Enjoy Life, Get Strong & Gain Muscle EVERY WEEK

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what's up guys it's Mike here from

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calisthenics family welcome to the new

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video it's 1:00 p.m. right now it's

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middle of the day and today we have a

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really exciting day I'm just gonna take

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you with me through my day so let's get

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this day started guys

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alright guys so I'm in the gym right now

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as you can see and it's still a blessing

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to I come here every day

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to train to work out to give classes to

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do some personal training yeah just let

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me show you some updates of the gym as

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you can see we have the record boards

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here in the gym and this is really

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really awesome we have implemented these

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boards like in the previous week and

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actually yesterday I picked up this

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white board as well because this one

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right here is so motivating so basically

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this one is the basic PR Board of the

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gyms with all the gym members on the

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left side and and as you can see we

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already have quite some some members so

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that's also really awesome and the

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amount of members is still growing week

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by week so that is so awesome to see and

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like everyone is so motivated and like a

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little bit surprised as well when they

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come and train here because yeah the

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five is so good and like all the

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athletes are really motivated to come

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here and that's exactly what we what we

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want with this gym like setting up a

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small and close community to really

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support each other and that is exactly

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happening at this moment so yeah I'm

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really stoked about that so it's just

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awesome and actually today later on

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today we're gonna have a workout and

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we're also gonna fill up this board with

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all our personal records as well so

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today we're gonna have the training as

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so yeah that's basically a little update

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about gym guys so yeah that's continue

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with today guys

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- Chace human dreaming for you

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I strive every week is a season

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the winter sky Monaco's fossilized in

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this video we're gonna explain the

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decline push-ups when the DFAC worship

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we also need little elevation this time

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to do that

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so we're gonna use a box and form a plan

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to shop

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alright guys so we are in the gym right

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now time for the team workout everyone

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in the back right now

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are you guys ready yes okay let's do

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you're never gonna make it you're not

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good enough there's a million other

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people with the same stuff you really

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think you're different then you must be

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kidding think you're gonna hit it but

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you just don't get it it's impossible

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you're responsible too many obstacles

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you gotta stop no you gotta take us

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though you can't be your pro no wish you

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time no more who the [ __ ] do you - tell

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me what to do I don't give a damn if you

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say you disapprove I'm gonna make my

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move I'm gonna make it soon [ __ ] - so

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it's not gonna work for me today at

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least the first exercise maybe it's

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because I already trained yesterday I

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did some statics but yeah sometimes it

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just doesn't work and sometimes it does

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work so but anyways you just have to

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keep practicing so I'm just gonna move

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on to the next exercise

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this one for you

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Vincent sicker and sick

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okay bye

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I don't want to kid anymore

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I don't wanna hear it anymore you're

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never gonna make it you're not good

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enough there's a million other people

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with the same stuff you really think

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you're different then you must be

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kidding think you're gonna hit it but

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you just don't get it it's impossible

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it's not probable you're responsible too

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many obstacles you gotta stop you know

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you gotta take as though you can't be

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your pro know what's your time no more

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who the [ __ ] do you to tell me what to

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do I don't give a damn if you say

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Oh getting back man 70 push-ups alright

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guys sorry

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Luca goes back to the black mark and

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that means that I'm king of the gym at

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this moment

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why because one two three four PRS of

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the gym and that makes me king of the

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gym right now but I don't know for how

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because I said this before and it can

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already be gone in like maybe like 10

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minutes Oh

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are you just gonna take down a [ __ ]

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fight back

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if I said

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oh hey definitely a personal record sick

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sick I can't even get up man that's my

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personal record man

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first time did I beat my brother

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push-ups man have some work three okay

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all right guys as you guys have seen I

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just beat my brother Michael with the

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push-ups and also I think that I am the

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new king of the gym is now I have four

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PRS Michael has three be ours to the

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crown goes back hey alright guys so

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training is done as I said before this

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was an epic training all always on

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Wednesday we are doing this team

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training competing against each other

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we all set some massive new PRS so we're

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really stoked about this and I can't

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wait to do these kind of trainings more

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often and increase even more so

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searching for higher ground can see and

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my enemy

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bility to know if I can be

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alright guys so we just finished a

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workout over here now eating out with

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the whole kibbutzniks family team with

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vessel jump yelling and urine we're

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supporting us on the YouTube on the

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channel everything that we do behind the

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scenes and now it's time to celebrate so

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three guys here

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ready to know if I can be

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you won't get it

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cuz I can fly

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alright guys so we just finished this

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awesome night first eating out right

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here and also some bowling together with

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the whole crew and Yama gets the overall

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winner yes tonight getting up the gym

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and also alright guys so it was

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basically a day in the life of training

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eating some development in the gym

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instruction videos we're coming out with

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the calisthenics basics program very

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soon so stay tuned for that you can also

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visit the link in description if you

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want to sign up for this program and be

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the first one to be notified so guys

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that's it for this video please like and

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subscribe for more

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