Handstand Workout with my Girlfriend... (Essential Beginner Tips)
what's up ladies and gentlemen I am here with my girlfriend with michelle
We are going to do a handstand and an abdominal muscle workout today
especially michelle is going to work on the handstand today. how many times have you already trained for the handstand?
Now twice and this will be the third time.
We start with the warm-up and then we start with the workouts so let's go
OK ladies and gentlemen, we have just finished warming up
we are now going to start the workout we have here our Full Journey Program
We are going to do a workout today because Michelle is still a beginning
or not? yeah haha. Okay so then we go here. The Full Journey therefore consists of four different phases
we are going to the beginners phase
and then we come to the beginners phase
and we are going to do workout 1 today and then the handstand part of workout 1
Frogstands, Reverse Wall Handstands, Wall handstands and some abdominal exercises
So are you ready? okay let's do this! OK ladies and gentlemen the very first exercise
if you want to be able to hand and you can not do anything against a wall
to create balance, the frogstand is important.
It looks like this. you place both hands on the ground
fingers spread all the way so that you have a lot of stabilization points
your elbows on the inside of your knees and from here bring your shoulders forward
until your feet are off the ground and you have to balance
with your hands
1, 2, .. Omg ... haha
really try to push your elbows and your knees even further out
and really stay as low as possible at the ground
really with your face close to the ground and then you try to break free
That works a lot better
Yes! That is 3 seconds ..
Yes well done. Stay low to the ground .. Yes. You did. 4 seconds now!
The next exercise is the Reverse wall handstand. In other words, the handstand against the wall
but then untouched with the belly against the wall
It looks like this you start here and you walk up
If this is too difficult you can also stay here but the goal is ...
to follow as closely as possible to the wall and stretch your legs completely
Make sure you make your body nice and straight. so not like this.
but try to tighten your buttocks. that works well.
And this is really a beginners exercise to build strength in the front of your shoulder
Yes neat! Try to stretch your legs nicely. Yes. 1 ..
so you saw that the body was right
An improvement point is that you can stand even closer to the wall. yes okay.
The third exercise is the wall handstat. So now with your back against a wall
With this exercise jumping is very important to practice well
you want to place your hands as close to the wall as possible
You start in a sprinter position and from here you swing very fast
Do not try to get a crooked back that you often see is that people are too far away from the wall
Then yes yes crooked
So try to get closer to the wall and then squeeze your buttocks together
to push into the ground and from your feet you make a point and then stretch your legs completely
and then you can possibly try to go with one leg
or perhaps with two legs
1 .. 2 ..
Yes! 22 seconds. A new record!
And why is it that you have a new record?
Because you knew what to break!
Yes, I wanted to break 10 seconds anyway.
Yes, exactly. You also keep that in the logbook and you now know for the next time what you have to break!
Michelle has now handled 23 seconds against a wall
and we always say if you can handle a wall for 30 seconds then you can proceed to the next step
That is in the intermediate program. Then you can practice the handstand.
And I think it is in it!
Another 7 seconds extra and then we can practice it separately!
Okay So try to get those 30 seconds!
yes 1 ..
29 .. 30 .. Yess!
You have reached the 30 second that means that we can practice separately
we have laid down a number of mats here so that it is less scary to fall
You start exactly in the sprinter position again
a common mistake is that you start this way
and jhard sells and turns. then you create too much speed
so you always overlap
you actually want to start controlled. So from here
and then jump on quietly. find that balance. Always turn off a bit harder.
and then you try to rotate when you flip over.
And then your hand stays in the same place. So that you eventually end up here.
And is it already possible? yes it is frustrating that you have no balance
and can not last long. Yes correct. Okay then we are finished with the handstand part.
So we have now done four exercises
and are we going to do the abdominals now because the trunk is of course also very important in the handstand.
We are going to do the butterfly hold and the tucked l-sit hold!
the first exercise so the butterfly hold that we will keep twice as long as possible
and this is really a very challenging exercise
and super good for handstand and I'll show you why
because what you are going to do is going to stand in this position.
And then you keep 1 arm and 1 leg in the air.
Then you have to work very much with your hands and shoulder and with your abs!
of course you keep your leg up and
you want to try to keep your arm and leg and the straight line
So are you ready? Yess! Okay let's go!
it is really a very good exercise both for balance
Because you are leaning a lot on your hand. That requires a lot of stabilization from the shoulder
and in your abdominal muscles you also feel very good
Okay we go to the last exercise. The Tucked L-sit Hold
For this we need these boxes because if you do it higher it becomes easier
you want to have a lot of space for your legs
This is a full L-sit and we are going to hold it (tucked) now
and we use the parallettes because then you have better grip
you could also, for example, do it at home by taking two chairs and holding them that way
but this is a bit nicer because then you can print better. From here you try to keep the knees up
and then hold on as long as possible with outstretched arms!
so again a good exercise for the shoulders for the handstand
and also for your abdominal muscles!
Yes? 3 .. 2 .. 1 ..
26 27 28 29
This is difficult, is not it? Yes
OK ladies and gentlemen, this was the beginner's workout
and then the handstand part of the Full Journey program.
In this program we work towards different skills for example the handstand, the front liver,
the backlever, the muscle up,
and also strength exercises such as handstand pushup a normal push-up and pull up
How did you like it?
Against the wall it went well.
Then difficult to find the balance. So that's what I'm going to work on next time!
That was this workout and until the next time!