Do This 10 Minute Full Body Calisthenics Routine for Building Muscle

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This full body workout is for

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people that want to get a quick

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and effective workout

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I like to do these

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types of workouts since they are very effective

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at building muscle mass and endurance.

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Since you do a lot of reps in a short amount of time

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with very little rest in between,

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We're going to do four rounds of 90 seconds

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in which we are going to do at least

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You can make this routine easier or harder

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based on your own current level.

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By either

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choosing a harder progression or an easier variation.

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The important thing is

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After those 90 seconds, we'll take

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This way we will do

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and we will have worked our complete body.

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The only thing you need with this routine is a pull up bar.

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So make sure you are around one.

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When we start this workout.

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I've already scheduled this workout

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into our calisthenics family workout app,

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so you can do it anywhere you want.

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So, are you ready?

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Let's get started

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and make sure to follow this routine

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all the way to the end to discover

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Okay guys, So we're going to start

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I'm going to go to a chinup bar, grab the bar in a supinated position.

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Start in a deadhang.

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all the way up and down five reps.

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Let's go.

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last one.

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Okay, straight to the pushups.

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We're going to start in plank position.

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tense the glutes. All the way up and down.

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Last one.

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Okay, two exercise done.

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Leg raises grab the bar in a pronated grip.

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Get your knees and your feet in front of your body.

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Use your hip flexors, lower ab muscles.

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Last one.

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Okay, last exercise: deep squats.

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Stand shoulder width, knees.

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Go in line with your toes.

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Okay, so that was the first round around 90 seconds.

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So we're going to take 15 seconds of rest,

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catch our breath

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for the next round.

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Deep inhale, five more seconds.

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Now we're going to start the next round.

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Three, two, one.

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Okay, let's go.

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Second round.

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Last one.

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Okay, good. Push ups again.

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straight position.

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All the way up and down.

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Third exercise, leg raises.

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Minimize the swinging.

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Last one.

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Last exercise, deep squats.

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Last one.

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Okay, that's round two,

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15 seconds of rest.

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Catch your breath

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Deep Inhale through the nose,

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Outhale hrough the mouth.

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Okay, are you ready.

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Round three. In 3,2,1

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Supinated position

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all the way up and down.

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Two more,

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Nice job.

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Okay, push ups,

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ten reps,

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Come on.

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Keep it going.

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Leg raises.

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Last exercise.

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Last one.

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Awesome job guys.

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Three rounds down.

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One more to go.

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15 seconds of rest.

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watch your breathing.

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Okay, here we go.

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Last round.

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Three, two, one.

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Let's go.

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Okay, onto the pushups.

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Okay, let's go.

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Last time leg raises

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Last exercise, guys.

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Come on, last ten reps

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Go all out.

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Come on.

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Last one

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Awesome job.

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Alright, guys.

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So this was already the whole workout.

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I hope that if you follow

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along long

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you can feel that you can do

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a lot of work in under 10 minutes

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with each workout, try to do more reps

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if you can, or take less rest time.

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You can also check out this workout

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in our Calisthenics

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family workout

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app where you can keep track of your progress

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and also follow a lot more routines

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and workout plans for building muscle, gaining strength,

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improving mobility and learning calisthenics skills.

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Make sure to check out our app in the Google Play

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or App store and download it for free.

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Lastly, let's get into

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This week we will give away one

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set of our calisthenics family resistance bands,

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which you can use to make the chin ups

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easier, or the pushups or deep squats even harder.

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after publishing this video,

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the winner will be announced in next week's video.

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This is what we gave away in last week's video,

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and the winner will appear right here in the screen.

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Let me know in the comments

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Don't forget to like subscribe

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and put your notifications on

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so you won't miss next week's giveaway winner.

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Thanks for watching and we will see you next week.

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Peace out.

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