Do this Calisthenics Rings PYRAMID Workout to Build Muscle FAST

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what's up kelly fam it's micah here and

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today i'm gonna show you a quick and

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ring workout that you can do outside

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anywhere to build muscle

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and to maintain your strength so let's

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get this workout started

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all right guys so welcome to the video

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so we're gonna do a ring

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workout today and of course the biggest

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advantage of the rings is that you can

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do it anywhere

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especially during these times when like

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most of the gyms are closed still to the

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like the corona virus it's a great

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option to still

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maintain your strength or it's also an

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opportunity for you

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to start calisthenics to start training

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so today we're gonna do an upper body

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workout and follow along so you can do

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this with me

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and the special thing about this workout

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is that we're gonna work in a

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pyramid style of training this time so

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it's also kind of a challenge today

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so we're working up from relatively low

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up to higher repetitions starting with

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six repetitions

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up to 16 repetitions so we're still in

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like that muscle gaining uh hypertrophy

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rep range of training so we're gonna

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combine three pull exercises and also

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push exercises alternating between the

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and guys make sure to watch this video

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until the end because we have a special

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giveaway at the end of the workout we've

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already set up the rings here at this

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goal post which you can find at any

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park outside so let's get this workout

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all right guys so we're gonna start with

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the chin ups and i'm gonna use this

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uh chalk for more grip on my hands

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especially on the rigs

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you need a lot more stabilization which

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is also really good

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to alternate with your trainings

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sometimes train with rings sometimes on

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the bars

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so first exercise six repetitions after

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each exercise we're gonna have

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60 seconds rest and then we move on to

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the next one

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so let's go

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all right so bring the rings a little

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bit closer hands in like this

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supinate grip hang out and

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all right that was the first one

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all alright so the second exercise ring

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dips for eight repetitions

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let's go hang

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and as deep as you can push out

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two three

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four five

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six seven

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eight all right 60 seconds again

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for the third exercise bodyweight rows

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so again so we're gonna bring rings a

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little bit lower

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towards the waistline

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all right so with the australian pull-up

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make sure that you

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pull the rings as close as possible

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towards your body

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four three two one

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heels on the floor

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all right 10 repetitions in now we're

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moving on

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to the fourth exercise 12 repetitions

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ring push-ups so

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let's bring the rings even lower

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and this is so nice about the rings

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because as you can see with only

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one piece of equipment you can just

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the angle and therefore the exercise

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the higher you're going to bring the

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rings the harder the exercise gets

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because you can push even lower to the

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try to keep the ranks as still as

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all right five

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four three two

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one and 12 repetitions

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so now we're moving on to the last

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pudding exercise which is the ring

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bicep curl target

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biceps we're gonna do 14

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repetitions in total

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so bring the rings in the same line as

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your shoulders

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a little bit underneath and from here

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we're gonna

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hang backwards and pull the rings

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our neck towards our face

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how many seconds do we have left five

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seconds left five seconds right four

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three two one so hang like this

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heels on the floor

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bang rings towards your neck

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try to squeeze them all the way

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one second here six

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seven eight

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all right now we're moving on to the

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exercise of this pyramid

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the tricep extension so we're gonna

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bring the rings a little bit lower

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how many seconds 30 seconds left 30

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seconds left all right

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so with this exercise it's really

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important that you

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keep focusing on targeting the triceps

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by bringing the elbows in

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so don't push like this really bring

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underneath the rings all right

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let's go five four

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three two one sixteen repetitions

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one two

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three four

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five six

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seven eight

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nine ten

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oh all right guys so that was the full

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pyramid of this workout really

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really quick and effective just target

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my whole upper body

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feel the pump in my chest and my back

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biceps triceps

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and a nice challenge would be if you're

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gonna try to do this routine this

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as fast as possible so taking less rest

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in between the sets

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and then you got a really killing

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workout you can do this routine

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anywhere so that's a main advantage of

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the rings

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as you can see you can just alternate

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the angle so if one exercise is too hard

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you can of course also do lower

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repetitions per

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set so guys try to do two or three

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then you work for like 45 minutes have a

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effective workout in just outside that's

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what i'm doing right now

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when i have when i want to have a quick

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workout in when i'm really busy

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and guys like i said in the beginning of

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this video we're gonna have a really

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nice giveaway

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so we're gonna give away one pair of

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these rings from

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street games so last week or a few weeks

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we gave away the weight fest this time

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the ring so you can train anywhere

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so how can you win this let us know in

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the comments

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why we should pick you as a winner and

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you also need to go down to our

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instagram post there you can find the

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post uh comment why you should win also

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follow street games and

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tech 2 friends you can find all the

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links down

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in the description alright guys that was

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the complete workout with

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rings that you can do anywhere and we

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have also lots of other routines you can

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find on my youtube channel so guys don't

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worry you can train

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anywhere also when the gyms are closed

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and also

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without rings we have created a full

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calisthenics routine that you can do at

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home without any equipment you can find

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the link

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of the video right here in the corner

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and it helps you out it gives you a

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free routine for three days per week a

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full body routine so make sure to check

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it out

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and if you need more help with your

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calisthenics journey just check out our

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you can find lots of workout plans over

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there and also online coaching

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so guys that's it for this video i'll

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get you guys one of the next ones

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when i out calisthenics family and they

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were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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it will do the same for you i'm gordon

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and i've been with calisthenics family

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almost three months now and all the time

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i've had yannick as my trainer

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like michael ariana can just be like

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that little extra push

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to keep you going you also see in the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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