Do These 5 Calisthenics Exercises to Replace the Gym

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do you not know how to properly train

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without the gym well we got you covered

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because in this video we will show you

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five calendar settings exercises that

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will replace your regular gym exercises

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so let's get started

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all right so before we get into the

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exercises let's start with a few reasons

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why calisthenics might be a good choice

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for you but first make sure to like the

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video subscribe and put your

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notification on for more calisthenics

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gains and make sure to watch this video

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till the end for a nice christmas

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giveaway so let's get started you might

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consider calisthenics first when there's

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a total lockdown and you don't have

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access to a nearby gym

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second you want to be able to train

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anywhere like outside or during a travel

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third you don't have or don't want to

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spend money on an expensive gym

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fourth you don't want to buy a shitload

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on expensive gym equipment at home or

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fifth you want to mix things up and

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challenge yourself through calisthenics

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training so when you can find yourself

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in one of these situations calisthenics

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is the solution

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so let's compare a few of the well-known

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gym exercises that you can replace with

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calisthenics exercises but first we want

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to make a small disclaimer weight

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training is often seen as the

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counterpart of calisthenics however we

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want to emphasize that both ways of

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training can go hand in hand too mixing

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things up once in a while isn't such a

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bad thing to get the best out of both

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worlds in the end do the kind of

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workouts that you enjoy the most and

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show appreciation for both ways of

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training so with that said let's get

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into the comparisons

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the overhead press versus the handstand

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push-up these two exercises are very

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similar both are compound movements

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which primarily work the shoulders and

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enhance an overhead vertical pushing

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the overhead press is perfect to

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increase your absolute strength while

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the hands and push-up improves your

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relative body weight strength and sets a

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good foundation for freestanding hands

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and push-ups but of course if you cannot

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do wall hands and push-ups yet you can

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start with pike push-ups work your way

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up with elevated bike push-ups until you

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can do the wall hazard push-up to gain

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strength with both exercises you should

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focus on low reps with high rest for

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example 5 sets of 4 to 6 repetitions and

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to 120 seconds rest

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the second comparison is the iconic

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barbell row versus the tucked front

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lever pull up

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both exercises improve your horizontal

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pulling strength and work the pulling

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muscles off the back which primarily

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works the lats the rhomboids but also

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targets your posterior delts

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you can perform the tucked phone level

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pull up on a bar or on a ring

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if you cannot do the tucked front lever

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pull up yet you can start with

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australian pull-ups then work your way

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up to elevated australian pull-ups until

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you can perform the tucked front lever

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pull up again the barbell row is perfect

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for building absolute strength while the

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tucks front lever pull up increases your

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relative body weight strength and lays a

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foundation for the brutal front lever

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within calisthenics to gain strength and

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muscle with both exercises you should

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focus on relatively low repetitions and

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high rest for example 4 sets of 4 to 8

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repetitions and 90 to 120 seconds of

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the third comparison is the dumbbell

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press versus tucked planche push-ups

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both exercises work your horizontal

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pushing strength and primarily works the

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chest and shoulders

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although the tucked planche push-up is

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more shoulder dominant but for the sake

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of this video we chose the tucked

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planche push-up as this exercise is more

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calisthenics skill related than for

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example a regular push-up when the

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tucked planche push-up is still too hard

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you can start with regular push-ups then

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work yourself to pseudo push-ups until

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you can perform the turked planche

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push-up the dumbbell press is perfect

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for building a bigger chest while the

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tucked planche push-up lays a foundation

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for advanced skills in calisthenics for

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example the almighty planche and the 90

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degree as in push-up to gain strength

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with both exercises you should focus on

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low reps with high rest

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for example 5 sets of 4 to 6 repetitions

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and 90 to 120 seconds of rest

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next to building compound strength we

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all of course want to get massive arms

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so therefore we replace the well-known

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bicep curls with pelican curls

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both exercises of course target the

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bicep muscles

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to make the exercise harder you can

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increase the weights with the bicep curl

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or step backwards with the pelican kill

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make sure you stand straight and use a

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full range of motion by bringing the bar

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or ring all the way to your hips and

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trust us your arms will feel insanely

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sore the next day aim for medium high

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reps to build muscle and use relatively

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short resting times for example 4 sets

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of 8 to 12 reps and 60 to 90 seconds of

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to stimulate our triceps to grow we

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should isolate the triceps therefore you

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can replace the skull crusher with the

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tricep extension

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both exercises has to emphasize on the

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long head muscle of the tricep as they

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integrate an overhead extension of the

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tricep to increase the load you can

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simply add weights with the skill

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crusher or lower the bar or ring with a

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tricep extension until you're able to

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perform the exercise on a really low bar

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or on the floor this exercise is a

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killer for the triceps if you haven't

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tried this before

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aim for medium high reps to build muscle

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and use relatively short resting times

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for example 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps and

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60 to 90 seconds of rest alright guys so

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these were the five calisthenics

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exercises that you can replace your gym

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exercises with i hope this video was

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helpful and that you have a better

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understanding which exercises you can do

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at home or without the gym don't forget

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to download our free ebooks and workouts

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to get yourself started with

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calisthenics at home or wherever you

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and if you really want to bring your

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workouts and training results to the

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next level make sure to start our full

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journey workout plan in which you work

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to several goals step by step and at

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last we want to announce our christmas

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giveaway that we currently have on our

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instagram page so if you want to make a

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chance of winning one of our christmas

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giveaways make sure to go to our

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instagram and enroll in the giveaway

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over there so that's it for this video

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thanks for watching guys make sure to

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like and subscribe and we'll see you in

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the next video peace out

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