Do this Upperbody Beginner Workout to Get Shredded!
what's up guys it's Michael here from
calisthenics family and in this video we
are going to share a beginner and
calisthenics workers routine to get you
shredded so let's go
alright guys so welcome to the video and
like I said in this video we're going to
share a beginner workout routine to get
your shredded and this workout routine
is a beginner working routine from our
30-day fat burn program and this program
we are focusing on burning fat with high
intensity workouts so the workout that
we are about to share with you is
perfect if your goal is to lose fat and
to get shredded because if you want to
lose fat and get more shredded it is
really important that you keep the
training intensity very high so that
means a lot of repetitions a lot of time
and attention and little resting times
so in this workout I'm gonna show you
how you can start sa complete beginner
because I'm doing really easy exercises
with your own body weight so it's really
accessible to start so let's get
straight into the worker guys what's up
guys welcome to the very first workout
of this program the first strength
workout today we're going to do six
different exercises it's going to be a
follow along workout routine so you will
be doing six exercises immediately after
each other
let me explain the exercises first the
first exercise is going to be a pull-up
with a resistance band after that we're
going to do box dips next that we're
going to do Australian chin-ups on a
higher bar which makes it a little bit
easier than the regular wants we're
going to do Pike pushup for shoulders
but this time we're going to do them on
the knees and after that we're going to
do bicep curls also on a high bar and at
last we're going to do a push-up hold
and again we're going to do the
hold on the nice because this is the
beginner routine so in total we are
going to do five rounds and I'm gonna do
one round with you guys and when doing
this routine guys with each exercise you
should be working 30 seconds and then we
will have 30 seconds rest so you can
recover and prepare yourself for the
next exercise
so without further ado let's get right
into it alright guys so the first
exercise is going to be the pull-up with
a resistance band so you got to grab a
resistance band and put it over the bar
just like this and then we're gonna work
for 30 seconds so let's go alright are
you guys ready let's start in three two
let's go
alright there was ten seconds now we
have 30 seconds rest and now we're going
to move on to the box dips so let's go
so you place your hands on the books and
then make a dip if you don't have a box
like this you can also perform this
exercise on a bench a chair or another
box so let's start in three two one
let's go
ten seconds left guys come on
five four three two one all right let's
move onto the third exercise which is
going to be the Australian chin up on a
higher bar so let's go over here you
will grab the bar like this like
underneath because we are doing a chin
up working the biceps all right guys
let's start in three two one
let's go
that second left guys
five four three two one all right
now let's move on to the four exercise
which is going to be the bike push-ups
on the knees for the shoulders
alright so you start from here and the
goal is you want to bring your head in
front of you
think of a triangle and go down like
this and also make sure that you bring
your head in a neutral position and look
to your shoes just like this lean
forward and then make the push up okay
three two one let's go
50 seconds come on
ten seconds math knives
five four three two one
all right all right let's move on to the
fifth exercise which is going to be the
bicep curl on a high bar so let's go all
right guys so you're gonna stand in
front of the bar and you want to make
sure that the bar is full of your head
and pull your head towards the bar all
right let's start in three two one
let's go
50 seconds
forty seconds gone
five four three two one
all right okay and then the last
exercise is going to be the push up hold
underneath so this time you want to look
in front of you and bring a chest
towards the ground all right let's start
in three two one let's go
then seconds go on
that 50 second guy
by four three two one and we shall if
you can alright guys so that was the
first round from the beginner strength
workout on the first day today it is
Monday and now you should be doing at
least four more rounds okay and every
time when you do this try to do more
reps within the thirty Seconds the goal
of this program guys is to lose fat and
to get in shape and with these kind of
exercises you will definitely get in
shape and stimulate fat burn because we
are doing high intensity exercises with
small resting times and a lot of
repetitions so there was the first round
guys I wish you good luck with the rest
of the workout and then I'll see you
tomorrow on Tuesday with the legs and
core routine so peace out guys alright
guys so hopefully you nailed this
workout so this was one of the beginner
work of routine of this program and in
this program we have more workouts like
this but also intermediate workouts that
you can follow if you can already do
push-ups pull-ups and dips so at this
moment guys we are organizing a 30 day
fat burn challenge that you can sign up
for and we are doing this like a few
times per year in June we also did one
challenge and the winner of the
challenge is Molly Stanhope and I can
show you the picture right here we did a
really good job and he lost 5 kg in just
25 days by following the 30-day federal
program and the mute planet comes with
the program and right now we are
organizing a new challenge starting from
August so from the 1st of August we're
starting a new 30-day fat burn challenge
that you can sign up for and win some
epic prices and the person with the best
transformation will get a 100 euro cash
price and if you're gonna start today or
tomorrow or at the 1st of August we now
have a 25% discount August 25 to get you
started with this program guys so if you
really want to go for this time and like
transform your body and lose some fat
and get more shredded then check the
links down on the screen
for all the information so that's it
about this video guys thank you guys for
watching and I'll check you in the next
peace out