Do this 7 min Routine Every day to learn the Handstand in 2023
What's up guys!
It's Michael from Calisthenics Family.
The start of the new year
is always a great moment to set new goals.
And I know that a lot of you have the goal
to finally learn to handstand,
because once you can do the handstand
a whole new world
in calisthenics opens up for you.
From then on
you can start working on all
those cool moves like a handstand push up
press to handstand
l-sit to handstand
and even a one arm handstand.
But before all that,
you must master the handstand first.
When it comes to learning the handstand,
it is important that you train it
very frequently.
So you don't want to spend hours
practicing the handstand
only once or twice a week.
But to do it 10 to 15 minutes every single day.
So therefore I'm going
to share the ultimate short
but effective follow along handstand routine
that you can do every day to break plateaus
and to finally master this skill.
This routine is for beginners
and intermediate people.
So with some of the exercises,
I'll give some alternatives that you can do.
So before we start,
make sure your wrists are properly warmed up
and let's get started
make sure to follow this routine
all the way to the end.
To discover our weekly giveaway.
So let's get to the floor.
So first off,
we are going to start with the cat
to cow to mobilize our shoulder.
So let's get started.
We're going to start on all four,
our hands and our knees.
And from here
we're going to start in the cow position.
So bring your chest forward.
Arched that lower back and from here.
Move into that angry cat,
push the floor away
and create a rounded upper back.
We going to repeat
this for five reps.
That’s 2. Beforehand some practice.
You always want to start
with some dynamic stretching,
creating range of motion in your scapula area
to warm up those shoulders.
One more time.
All right, So that's the first exercise.
Next up is some static stretching.
We're going to try to improve our shoulder
That's really important for Handstand training.
So we bring our hands on the floor
a little bit more forward like this.
And basically you're going to sit on your ankles
and try to bring your elbows to the floor
like this.
And we're going to hold this stretch
for 30 seconds.
You can move a little bit from left to right
to find those tight spots
and maybe even bring your
chest towards the floor.
Take ten more seconds.
Five, four, three,
two, one.
All right.
So now our shoulders are warmed up
and now we're going to start
with the actual handstand work.
So for this, we're going to use the wall.
And it depends
on the kind of level that you are.
If you're intermediate,
we're going to try to do the handstand
taps on the wall.
This is, in my opinion,
the best exercise to master the handstand
and to create a straight handstand.
If this one is too hard,
you just can walk up the wall and go back
to create strength and body awareness
in the hands and position. So let's get started.
We're going to do this
for four reps in total
and we're going to try
to hold this for 15 seconds.
So we walk up wall like this.
We leave half a meter distance from the wall
and from here, bring one feet off the wall
and try to bring the other one close
to the other feet,
really try to counter for us to fall.
We're going to practice for 15 seconds
each time.
That's time.
All right.
Go back down,
take some rest, loosening up those wrists.
And you want to do this four times in total.
So let's get back to the wall.
Always make sure your hands
are spread out on the floor.
Your fingers and your arms are straight.
All right, here we go again.
Step off the wall.
Try to counter for us to fall.
Really focus on pushing back with your fingers.
All right.
And let's take some rest. Again,
this is
the best exercise
that I've done
to really straighten my handstand.
So let's take some rest
and go back to the wall again.
All right.
Legs are straight
core is tight
and try to balance only for one second,
maybe two,
and go back again
All right,
One last time.
Mobilize the wrist again.
I'm doing this on fiberglass right
now, but it's actually better to do this on like
a wooden floor or something more concrete.
All right, last one.
Walk up the wall again,
straight arms,
one feet off the wall.
And let's try to hold this.
All right.
That's it.
So this is what I like.
I said, this is the best exercise
to straighten your handstand.
So next stop is the frog stand.
So with this exercise,
we really going to focus on hand
balancing and coordination. So
the frogstand, it looks like this
You place your hands on the floor
with your fingers
spread out, just like in the handstand position.
And we're going to bring our elbows
on the inside of our knees like this.
Let's try to hold this for 30 seconds.
Just like this.
Feet come off the floor and try to hold this
if you're a little bit more advanced
You can try to move a little bit.
Or if you fall, it doesn't matter.
You just get back to it.
Five more seconds.
Four, three, two, one.
All right, that's loose up.
There's rest again.
Oh, oh.
And now
the very last exercise is in core exercise.
The hollow body hold.
This is basically
a straight handstand on the floor.
So this creates the good body awareness
that you need for this skill.
So how do we start with this exercise?
Bring your knees in.
Just like this.
First, bring your upper back from the floor.
Create a tight core from here.
Try to straighten your legs and arms
at the same time
just like this,
and really focus on keeping
that lower back in contact with the ground.
All right.
Let's try to hold this for 30 seconds.
If it's too hard,
you can tuck your knees in
All right.
Keep holding.
Point those toes.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two, one.
All right,
that's it.
Congrats on finishing this routine.
It's very short but effective routine.
I recommend to do this one or two more times
to get a really good workout in.
And like I said, try to do this
routine as much as possible.
And if you do this
every single day,
I'm sure you will get your handstand in no time.
All right.
So I hope this was helpful
and you continue with this routine.
Also, I want to highlight
our Handstand Mastery program
in our Calisthenics family app.
If you really want to boost
your handstand progress,
I suggest you check out that program.
This skill Mastery course consists
out of five levels from ultra beginner
to expert, and contains over
75 different exercises
that you can perfectly keep track of.
This course works on all important elements like
mobility, balance, technique and strength.
You can start the first level program
for free in our app,
so make sure to download
the Calisthenics family App
in the Google Play or App Store
and give this a try.
Lastly, let's get into this week's giveaway,
and this week
we will give away
one pair of our Calisthenics Family Parallettes
so you can train your handstands everywhere
with solid grip.
So how to win like this video?
Subscribe to our channel and comment.
Within the first seven days
after publishing this video,
the winner will be announced
in next week's video.
Last video
we gave away two pairs
of our calisthenics, family wrist wraps,
and the winner will be right here
in this screen. Congrats.
So thanks for watching
and make sure to like subscribe
and I'll see you in one of the next videos.
Peace out.