Handstand Workout with my Girlfriend... (Essential Beginner Tips)

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what's up ladies and gentlemen I am here with my girlfriend with michelle

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We are going to do a handstand and an abdominal muscle workout today

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especially michelle is going to work on the handstand today. how many times have you already trained for the handstand?

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Now twice and this will be the third time.

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We start with the warm-up and then we start with the workouts so let's go

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OK ladies and gentlemen, we have just finished warming up

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we are now going to start the workout we have here our Full Journey Program

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We are going to do a workout today because Michelle is still a beginning

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or not? yeah haha. Okay so then we go here. The Full Journey therefore consists of four different phases

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we are going to the beginners phase

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and then we come to the beginners phase

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and we are going to do workout 1 today and then the handstand part of workout 1

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Frogstands, Reverse Wall Handstands, Wall handstands and some abdominal exercises

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So are you ready? okay let's do this! OK ladies and gentlemen the very first exercise

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if you want to be able to hand and you can not do anything against a wall

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to create balance, the frogstand is important.

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It looks like this. you place both hands on the ground

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fingers spread all the way so that you have a lot of stabilization points

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your elbows on the inside of your knees and from here bring your shoulders forward

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until your feet are off the ground and you have to balance

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with your hands

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1, 2, .. Omg ... haha

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really try to push your elbows and your knees even further out

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and really stay as low as possible at the ground

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really with your face close to the ground and then you try to break free

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That works a lot better

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Yes! That is 3 seconds ..

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Yes well done. Stay low to the ground .. Yes. You did. 4 seconds now!

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The next exercise is the Reverse wall handstand. In other words, the handstand against the wall

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but then untouched with the belly against the wall

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It looks like this you start here and you walk up

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If this is too difficult you can also stay here but the goal is ...

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to follow as closely as possible to the wall and stretch your legs completely

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Make sure you make your body nice and straight. so not like this.

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but try to tighten your buttocks. that works well.

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And this is really a beginners exercise to build strength in the front of your shoulder

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Yes neat! Try to stretch your legs nicely. Yes. 1 ..

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so you saw that the body was right

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An improvement point is that you can stand even closer to the wall. yes okay.

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The third exercise is the wall handstat. So now with your back against a wall

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With this exercise jumping is very important to practice well

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you want to place your hands as close to the wall as possible

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You start in a sprinter position and from here you swing very fast

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Do not try to get a crooked back that you often see is that people are too far away from the wall

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Then yes yes crooked

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So try to get closer to the wall and then squeeze your buttocks together

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to push into the ground and from your feet you make a point and then stretch your legs completely

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and then you can possibly try to go with one leg

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or perhaps with two legs

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1 .. 2 ..

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Yes! 22 seconds. A new record!

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And why is it that you have a new record?

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Because you knew what to break!

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Yes, I wanted to break 10 seconds anyway.

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Yes, exactly. You also keep that in the logbook and you now know for the next time what you have to break!

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Michelle has now handled 23 seconds against a wall

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and we always say if you can handle a wall for 30 seconds then you can proceed to the next step

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That is in the intermediate program. Then you can practice the handstand.

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And I think it is in it!

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Another 7 seconds extra and then we can practice it separately!

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Okay So try to get those 30 seconds!

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yes 1 ..

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29 .. 30 .. Yess!

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You have reached the 30 second that means that we can practice separately

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we have laid down a number of mats here so that it is less scary to fall

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You start exactly in the sprinter position again

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a common mistake is that you start this way

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and jhard sells and turns. then you create too much speed

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so you always overlap

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you actually want to start controlled. So from here

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and then jump on quietly. find that balance. Always turn off a bit harder.

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and then you try to rotate when you flip over.

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And then your hand stays in the same place. So that you eventually end up here.

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And is it already possible? yes it is frustrating that you have no balance

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and can not last long. Yes correct. Okay then we are finished with the handstand part.

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So we have now done four exercises

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and are we going to do the abdominals now because the trunk is of course also very important in the handstand.

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We are going to do the butterfly hold and the tucked l-sit hold!

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the first exercise so the butterfly hold that we will keep twice as long as possible

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and this is really a very challenging exercise

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and super good for handstand and I'll show you why

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because what you are going to do is going to stand in this position.

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And then you keep 1 arm and 1 leg in the air.

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Then you have to work very much with your hands and shoulder and with your abs!

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of course you keep your leg up and

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you want to try to keep your arm and leg and the straight line

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So are you ready? Yess! Okay let's go!

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it is really a very good exercise both for balance

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Because you are leaning a lot on your hand. That requires a lot of stabilization from the shoulder

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and in your abdominal muscles you also feel very good

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Okay we go to the last exercise. The Tucked L-sit Hold

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For this we need these boxes because if you do it higher it becomes easier

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you want to have a lot of space for your legs

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This is a full L-sit and we are going to hold it (tucked) now

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and we use the parallettes because then you have better grip

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you could also, for example, do it at home by taking two chairs and holding them that way

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but this is a bit nicer because then you can print better. From here you try to keep the knees up

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and then hold on as long as possible with outstretched arms!

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so again a good exercise for the shoulders for the handstand

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and also for your abdominal muscles!

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Yes? 3 .. 2 .. 1 ..

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26 27 28 29

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This is difficult, is not it? Yes

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OK ladies and gentlemen, this was the beginner's workout

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and then the handstand part of the Full Journey program.

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In this program we work towards different skills for example the handstand, the front liver,

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the backlever, the muscle up,

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and also strength exercises such as handstand pushup a normal push-up and pull up

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How did you like it?

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Against the wall it went well.

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Then difficult to find the balance. So that's what I'm going to work on next time!

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That was this workout and until the next time!

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