for the full front

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all right so full front lever slightly

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false grip straight arms and

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exactly straight line

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all right guys so this was the full

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front lever tutorial

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so i hope this video was helpful for you

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that you know all the steps

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and progressions to work towards the

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full front lever if you want us to

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create more

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videos about maybe several progressions

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maybe even the duct foam lead for the

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straddle front lever

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to work to those progressions maybe

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additional exercise for the front lever

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let us know in the comments luca thanks

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for joining in

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for this front left tutorial and we'll

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see you guys in one of the next videos

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peace out

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one um

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well i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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uh it'll it'll do the same for you i'm

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and i've been with calisthenics family

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for almost three months now and all the

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time i've had yannick as my trainer

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like michael ariana can just be like

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that little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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