Do This 5 Min. Calisthenics Lower Back Routine Everyday!

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Hey guys, It’s Michael here from Calisthenics Family

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with another 5 minute Core Routine

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Recently we created this follow along routine

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which was more focussed on core strength for Calisthenics skills

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and you really seemed to like this video

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So today we are doing a similar routine,

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but completely focused on reducing lower back pain

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and increasing lower back strength

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and for optimal results you should do this every single day!

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as we all know, we humans tend to get a bad posture very quickly

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by repetitive working or standing with a bad posture

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so to break this bad habit

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we want to fix this by

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consistently bringing ourselves in a healthy posture.

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So therefore this daily core routine

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will help you get a healthy spine

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and stronger lower back

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With this routine,

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we only need the floor

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and we will alternate between

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core strengthening exercises

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and pain relief stretching exercises

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which both play an important role in reducing back pain

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We will do each exercise for 30 seconds

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and take 15 seconds rest to prepare for the next one

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So let's get started with the routine

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and make sure to complete the workout with me

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to discover our weekly give-away at the end of the video.

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Congratz for following this really effective 5 min core routine

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that actually works to get a stonger lower back

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and to reduce back pain

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So try to do this workout every single day for optimal results,

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for example first thing in the morning.

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As you might know,

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we recently released our own app with a full library

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of 500+ exercises where you can choose from

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and even create your own workout

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All of the exercises from this routine are included in the app

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so you can just download the app

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create this routine

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and simply schedule it every single day

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to make sure you stay consistent.

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So now, let’s get into this weeks give-away.

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This week we give away 2 pair Calisthenics Family Wrist Wraps

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so you're not only preventing back pain,

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but also wrist pain once you start with more advanced exercises

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like frogstands and handstands.

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The winner will be announced in next weeks video

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Last week we gave away a 4 pack of our CaliFam Resistance bands

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and the winner will appear right here!

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Congrats and Goodluck with your journey!

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For more effective workouts just like this,

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we have multiple free plans that you can choose from

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in our new Calisthenics App.

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For example the Full Journey Plan,

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Our Weightloss plan,

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our Calisthenics at Home plan,

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but also in depth flexibility and mobility programs

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that will really help you to reduce stiffness

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and achieve great flexibility goals

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Checkout the first link in the description to download the App for FREE

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or become a Pro Calisthenics Family Member

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to get access to all programs in the app.

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Thanks for watching

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and following this routine with me

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and I will see you in the next video

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peace out!

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