Do THIS Weighted Calisthenics Workout to get BIG & gain MUSCLE

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what's up caddy fam it's mike over here

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and today

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i'm going to show you a weighted

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calisthenics workout to build

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muscle mass so let's start this video

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alright guys so welcome to this new

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video as you can see i'm standing here

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a weight fast in my hand that's because

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we're gonna do a weighted calisthenic

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workout today

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to build muscle mass so um now it's

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around the late summer and you can say

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the gain season has started

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and what we mean with the gain season is

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that we gonna make

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muscle gains again and we're gonna put

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on some extra weight

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so we're gonna increase our weight and

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our muscle mass to eventually get

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stronger work with progressive overload

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and nothing is better to work with

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weights if you wanna

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like really measure your progressive

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overload in calisthenics

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personally like to work with a weight

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fast if you want to do a quick and

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effective workout

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because it's just really easy to carry

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on it's easy to adjust

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the weights in the weight fast it's a

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really functional way to train with

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and it also doesn't like hang like a

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weight belt it's like swinging around

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all the time

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so for this workout you should have

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already mastered the basics

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and we're gonna work in a 8 to 15

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rep range because with building muscle

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mass it's really important that you have

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enough time

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and attention during the workout but

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also not doing too many repetitions

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up to 20 repetitions because then you're

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gonna work your endurance and that's

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what we want to avoid during this

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workout because we want to

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add muscle gains and really target our

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so that's what we're going to do with

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this workout so let's get this workout

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started guys

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all right guys so today we have a full

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body workout for you today first we're

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gonna start off with

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some upper body movements and afterwards

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we're gonna hit our lower body and also

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our core

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we're gonna do two exercises per muscle

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so we're gonna start with the hardest

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exercises so let's start with the first

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exercise the weighted pull-up

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let's go

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all right ready so i got 10 kgs on the

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weight vest

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and as you can see it's really easy to

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tighten the weight fast on

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on your on your body so let's get 10

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repetitions in for the first set

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you're going to grab the bar shoulder

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width apart and make sure

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you go all the way up that's one

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two three

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all right guys so that was the first set

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10 repetitions

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you want to do three to four sets of

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this exercise

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and have 90 seconds rest in between the

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that's optimal for making muscle gains

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and also we're training in a reps and

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set stealth training

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so instead of a circus self training we

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do all the exercises like in a sequence

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now we're taking rest do four sets of

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each exercise

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then move on to the next exercise

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because then you can really

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focus on the exercise itself take some

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rest and also track your progress

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really easily so this was the first set

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i'm gonna do three sets of the weighted

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pull-up then i'm gonna move on to the

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next exercise

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the weighted dip so let's do this

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all right so for the dips i'm gonna

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increase the weights a little bit

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as you can see we have all the weight

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blocks over here

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every weight is 1 kg and we can

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fit this in right here so i just did

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weight pull-ups with 10 kgs now

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i'm gonna do

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the weighted dips with 15 kgs

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so putting five blocks in here

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and leave some weights for the next

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so let's get this exercise in

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all right so time for the first set so

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with the first set you want to do as

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reps as possible while being in a range

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from 6 to 15 repetitions with the

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maximum weight as possible so

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let's see how many reps i can get

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all right so there was 15 repetitions so

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now i know i can increase the weight

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up to 20 kgs in total so that's what i'm

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gonna do

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for the next set

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all right guys so time to move on to the

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third exercise this time a pulling

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exercise again

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for the back and the biceps we're gonna

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do the australian pull-up

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or the body weight row and i'm gonna use

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pro grip barmania pro chalk and

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also from guessing family a

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collaboration between us

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uh we have this new product also on our

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webshop so if you want to check it out

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see the links down in the description it

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gives you a lot of grip during the

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and because this is a hanging exercise i

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like to use some

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some chalk

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and the good thing is it doesn't give

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much waste like all the powder which you

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normally have with a block of magnesium

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so got the grip over here

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and the good thing is we're going to do

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this exercise in the normal

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standard progression so that is in a

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diagonal line and pulling the bar

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towards our waistline

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and we can progress by adding more or

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less weights so i got still 20 kgs on a

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weight fast

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so i'm gonna do as many repetitions as

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possible up to

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15 repetitions so let's do this

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make sure to grab the bar at shoulder

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width stand in front

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toes on the ground activate your scapula

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and let's start exercise

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all right so that was 15 repetitions so

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that was close

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to 15 repetitions so now i know the

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15 reps 50 for 20 kgs on the weight fast

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for three more sets so and then we're

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gonna move on to the fourth

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exercise which are push-ups

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all right so time to move on to the

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fourth exercise now we're gonna do

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push-ups on a straight bar i can do it

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on the straight bar you can also do it

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on the floor of course

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i'm gonna do this with 20 kgs again and

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see how many repetitions i can do

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four sets in total so let's get this

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exercise started

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so you want to make sure that you have

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your hands shoulder width apart again

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have a completely straight body first

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activation so don't hang like this but

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push your shoulders away and from here

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we're going to initiate the exercise

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so three two one and let's go

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one two

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all right so that was 15 repetitions

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so i probably gonna do for the next

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12 repetitions then 10 and then eight

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so i still have lots of volume on this

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exercise which is really important

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to make muscle gains so let's finish off

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this exercise

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and then move on to the second part of

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the workout lower body and

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all right so just finished the first

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part the upper body we did four

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with four sets so in total just 16 sets

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now we're going to move on to the lower

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body and first we're going to start off

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with squats or jumping squats i'm gonna

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do jumping squats

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um and the good thing with this weight

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fast it's really stable

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so that enables us to do like explosive

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when we're training legs it's really

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good to especially if you're

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already used to the like the basics of

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leg training

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then the normal squat is probably not

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challenging anymore so then you can do

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jumping squats or either

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weighted jumping squats so let's get

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into this exercise

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all right so we're going to start this

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exercise feet at shoulder width

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and the knees track the toes so it means

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they go

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towards the toes and we're going to jump

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as explosive as we can

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you can use your hands to elevate if you

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want and really important is that you're

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gonna land as

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soft as possible you try to so you're

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gonna try to break the fall so

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let's get as many repetitions in as we

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can three two

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all right so that was 15 repetitions and

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i could really feel the burn

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on my quads and my hamstrings so it's a

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really effective

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leg exercise so now try to do three more

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sets again

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then we can move on to the next exercise

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right so we've come to the very last

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exercise like i said we're going to do a

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static exercise and we're going to do

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the blank hold

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statics are really good for calisthenics

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if you want to learn the handstand the

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back leaf or front lever then you should

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definitely do

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one static exercise in your workout so

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we're gonna do

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the weighted plank with statics the rule

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applies that run repetition

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is approximately the same as two seconds

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so if you want to do

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15 repetitions then you should do at

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least 30 seconds of a hold

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so you want to pick a weight of which

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you can perform at least 30 seconds

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up to 45 seconds or one minute so i got

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a 20 kg weight fast so i can't

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put any more weights on this so let's

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try to do as many

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seconds as possible let's go this is

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also the finisher

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of this workout

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all right so we're gonna do the elbow

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plank so we're gonna place our elbows on

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the floor

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right underneath our shoulders and of

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course your body as straight as possible

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let's go in three two one go

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try to activate your glutes and tighten

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up your core

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and push your elbows into the ground

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so make sure to watch your breathing

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breathe in slowly and also

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breathe out very slowly

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so that's one minute let's see how far i

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can push this

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five four three

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two one oh

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oh oh all right

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so that's two minutes with 20 kg

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that seems for a fair amount of a blank

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all right guys so that was the full

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weighted calisthenics workout a full

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body workout

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and like i said you should do four sets

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of each exercise try to do

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five to try to do six to 15 repetitions

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per exercise

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add up the weight if you can do it per

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set and if i can give you

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one crucial tip that helped me the most

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with making muscle gains and

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making strength gains that is tracking

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workout results so every time you do

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this exact workout

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write down your results from the first

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set from the second set and then

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the next workout you know exactly what

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you have to beat and how many

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weight you should add on on the weight

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fast so that's it for this workout guys

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and i have one

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really special announcement because

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we're gonna give you

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this exact breakfast we're gonna give

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this one away

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for free so you can win this exact

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weight fest from

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street gains by commenting on our

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youtube channel

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why you want to win this weight fest and

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also go to our instagram post

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there you can find the giveaway post and

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make sure to

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tag two friends and also follow street

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gains on our instagram post you can find

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all the links down in the description

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and this weight fest might be yours next

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so guys that's it for this video if you

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want to start with calisthenics need

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some more help

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visit our website

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we have lots of workout plans we do

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online coaching again

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so that's it for this video guys and

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i'll catch you in one of the next ones

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peace out

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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it'll it'll do the same for you i'm

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gordon and i've been with calisthenics

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family for

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almost three months now and all the time

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i've had yannick as my trainer

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like michael orionic can just be like

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that little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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