Do this 5 minute Calisthenics Core Routine Everyday!

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Hey guys, it’s Michael here from Calisthenics Family

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So if you want to learn calisthenics skills

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such as the l-sit,

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backlever, human flag

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or even the planche

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you don’t need visible abs,

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but an insanely strong core.

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You should certainly NOT do the standard ab exercises

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we all know from the gym.

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but instead you should do isometric core exercises

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to build real core strength.

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This daily core routine will help you to improve core strength

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and program the right body positions for these calisthenics skills into your system.

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With each exercise I will give an easier variation if the regular exercise is yet to hard

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so that the routine is doable enough that you can consistently do it every single day.

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Because the more you practice this, the faster you’ll get stronger in these movements.

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So let’s get started and make sure to complete the workout with me

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to discover our weekly give-away at the end of the video

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So we will do 5 exercises for 45 seconds on and 15 seconds rest.

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The first exercise is the isometric core compression which will help to improve your l-sit.

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We only need the floor, so let's get started!

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So we're going to sit down

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and basically, place our hands on the floor

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and we lift our legs up

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and hold this position for 45 seconds.

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So let's get started in 3,

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And let's go!

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To make this exercise easier, you can tuck your knees in!

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Watch your breathing

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slow and controlled

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make sure to point your toes

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and keep straight legs

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10 seconds left

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Let's get to the next exercise

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which is the straight arm side plank

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This exercise will work your human flag

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but also your obliques

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and your scapula shoulder strength.

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Alright, so place one hand on the floor

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stand on your feet

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and push your hips forward

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so your body is straight from head to toe.

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Make sure you press into the floor

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so your shoulder won't sag in

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but push the floor away

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next up is the other side, left hand

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just loose up a little bit

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and let's go to the other side

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same thing, hands on the floor

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stand on your feet and push your hips forward

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completely straight line, let's go!

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So the next exercise is going to be

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the Hollow Body Hold

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This exercise will work the lower portion of your rectus abdominus

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but also helps with your handstand and frontlever

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Make sure to bring your legs in the air

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and hands in the air

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make sure that your lower back is always in contact with the floor

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So let's get started in 3,

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and go!

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make sure to contract your upper abs as well

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bring your shoulders from the floor

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and keep holding this!

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this one is very hard,

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but defenitely get's the job done!

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Let's move on the the last one

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and that is the Superman Hold

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Which will work and help with your

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Backlever and Planche

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but also of course works your lower back strength.

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We are going to lay down on our belly.

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We extend our body and lift our arms and legs up

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Let's go. 3, 2, 1 and hold!

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Alright, that’s it guys.

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A proper 5 minute core routine that actually works to get a stronger core.

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Thanks for following this workout with me.

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So try to do this workout every single day for optimal results.

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I like to do this workout first thing in the morning

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or after my regular training session.

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So like I said in the beginning, let’s get into this weeks give-away.

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This week we give away 2 pair Calisthenics Family Wrist Wraps

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so once you get to handstand training

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your wrist feel save and more stable during your practice.

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So how to win?

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because the winner will be announced in next weeks video.

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We will randomly pick a comment,

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so the more you comment the more chances to win!

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For more effective workouts just like this,

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we have multiple free ebooks with workouts for any goal.

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Checkout the first link in the description.

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And If you really want to take your workouts to the next level,

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and unlock calisthenics skills like I mentioned

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such as the l-sit

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human flag

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make sure to have a look at our Full Journey Workout Plan.

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This is a long term plan where we teach you these skills step-by-step

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while getting in the best shape of your life.

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Checkout the link in the description.

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And last but not least

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Like we mentioned last week,

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we are close to finishing off our Calisthenics Family Workout App

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with all our programs included and much more routines like these

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So if you want to stay up to date

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and be the first that gets access to this app.

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Sign up to our mailing list down below, to be notified

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Thanks for watching, make sure to like and subscribe

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and I’ll see you in the next weeks video, peace out!

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