Do This Full Body Calisthenics Workout to Build Muscle & Strength
what's up guys it's Michael here from
calisthenics family together with my
friend and coach bus so today we're here
at Miami Beach South Beach
um this crazy Park here we are in U.S
for a little content trip so we're gonna
get a workout hand and today we're going
to take you through one of the most
effective full body workout
um in this workout we're gonna hit our
chest our back our abs and our legs all
these exercises are very beneficial for
starting calisthenics but also to
improve your calisthenics skills and
obtain real functional strength so
before we get this workout started guys
make sure to check out our calisthenics
Family app in this app you can find many
programs for example skill worker plans
to work on your handstand back leave for
human flag exercise like this or you can
just start training from home so make
sure to check that out first and watch
this video all the way to the end to
discover our weekly giveaway at the end
of this workout so without further Ado
let's get ready this workout is for
every level starting from beginner left
to intermediate we will show a different
progression with each exercise and we
probably do about six exercises today it
takes about 30 seconds per exercise so
are you ready boss I'm ready let's do
this all right guys so we're going to
start off this workout with two pulling
exercises then we move on to pushing
exercises then core then legs we start
off with close grip chin UPS to Target
our lats and our biceps so let's do this
for 30 seconds are you ready boss I'm
ready let's set the timer and let's
start in three two one on the hand grip
right here and two all the way up
tried to go to that hang position
all the way up and down
five four three two one all right
nice job guys
so now let's take 30 seconds rest we're
going to move on to these bars right
and we're gonna do the rows to Target
our upper part of our back and to Target
our round bridge two and the rear delts
so let's grip the bar and shoulder
weight apart
step forward
stand on your heels
and bring the bar all the way to your
chest like this all right let's do this
for 30 seconds come on come on
come on guys keep going
chest to the bar
five four three two one all right there
you have it
all right so pulling work is done
now we're gonna move on to the parallel
bar dips so we're gonna do this right
now we target
our lower part of our chest and our
front delts this exercise guys is really
important for calisthenics if you want
to build up your vertical pushing
strength for example for hazard push-ups
definitely incorporate this exercise all
right so we wrap the bar just like this
and make sure to bring your elbows
alongside your body move a little bit
forward like this in a 90 degree angle
all right three two one there we go
to 90 degree and all the way back up
keep your body nice and straight
knock out the elbows when you're up
two one all right
good job guys all right guys now let's
move on to these lower bars we're gonna
because we're gonna do Straight bar
with this exercise we mainly Target our
let's grab the bar shoulder weight apart
make sure that you're in a nice plank
position push your hips forward and
bring your chest all the way to the bar
let's do this three two one
let's go
try to go a little faster on this one
you explode push-ups
10 seconds guys
five four three two one
all right
how do you feel
pretty good good Pub cash pump all right
we're gonna move on to some cool work
let's get back to this bar
we're gonna do
the leg raise
grab the bar shoulder weight apart
and try to bring your legs on the 90
degree angle or if you can all the way
up to the bar
ready let's do this 30 seconds three two
nice and complete
try to keep your legs straight
en your toes
10 seconds guys
three two one more
that's it
you can definitely feel this in your
lower abs
all right one last exercise to go we're
gonna do jumping squats let's move
forward a little bit
so we make a squat a deep squat
I ain't jump all the way up
this way we train our explosive leg
this one is quite hard quite challenging
but very nice to end off this workout
ready boss
all right three two one all the way down
and up
come on guys
it's getting hard now
ten more seconds
five four three two one
that's it oh man
let's catching breath
all right guys so thanks for following
this workout with us good job
um so this was the first round we're
gonna get two three more rounds in for
sure to get a proper workout in you
should do that too especially if you're
a beginner get at least one more workout
in one more circuit if you're more
intermediate it gets two or three more
circuits in so guys that's it for this
effective full body workout we hit all
parts of our body in just one quick
effective workout
um guys like I said in the beginning
make sure to check out our calisthenics
Family app in this app you can find many
programs we have one program called the
full Journey that teaches you all the
calisthening skills and
um basic exercises too to really get a
master of your own body weight um you
can download the app for free right here
on the Google Play or App Store so guys
last but not least let's get into this
week's giveaway we didn't bring the
giveaway right here but in this video
we're gonna give away one set of our
optimal grip rings so how to win like
this video subscribe to our Channel and
comment within the first seven days
after publishing this video last week we
gave away one set of our optimal grip
parallettes and the winner will appear
right here so congrats thanks for
watching make sure to like And subscribe
for more videos workouts tutorials just
like these and we'll see you in one of
the next ones peace out
thank you