How to Create your own Calisthenics Workout Program | 5 steps

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what's up guys what's up it's Michael

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and Jana copra air from calisthenics

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family and welcome to today's video and

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in this video we are going to discuss

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how you should create your own workout

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program and which five steps you have to

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take to create a worker program that

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works best for your own goals so stay

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tuned and enjoy the video

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alright guys so welcome to the video and

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like we said we're going to discuss five

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different steps that you need to take to

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get the best worker program for

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calisthenics for yourself but before we

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start with this video we first want to

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say thank you because we reached 30,000

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subscribers on our YouTube channel so

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this is a very very big milestone for us

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and actually lately it has been growing

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pretty fast yes also because we are now

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about posting two videos per week and

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really noticed the growth of our channel

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and that's really really good to see and

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that also motivates us to post more and

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keep up with two videos each week yes

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and that is why we are sitting here on

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this table together because one of the

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videos that did very very well was a

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video on how to start with calisthenics

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we already made a video about that

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which did really well and that was a

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just us talking through the camera and

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yeah we got so many positive responses

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on that and also a lot of new

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subscribers due to that video so yeah we

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noticed that that video is something

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that you guys like very much so that is

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why we are also sitting here today to

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create a video just like that and to

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celebrate this milestone of 30,000

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subscribers we have a special discount

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also on our website and we will talk

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about this later in the video so let's

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start with this video because yeah we

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got a lot of questions from you guys on

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how to create a program that works best

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for calisthenics because most people

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just go to the park and work on some

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goals they have especially with

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calisthenics maybe it's the handstand

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maybe it's just getting better at the

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basics but they don't really know how to

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create a program that works for a longer

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period of time and yeah we make a lot of

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programs because we make a customized

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programs for our own clients and we have

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made in the last two years we made like

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through all the experience

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a questionnaire that we apply for our

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own clients when we get a question or

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actually a request from a client to make

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a personal worker program and we are

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going to share that questionnaire with

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you guys today so it is based on our own

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experience from the last two years and

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yes so you can also create your own

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worker program so yeah let's start with

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the first step that you need to take

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when creating your own worker program

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yes exactly so in the questionnaire we

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basically asked for five steps which we

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also will explain in this video and the

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very first step is actually what is your

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main goal so there can be learning care

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setting skills for a lot of people one

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of their in the handstand or the back

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liquor but can also be a gaining muscle

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mass with body weight training or losing

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fat with body weight training so the

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first thing that you need to figure out

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is what is your main goal and based on

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this you can actually get really a

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different kind of programs with like

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three times a week or six times a week

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upper lower but we will get into this

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later in the video but that's the main

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thing when you want to make a program

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for yourself alright so once you know

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what your main goal is then you have to

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look to the second step and that is how

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many times per week am i able to train

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and how many times do I want to train to

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to achieve my goals because if you only

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have two days per week or four or six it

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will also depends on the kind of worker

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program that you that applies best for

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you yes exactly so you can also imagine

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that if you want to learn like four

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skills and you are only able to train

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two times per week that just won't work

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so it's really important to really get

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those two steps first before you make a

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program for yourself alright guys so

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once you know your main goals and also

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how many days per week you you can train

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then it's really important to know what

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your specific goals are so that can be

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learning specific skills such as the

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handstand or the muscle up but it can

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also be

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gaining muscle mass maybe in different

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aspects maybe if you if you have a small

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chest or small back muscles you can like

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focus on that particular muscle group

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and that's really important to know

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before you make your own program so

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making specific goals is very important

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you can think of making SMART goals with

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SMART goals we mean specific goals the

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goals need to be measurable so one very

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big mistake is that especially with

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calisthenics is that people say I want

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to learn the pledge or I want to do I

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want to be able to do the Beckley 4 and

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then that is actually when we come to

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the next step and that a step 4 is to

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you have to check your current level so

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if your goal is to get for example their

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full Beckley for let us say long-term

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goal if you only can do like it takes

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Beckley 4 or if you have never done

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exactly for it then the goal is way and

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way too hard to to write it down and if

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you set that heart go for itself then

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you will be getting demotivated as well

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because if you train for several weeks

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then you will notice that it's going to

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be pretty hard and it will be

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frustrating for you to get that goal

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because yes yeah you want to progress

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faster but it seems to get harder than

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you think of so actually you have to

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look to all those big goals that you

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want to achieve and you have to divide

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them in different smaller goals so like

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we said this was with the Beckley 4 but

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you can also think of the handstand if

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you can't do a handstand there are

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multiple progressions that you can

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achieve for example the Frog stand for

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30 seconds maybe a wall handstand for a

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1 minute maybe hands and push-ups 5 or

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10 reps so it's really important to

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check your current level and from there

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your specific SMART goal for maybe eight

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weeks exactly so once you know all these

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four steps so what is your main goal how

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many days per week and I train what is

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what are my specific goals and

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what is my level then we can come to the

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next point the last point is step 5

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which training method is appropriate for

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my goals so for example if your goal is

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to build muscle mass you just want to

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get a lot of muscle and become bigger

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then it's important that you train a lot

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and with a lot of volume so then and

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also if you have like six days to train

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for that then an appropriate training

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method would be push-pull legs push-pull

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legs because this a high volume training

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method but for people that don't give a

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lot about muscle mass but just want to

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get stronger and learn calisthenics

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skills then a push-pull legs routine

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would not be most efficient but then you

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can maybe think more of a skills and

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strength split routine in which you

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focus on just one particular day on your

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own your skills for example two hours

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training for your handstand and for your

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planche and then the next day you focus

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on yes he folks more dynamic exercises

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yes such as maybe weighted dips muscle

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ups or handstand push-ups to get strong

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also for the skills you want to learn

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and that's exactly why you want to do a

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skill and strength workout if you want

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to learn calisthenics skills and then a

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appropriate routine will be skills and

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strength and then the third day will be

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a rest day and then again skill strength

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and rest and also with the skill and

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strength workout routine you have the

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third day a rest day which you can use

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for training your mobility and

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flexibility because the amount of

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flexibility and mobility is also really

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really beneficial for your own

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calisthenics skills at least that is

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what we experienced a lot once we

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started to do flexibility routines then

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yeah we increased our skills so much

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faster so yeah it really depends all on

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your on your goals and the training

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method which is appropriate for that and

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how many days you have to train in a

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week oh then we have a third training

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method and that is actually appliable

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for all the people that want to lose

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that and that is a high-intensity upper

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body and lower body routine so you can

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do actually maybe two workouts per week

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or for work last week or even six

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workouts per week if you really want to

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go for it but at the work of routine

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that will burn the most fat is a upper

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body and lower body high-intensity

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workout routine and that is also this

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the the routine that we use in our

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30-day FedRAMP program as you guys maybe

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know so you actually don't really focus

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on skills you you also don't really

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focus on getting muscle mass but all you

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focus is burning fat and burning as much

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as calories as possible all right guys

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so these were basically the five steps

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that we take for our own work of

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programs but also for the customized

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workout programs for our own clients and

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we have been doing this now for two

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years and yeah we have been seeing great

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results from our own clients you can

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also check the testimonials on our

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website as always guys we don't say that

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this is the only way or the best way to

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program your workouts but this is just

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the way how we do it and yeah we're

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sharing this knowledge with you so that

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you also can create your own workout

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programs for yourself

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and I want to emphasize or we want to

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emphasize that it is so important to

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create work of programs for a longer

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period of time maybe for eight weeks or

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12 weeks and sets specific goals for

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itself because it will motivate you to

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work towards your goals and literally

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every week when you see that you are

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progressing that motivates you to keep

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on going and then you will get a sense

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of the feeling that you are in control

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and that is very important or at least

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we are the kind of people that wants to

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be in control and want to see that we

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are making progress every single week

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because that gives us just a good feel

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so I think that's it for this video guys

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and like I said in the beginning of the

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video we also have something to announce

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about a discount because we reach the

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30,000 subscribers on our YouTube

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channel and therefore we are having 30%

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discount on our

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whole website and we have never done a

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discount on the complete website so the

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discount applies on all our worker

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programs also on our very popular a full

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journey program which is on a long-term

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calisthenics program in which we apply

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all this stuff that we learned and just

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told you in a program in a long-term

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program to learn calisthenics skills and

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to get more muscular and the discount

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also applies on oh my coaching our

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merchandise workout equipment and also

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of course our customized workout

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programs that we make so that's it for

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this video guys

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we have also written down all this

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information in our free calisthenics

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training guide ebook you find all that

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methods that we discussed today and much

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more information also about calisthenics

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and nutrition for example and a really

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important training principles that you

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should know where you start with

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calisthenics or just when you train

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calisthenics so I think that's it yes

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that's it

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so guys if you liked the video make sure

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to put your thumbs up and also subscribe

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if you haven't yet that will really help

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us to reach our next milestone right

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maybe okay yes 50k let's see how far we

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can get and yeah that's it about video

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guys and we hope to see you in the next

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video peace out guys

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