Full Day Of Eating To Get Lean | #TheFullJourney Ep.3

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Hey guys, today we are going to do a Full Day of Eating!

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Welcome at this video. Today we are going to show you everything that we eat on a regular day.

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It is 9:45 in the morning. I’m currently standing in the kitchen to prepare my meals for today.

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I’m going to prepare 2 meals that I will take with me today towards our working spot.

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I’ll start with the first meal which is my breakfast consisting out of: quark, nuts, muesli and 2 slices of bread.

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In regards to supplements I always take glucosamine which is good for your healthy joints and tendons.

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Around 12:00 O’clock I will eat my first meal. So that will be in about 2 hours from now.

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Meal 1: Ready!

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So I just prepared the first meal, now I’m going to prepare the second one.

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I normally eat the second meal around 4 O’clock before or after my workout (depending on each day).

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This is a warm meal consisting out of rice and veggies.

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I already cooked and prepared this meal yesterday. In total 4 meals consisting out of 2300 grams.

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So per meal it will be 575 grams. So the only thing that I now have to do is to put 575 grams from this big box, into this smaller box and I’m ready for today!

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So what’s exactly in the meal? It contains: whole grain rice, kidney beans, corn, wok vegetables, tomatoes, peppers and vegetarian meat.

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So really healthy meal. To add some flavor I add pasta sauce.

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Well, meal 1 and meal 2 are done!

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One last thing: Energy drink and I’m ready to go!

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Alright, so I just finished preparing my meals for today. This only took me 10 minutes.

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My tip of today is that I recommend you to also prepare your meals in advance…

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this will save you a lot of time! For example when you prepare pasta or rice you need to make 4 meals at once and put it in a big box like I did.

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Now it only will take you 5 minutes and if you cook every day again it will take you like 30 minutes everyday!

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Now I can just bring it with my and eat whenever I’m hungry

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I’m heading to our working spot at the university, but first we will switch over to Yannick…

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because today we will show you everything from me and from Yannick!

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Good morning everyone. It is 8 in the morning today I show you everything that I eat aswell…

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because your diet is very important next to calisthenics training.

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I already had a coffee, that’s a standard morning habit for me.

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I’m going to cook my meals for today now and I’m going to make pasta!

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I’m using: Whole-grain pasta, Brocoli, Mushrooms, vegetarian meatbals and Pesto.

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I’m preparing it right now because I will be gone for the rest of the day.

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I just finished my pre workout meal and I wrote all ingredients down…

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… I will add them in an App called: MyFitnessPall, but first I’m going to make my breakfast for today.

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For breakfast I eat Quark, Fruit and Oats. I’m also going to bring this meal with me because I like to eat around 11 or 12PM.

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Why am I doing this?

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Because, with this method I have a smaller time-frame to eat my meals so I can eat bigger meals each time.

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Now I’m all set. I got the Pasta, the oats and the quark!

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Alright guys, we just arrived at the university. We have all our meals on the table right here.

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This is my area right here haha, and this is from Yannick.

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So this is our working spot for today. Time to produce some content for you guys!

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And of course… a coffee to start off the day.

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Alright guys, it is almost 1PM right now. Time for our first meal (breakfast).

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It contains 500 grams of quark and 85 grams of Muesli

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For the Muesli I’m using the basic variant without added sugars.

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I see a lot of people eating muesli with added sugar (Cruesli) or even with chocolate in it. That’s not really healthy anymore…

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… so always choose basic muesli or oats without added sugar or extra flavors.

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These oats contains healthy carbohydrates (complex carbs) which are best for your energy system.

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So this is my meal. Let’s see what Yannick is eating…

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Alright so my breakfast is almost the same as Michaels breakfast.

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Instead of banana I added red fruit and I also added protein powder. I don’t know if Michael did that too?

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No, not right now, but I actually forgot about it!

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I promised you to show how the App Myfitnesspall works…

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…. So this is how the app looks like. It’s really easy to use.

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You can just scan your product and the app will recognize the product.

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You can do this for almost any product in store. With this method you can track your calories and your macronutrients very easily.

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So you exactly now how much fat, carbs and proteins you eat throughout the day, which is very important of course!

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Especially as a calisthenics athlete, you don’t want to have too much body fat so you have to watch your food.

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I personally eat a little bit more than my “maintenance”. This is the amount of calories that you need consume to stay on the same weight.

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I eat a little bit more so I still put on lean muscle mass but don’t increase too much in my weight.

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I’m currently at 2.500 calories. Michael eats a little more, right?

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Yes I’m at 2800 calories right now.

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This is different for everyone. You can check your maintenance online with a calculator. You need to fill in your weights, length, daily activities etc.

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So this was my breakfast. We will continue working for a bit and later on we are going to hit the gym!

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I have important thing to mention. You can see 2 bottles of water right here and that is for a reason…

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… it is important to drink enough water throughout the day. An average person needs 2 liters of water per day…

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… but an athlete needs more because you burn more energy, thus your body needs more water.

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So we try to drink 3 or 4 liters water a day.

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So how are we doing this?

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I use a gallon and I know that it contains 1.8 liters. So my goal is to drink at least 2 bottles of these each day. 1 before the training and 1 after the training.

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So if you struggle to get enough water in your system. Just try out this method and it might helps you out!

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Alright guys, we just finished working. We both worked on the website and I also send out a newsletter for the first time.

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I worked on a new page on our website where we will show all our past and upcoming events like workshops, battles, barjams etc.

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Now it’s time to workout. We only had our breakfast until now (2PM). We are going to drink an energy drink to get some caffeine in!

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What’s on the plan today? Today it’s time for a core workout!

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It’s now time for the post workout meal (5PM). Rice, corn, beans etc…

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Yo! As you can see I am now at home. That’s because we worked a little bit too long. So I didn’t had enough time to do my workout.

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Michael did another workout so he had enough time…

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…but I still haven’t eat my warm meal so that is what I’m going to do right now. It’s about 5PM now….

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…so that’s 2 hours left before dinner.

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This is my pasta meal that I showed you this morning.

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Check at the end of the video for all macronutrients of this meal

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I’m going to eat now and I’ll see you at the next meal during dinner.

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We are now having dinner together with our family. Today’s dish is broccoli, potatoes and a tenderloin.

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Today we just eat what our parents made. It’s a pretty easy meal to track because they are all separate ingredients.

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I personally eat a more potatoes because I want to be high in carbohydrates to raise my energy level.

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Hey guys, we just finished dinner and before that I worked out so it’s time for a shower now.

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What I mostly do before shower is a little physique check to make sure I’m still making the gains, right!

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With this video we also want to share the message that getting a lean / good physique really depends on your nutrition intake. I believe it’s more important than your actual workouts.

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For example I see a lot of people in the gym that try bodyweight exercises e.g. the backlever…,

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but I see them carry on just too much bodyfat which is not really efficient because it makes the exercise a lot harder…

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… so instead of trying so hard at the gym, it would be more effective to lose some weight first and then the skill will come ;)

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So let’s have a look how I’m currently doing with my physique…

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This is my current physique. At this moment I weigh 74 kilograms in the morning.

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One thing that you might notice is that I don’t have a huge chest. That’s because I do Calisthenics and I don’t really focus on the chest with calisthenics…

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… not saying that you can’t get a big chest with calisthenics, but if that’s your goal it’s better to do the bench press for example.

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I personally don’t really care about it because it’s not my goal. I focus more on learning skills…

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… and getting strong shoulder because they are much more important with calisthenics…

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… think about handstand push ups, the backlever or a frontlever that requires a lot shoulder strength.

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So for me it’s not a problem. If you still want to get a better chest you can also do weighted push ups or use the benchpress, like I said.

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I actually forgot to tell about the best spot to do a physique update…

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… that’s always in front of the mirror in your bathroom right, haha!?

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As you can see the lightning is a lot better right here than in my room…

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… you can see more muscle definition, like in the chest, the triceps and the shoulders.

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So by doing this, you can make a better photo while your body looks completely different in another room with other lightning and angles…

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… but still It is nice for your self-esteem right? so just flex in front of the mirror guys, haha!

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Now it’s really time for a shower!

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Okay, I just got home from dinner at my parents place…

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.. they also cooked broccoli, the same thing I had in the afternoon, but that doesn’t really matter, it is healthy anyway!

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I’m going to workout in about a few minutes. To get some extra energy I will drink this energy drink, of course without any sugars.

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One tip guys: when drinking soda, always drink the zero sugar variant. This keeps you more lean!

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Alright, I’m going to prepare my workout and I’ll catch you in the gym!

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I just got home from my core workout. Right now I’m going to drink a protein shake with a banana.

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Right now I don’t exactly now how much calories I have consumed today…

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…so after my protein shake I’m going to fill in everything in the Fitnesspall app to see how many calories I have left today

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I didn’t eat a lot today, so I think I can consume quite a lot!

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Alright guys I just finished my protein shake. I also filled everything into the app. I’ll show it to you…

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As you can see I still have 450 calories left.

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Let’s see how many macronutrients I have left…

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For carbs I still need 107 grams and for fats I need 12 grams.

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So I’m going to eat bread with apple syrup, because this contains lots of carbs and little fats.

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The fun part of this video is that Michael also shows his diet and I honestly don’t know what he is going to eat, but one thing that I do know is…

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… he asked me to do a little physique update, so let’s do it then!

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I just finished my core session. Maybe you can see a little pump in my abs…

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So I currently eat 2500 calories which is perfect for me to keep the same weight I currently at. Why?

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I’m trying to get better at my frontlever, so it would be dumb if I’m going to increase in mass, if I do that I’ll make it harder for myself!

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Alright guys. I’m hungry now so I’m going to eat my bread with apple syrup.

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At the end of the video I will show you all the calories, carbs, proteins and fats that I consumed today…

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… Michael will probably do that to, he also tracked everything…

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Hey guys, I just came out of the shower. I’m now in my room. I’m going to work on the Dutch website…

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… because at this moment we only have an English website, but the Dutch website is coming soon!

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It is now 11:45 PM, that means it is time for my last meal.

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Before the last meal I always check my the app Myfitnesspall to see how many calories I have left over.

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I’ll will make a screenshot and put it in the screen right now, so you can watch along with me.

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So I only ate around 2.000 calories today. Really low…

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… but yesterday I ate over 3600 calories, way too much because I try to eat 2800 calories at the moment….

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… so yesterday I ate 800 calories to much, so normally I would not eat anything anymore right now so it will be equal again…

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… but I see that I only had 120 grams of protein and I want to get at least 140 grams each day…

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… so I’m going to make a protein shake right now and that will be all for today!

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… so this is the method how I track my food. I do this everyday during the week and during the weekend I don’t track my food.

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By using this method I just know exactly how much I eat and how my body will respond if I’m going to eat more or less.

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This is really helpful for example when I want to lose weight when I’m going to train for a particular skill (e.g. the planche).

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Right now I’m going to make the protein shake and show you how it’s done!

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I’m sitting on the couch right now, I just finished my protein shake…

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I’m about to watch a serie before bed “The Bodyguard” I’m at episode 4 right now.

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So, that’s it for today. I will put everything on the end screen that we eat today to give you a clear idea on all the macronutrients.

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We hope that you find this video helpful or interesting, if you do so…

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… please put your thumbs up 😊..

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… and also make sure to subscribe to our channel for more video’s

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… because there are coming a lot more video’s of The Full Journey Serie!

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In the last video I saw someone commenting to do a leg video. So that’s what we will do in the next video!

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So make sure to check that one out as well and we will catch you in the next video.

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Peace out guys!

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