DO THIS Simple 10 Minute Core Workout For Building ABS

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what's up guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family and in this video

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i'm going to show you a

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core routine to strengthen your core but

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also to get

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six-pack abs so let's get this video

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all right guys so welcome to today's

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video so today we're gonna work

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our core so um when training

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calisthenics when working towards more

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advanced skills it's really important to

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a strong core but also if you want to

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get a six-pack ab

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then it's also really important that you

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don't only do like the basic

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exercise that you see often people do in

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the gym

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like all the dynamic exercises for

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example these sit tips or your leg raise

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but also work your static

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core exercises so that is what we're

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gonna focus on today

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and i personally also do this exact

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routine it's like a small workout

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before every single workout to warm up

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for my

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actual workouts that i'm gonna do for

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example when i'm working the front lever

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or the planche human flex then it's

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really important that

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also you warm up your core properly and

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this is called

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like a positioning drill exercise or

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so that is basically what i'm gonna show

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today but you can also use this routine

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as your

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core strengthening routine and also of

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course to uh

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to create a six-pack because all of

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these exercises will work your six-pack

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in different

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directions so let's get into the routine

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you don't need anything we're just gonna

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do it on a mat today

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all right so it's a really simple

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routine only five exercises which works

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different directions of the core so that

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the abdominal muscles the front side of

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your abs then the obliques and also your

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lower back

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so we're going to do five exercises each

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for 45 seconds

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um if you can do it for 45 seconds you

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can also do a 30 seconds for example

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then we have like 15 seconds rest in

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between each exercise

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so let's get started with the first

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exercise and with this

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routine you can just follow along with

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me so the first exercise

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is the plank this is the classic

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really good to work your core your your

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abs but also

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your lower back and basically to

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activate your whole body

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so we're gonna do this for 45 seconds so

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place your elbows on the floor

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and you can point your toes so instead

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of standing on your

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toes you can like point point your toes

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from here posterior pelvic tilt so

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hips forward and contract your glutes

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and as you can see

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protract your scapula alright so let's

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do this

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45 seconds three two one and go

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make sure to watch your breathing so

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breathe regular

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all right so that's 45 seconds now we

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have 15 seconds

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rest but also time to prepare for the

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next exercise

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which is the side plank so we can go

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straight into this one

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place your elbow on the floor also point

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your toes again

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bring your hips up and with this really

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important that you protract your scapula

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again so don't hang in your shoulder

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like this

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but push your neck basically away while

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pushing into the ground with your elbow

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and bring your hips up

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so not like this but forward and upwards

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so let's hold this 45 seconds let's go

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really focus on squeezing your glutes

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the whole time

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all right so that's it 45 seconds done

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now we're gonna do of course the other

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side so the right

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side the right obliques same exercise

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same rule so place your elbows on the

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point your toes and

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bring your hips up squeeze your glutes

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and let's go

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all right 10 seconds left come on

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one all right

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so now let's move on to the third

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exercise which is

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the bridge so with this exercise we

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focus on

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our lower back and also like stretching

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hip flexors which we which is very

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if you uh start working the front lever

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so i would

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definitely recommend to do this exercise

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first before you do any kind of front

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lever work

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so first we're gonna

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bring our hips up now retract your

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so instead of forward retract the

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push your hips forward and now

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move your legs in front point your toes

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and try to elevate your scapula again so

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don't hang like this

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but as much up as possible

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alright let's hold this 45 seconds let's

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all right so that was the bridge now we

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have 15 seconds rest again

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to move on straight to the next exercise

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which is the hollow body hold

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also a really good exercise for example

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if you start handstand work

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but also works your core and your abs

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so we're gonna lay down and make sure

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that your lower back have contact with

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the ground

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during the whole movement so let's do

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three two one and go

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so this would be the hardest variation

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but you can also tuck your knees in

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or do it straddle depends on your goal

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and also your level so let's hold this

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for another 30 seconds

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all right so now let's move on to the

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very last exercise which works the lower

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so we're going to turn around and we're

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going to do this superman

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hold basically the same exercise as the

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hollow body hold but now we're laying

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on our belly so with this exercise it's

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really important that you don't

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over extend your lower back so don't

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bring your legs as high as possible

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but bring them as close to the floor as

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with straight legs point your toes and

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use posterior pelvic tilt

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in this exercise again so really focus

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squeezing your glutes and bringing your

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hips forward as well

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so let's do this 45 seconds and then

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we're done

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three two one let's go

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all right so guys

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here you have it a like a follow along

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core workout routine

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to really strengthen your core so um

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your abs your obliques your lower back

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and also to work your six-pack because

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i've noticed myself from all the

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trainings all the core work that i did

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that most of my abs that i managed to

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get more visible

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was also due to all these core exercises

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because guys honestly

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i didn't really do much of all the

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dynamic exercises

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these are also good of course but people

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neglect these exercises which really

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strengthen the course from the inside

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and which also makes your core and your

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will appear even more so i would advise

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you to do this exact routine

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before every single workout and even to

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warm up your core

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but also you can do this a routine like

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three rounds

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and then have like two minutes of rest

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in between the rounds

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and do that after a leg workout or a

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skill workout or you can do it on your

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rest days

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and do it like for two to three times

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per week

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to get most of the results out of this

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routine so guys

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that's it for today i hope this was

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helpful that you can do

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and implement this in your own routine

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let me know if this was helpful and if

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you want me to create more

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ab workouts i can also do a dynamic core

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if you need more help with your

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trainings um we also have

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these exercises in our workout routines

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and explain them in even more detail

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for example in our calisthenics basics

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course but also in our full journey

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plan so for more information on these

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plans make sure

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to check the links in the description

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and that's it for this video guys

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thanks for watching like and subscribe

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and i'll see you next week

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peace out guys

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this course is to let you acquire all

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the necessary information about

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best fitness which is

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when we start with ssdm we need of

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course apparel

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