How to become a Calisthenics Athlete?

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alright guys so if you want to become a

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calisthenics athlete then this video

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might be very helpful for you why

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because in this video we are going to

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explain three really important roles

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that makes a katasonych

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athlete in our own opinion so the first

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aspect is aesthetics because with

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calisthenics we are trying to get a

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great physique and of course you can be

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a catalytic athlete without having a

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great physique but that is not our goal

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we actually started with Fitness like a

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few years ago and then transitioned over

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to calisthenics and our main goal there

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were whole reason why we started working

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out was to become more muscular and to

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get a lean and athletic physique and

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that is exactly what we're trying to

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strive for still today with calisthenics

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so how to get a lean aesthetic Luke with

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calisthenics training well there are a

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few really important things so the first

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rule first principle which is very

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important to get aesthetic and to build

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muscle with calisthenics is that you

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should work in an optimal rep range when

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working out and that is in a hypertrophy

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way which is in a rep range from like 6

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to 15 reps and why because with muscle

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growth it's very important that you have

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a lot of time and attention when working

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out so one of the key exercises to build

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muscle are the basic exercises such as

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for us two favorite exercises the dip

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where shoulders the chest and your arms

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then the pull-up and also the push-up

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you can do it weighted or not weighted

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so let's go

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alright guys today was all about gaining

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muscle mass but also to get a lean

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aesthetic body it's also very important

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to do two very important factors and the

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first one cardio cardio is something

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that most people neglect but it's really

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important to burn fat and to get more

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functional in your daily life and also

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to activate like your heart rate which

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is also we're very optimal for building

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muscle and just your overall results

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when working out so one of my favorite

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cardio exercises are burpees and also

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jumping squats because these are very

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high intensity exercises which

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stimulates fat burning even more so

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let's go

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alright guys so besides losing fat with

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high intensity exercises there's one

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other factor which is very important and

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that is your diet so there are actually

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two situations right here you are either

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skinny and you want to gain weight and

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gain muscle mass or you have a little

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bit overweight and you want to like

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decrease your weight so how to gain or

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lose weight it's actually really simple

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you have to look up your maintenance

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level so that means how many calories

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you are consuming to stay at your same

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weight and then you have to like lower

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the calories with like two to four

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hundred calories to a Catterick deficit

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to lose weight and you have to like to

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increase the calories with two to four

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hundred calories to increase your weight

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and you don't want to increase your

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calories too much because if you do that

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then you will be gaining also a lot of

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fat and that is exactly what you don't

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want if you want to stay in shape

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while still gaining muscle mass all

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right guys so that's all about the first

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aspect of how to become a calisthenics

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athlete in our opinion and now let's go

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to the second factor the second aspect

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and that is in our opinion power like

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real bodyweight power and strength so I

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covered like the base the exercises such

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as to pull up the push-up and the dip

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for like building muscle mass and also

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like getting stronger and your basic

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exercises next to this you can like

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achieve more harder exercises with

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calisthenics and that's like really a

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challenging part of calisthenics and a

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part at breathe really love about

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calisthenics for example think about

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like the basic exercises but then like a

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little bit harder such as the handstand

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pushup instead of just regular push-ups

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the Russian dips instead of regular dips

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and the muscle ab instead of just

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regular pull-ups

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so with this part power and strength we

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are really working on explosiveness but

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also real bodyweight power alright so

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let's talk about how to transition from

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basic body weight strength to like

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advanced bodyweight exercises the first

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first step is progressive overload so

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that means that you have to increase the

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loads in every new training session so

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that means that you have to do either

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more repetitions more sets more seconds

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or even harder exercises than the

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previous training and it's the best way

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to track your results in a digital or a

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normal logbook so you can see what your

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results are from the last training and

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then you know what kind of results you

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have to beat to get stronger then

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yesterday or one week ago so that's very

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important so I highly recommend to start

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with tracking your progress and to

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increase progressive overload to work up

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to exercise like that hasn't push it for

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the muscle up and also guys your mind is

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key when it comes to getting stronger

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because with calisthenics it's very

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important that you have the bodybuilding

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mindset so that means that you go to

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every workout with the purpose of

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getting stronger and better than the

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previous one instead of just going to

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the calisthenics park or just at home

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and just do some random sets or reps or

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exercises because then you're just

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playing around

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instead of systematically working

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towards your own goals and that's why

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it's also very important to work in a

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structured program and that's when I

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come to the second point and that is

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frequency frequency is very important

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especially with exercise like this

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there's a push of the muscle up because

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the more frequent you're going to

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practice a exercise the faster you will

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get it so I would recommend to at least

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train every muscle group or every

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exercise that you are working on at

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least two times per week and then I come

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to the last factor and that is

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consistency consistency it goes along

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with frequency consistency is key

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especially with calisthenics because

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some exercises can take months or even

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gears to work up to so it's very

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important to stay consistent and

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sometimes many people ask us like do you

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train every way

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do you sometimes have a break and yes we

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do have a break and I can advise you to

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have breaks when it comes in a natural

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way in your own life so for example when

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you're having exams then it's a perfect

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moment to have a break from your worker

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program to like recover your muscles and

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to also get a little bit more motivated

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to work up to new goals so that's kind

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of the way how we take breaks after a

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long period of working out and also one

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thing that you have to consider is that

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if you don't stay consistent the

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principle of reversibility comes in and

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that means that you will lose your

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progress as fast as that you build up

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your progress because the body tends to

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adapt to the old situation to the old

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level so that's why it's very important

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to always try to keep moving forward and

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to bring your body in a new state

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alright guys so that's all about the

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second part of how to become a

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calisthenics athlete power and strength

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and now let's move on to the last part

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and that is full body control and here

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comes the beautiful part of calisthenics

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combining your strength with like

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beautiful exercises and flowing and that

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is like combining the strength that

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you've gained into like really nice

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exercises that requires a lot of

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functional strength and for this you can

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think of a nstant or a press to

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handstand or a full back leaf or because

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our goal with calisthenics is not only

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to become really huge and big and have a

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lot of strength but also to have the

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ability to move freely to be functional

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to be flexible all aspects that are very

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important to be a all-round complete

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athlete so that's the last part of

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becoming a calisthenics athlete in our

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opinion and for this you should work on

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lots of mobility exercises flexibility

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routines maybe do some yoga and also

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practicing a lot of skills such as the

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handstand or the Beckley for exercise

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like that so that is in our opinion the

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ultimate way to become a calisthenics

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so to recap this video how to become a

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Kansan ex-athlete work on your

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aesthetics basic exercises then work on

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your power your strength and progressive

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overload tracking your programs stuff

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like that it's very important and then

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at last combine it all together into

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beautiful strength and make sure that

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you implement flexibility and mobility

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routines so that's all about the video

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guys I hope that you find this helpful

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that you have a better idea of our own

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goals and how you should also apply this

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into your own workout routine or your

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training in general so we basically

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discussed and explained like the whole

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journey how to become from a very

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beginner towards a Kazakhs athlete and

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we've created a program that is called

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the full journey in which we implement

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all these different factors you can work

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your way up like for two years and you

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can also step in into your own level so

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if you're already have some strength you

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can also step into the full calisthenics

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journey and working up to like really

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challenging exercises and unlocking

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certain skills that you might want to

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learn so right now guys we have a 35%

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discount on the full journey

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calisthenics program we are doing a

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back-to-school sale for the next coming

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two weeks because the holiday times are

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over and everyone is going either back

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to school or back to their working life

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and now it's the perfect time to start a

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new journey and work up to your

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calisthenics goals or just getting

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stronger fitter healthier in general so

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if you want to start with the full

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journey program then check the links

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down below and sign up so that's all

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about this video guys I hope that you

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liked the video and please let me know

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in the comments what you think about

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this video and what you want to see in

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next videos we are posting two videos

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each week and we are trying to cover as

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many requests as we getting from you

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guys so let us know in the comments down

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below and don't forget to subscribe for

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more videos if you haven't yet and then

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I'll catch you in the next video guys

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peace out

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