Grow your Legs with this Calisthenics LEG workout (NO equipment)

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what's up guys it's Michael pair from

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Kelly's next family welcome to a new

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video in this video I'm gonna show you a

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leg workout that you can do outside I

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found this park bench over here so we're

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gonna use this park bench to do a proper

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leg workout so let's get this workout

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started photobucket don't try and make

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you uncomfortable

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you eat Rock Road and stop lab on me

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going on away

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alright guys so welcome to the video

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like I said we're gonna do a booty wait

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leg workouts it's going to be a

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high-intensity leg workout that you can

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do with your own body weight so we're

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going to do several exercises with this

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park bench oh where to target our quads

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our hamstrings our calves and also a

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little bit our lower back so let's get

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this workout started so I'm gonna do

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several exercises in a sequence and then

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I'm gonna repeat that round for like

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three to five rounds in total so you

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will be working out for like 30 minutes

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up to 45 minutes so let's get this

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workout started guys alright guys

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welcome to the workouts the first

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exercise is the Box jump an explosive

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exercise because at the beginning of the

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session we have most of our energy left

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so we're gonna do 10 repetitions in

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total and make sure that when you land

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that you're gonna try to break the fall

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by reducing the noise that's a really

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good trick to avoid injuries in your

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knees and also hang your ankles alright

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ten repetitions done now we're gonna

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move on to the second exercise which are

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the pistol squats a really good exercise

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for your quads and also includes so

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we're gonna do them in an elevated

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position as you can see right here

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because for most of you that can't do

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the physics yet on the floor this one is

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a really good option because now you

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don't have to struggle with the flat

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surface which you normally have on the

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floor that requires a lot of hamstring

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and ankle flexibility - now you can

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still perform this exercise and if you

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can't do it you can also try that bench

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basal squat or deep squats so we're

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gonna do ten repetitions of each leg

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also keep in mind with this exercise

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that you definitely don't want to reach

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too far with your knees so don't bring

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them beyond your toes because that will

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cause a lot of burden on your knees and

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also can cause injuries so try to avoid

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this when you don't have much experience

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with this

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exercise yeah don't try to make you

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comfortable Photobucket me try ordering

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stuff for you

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record laugh on me going all the way

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all right ten reps done now we're gonna

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move on to the third exercise that bill

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Gary and split squats this exercise is

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really good for your quads your glutes

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and also your inner dice so we're gonna

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perform 10 repetitions for each leg

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again so bring your knee forward bring

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your toes on the bench and from here

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focus on bringing your knee your back

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knee towards the ground and also keep in

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mind that you don't want to bring your

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knee in front too much forward like with

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the pistol squat so 10 repetitions again

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for both legs for the Brecon lab on me

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going on away wait for the record ain't

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wrong make notes on ovations

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Bennifer maybe been alone so nice they

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are now got our pricing y'all snake guys

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on dates for your show this or I see

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y'all folks h6r the hey I work in a bar

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your loss in the polonaise record record

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I still count wins when it got it all

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break it alright that repetition is done

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and as you can see the burden is real

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let's move on to the for exercise the

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standing hip extension this one is a

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really good exercise for your hamstrings

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if you don't have access to weights or a

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gym so we're gonna grab the table with

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our right hand to support us with our

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balance and now we're gonna move forward

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it's like a little forward fold reach to

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the floor with your hands and try to

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bring your back leg as high as possible

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if you aim higher then you will also

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feel the burden in your hamstrings even

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more so we're going to do ten

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repetitions for each leg again and try

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to do this exercise as controlled as

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possible that's really important with

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this exercise to feel it in your

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been alone so nice they are now got a

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low price to y'all

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snake eyes or dates for y'all show this

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on ice - y'all frozen h6 all - hey I

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work in a bar today lost in the

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polonaise reckon I still count wince

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when they'd add it all wrecking ball

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wrecking I let him take advantage I was

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wailing on wrecking ball wrecking Dale's

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tell him so I can column for the quote

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all right so ten repetitions done on the

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left side now we're gonna move on to the

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very last exercise this one is the calf

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race of course this one targets your

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calves so we're gonna grab the table

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with both hands to support us and for

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our balance and from there stand on one

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feet only and try to bring your feet as

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high as possible and also bring them as

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low as possible

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underneath the Shelf of the bench so

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we're gonna do this for 10 to 15

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repetitions also for both legs

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alright guys so I just finished the

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first round as you can see sweat all

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over my face it's really hard a sequence

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to do this all with only 15 seconds rest

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in between each exercise so guys if

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you're looking for a good leg workout

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and high-intensity leg workout also to

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burn a lot of fat and calories because

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right now I'm also in my fat loss

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journey so then this workout is really

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good try to find a bench like this and

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you can do all these exercises and if

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you find yourself having troubles with a

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certain exercise for example the pistol

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squad you can also lower the intensity

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by doing an easier progression of the

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exercise so guys that's it for this

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workout I hope that you enjoyed it

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please leave a like and subscribe for

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more videos and if you're looking for

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more body weight workouts like this we

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created a bunch of them on our website

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we created a full home workout program

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that you can do at home without any

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equipment or if you'd like to learn some

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calisthenics skills like for example the

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pistol squad or for example the

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handstand the muscle of the back knee

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for a press to handstand it can go

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really advanced then check out the full

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journey program for more information you

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can find all the links in the

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description down below so guys that's it

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for this workout let me know if you want

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to see more follow along workouts like

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this and also guys make sure that you

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turn on your notification belt so you

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don't miss any future videos on this

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channel so guys that's it for this video

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please leave a like subscribe for more

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videos and I'll get you guys in one of

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the next videos peace out

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but I found calisthenics family and they

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were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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price so I decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics I would

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highly recommend this it'll it'll do the

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same for you I'm Gordon and I've been

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with calisthenics family for almost

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three months now and all the time I've

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had Yannick as my trainer like my

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chorionic can just be like

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that little extra push to keep you going

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you also seen the pictures I'm really

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proud of myself that what I achieved in

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the last eight weeks go for it and start

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your journey and if you also want our

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help to get more lane to burn fat we can

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help you out by making a custom new

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friend because your diet is of course

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the most important factor when it comes

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down to staying lean next that we can

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also help you out with a customized

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workout program based on your own level

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and your own goals and we also have a 30

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day fat burn challenge that challenges

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you to get shredded in 30 days

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