Deload Week: How I *DO NOTHING* And Get More Gains (TRY THIS!)

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how's it going everybody for the past

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week I've hardly done any resistance

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training and despite that I feel bigger

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I feel leaner stronger all around just

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more confident and all the exercises

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that I'm doing now so why is that if I

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was doing less and in some cases I do

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nothing then why do I feel stronger when

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I come out of it that's because this was

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a Schedule D load week and that's what

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I'm gonna be talking about in this video

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specifically how to properly do it who

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needs to do it because not everybody

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needs to deal owed and why you want to

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do it like why is it beneficial for you

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okay first before we dive in I just want

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to mention that I realized this is

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Johnny sins talking about D loading so I

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see the jokes coming from a mile away

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guys I'm and I realize I'm walking right

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into this one I'm just serving this one

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up to you so enjoy that also if you're

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new to the channel I'm all about how to

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get fit and healthy at home without

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relying on a gym membership using

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calisthenics using primal movements

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using all kinds of things so if that

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sounds up your alley don't forget to

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subscribe right so how do you do a

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property load week I think that's the

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first question how do you do it

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well what's most recommended and what I

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just did this past week is a reduction

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in volume there's a couple ways to go

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about that first you can reduce the

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number of sets that you do by about 50

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to 70 percent and that's the method that

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I use so I typically do four or five

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working sets for each exercise so all I

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did was I reduce that to two sets per

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exercise so I still did my workouts but

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you know I warm up and I'd go through

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all the scheduled exercises but I'd only

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do two sets and also I wouldn't quite go

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till failure like I normally do I'd stop

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just a little short of failure because

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the whole deal load idea is about not

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stressing yourself out you're taking a

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sort of break right so I also did not go

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till failure but another similar method

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of reducing volume is to reduce the

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number of reps that you do so you're

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doing the same number of sets as normal

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but you're only doing about 50% or even

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a little less than 50% of the reps so

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you're not maxing out or going anywhere

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on your sets if you're doing something

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time-based like maybe you're working on

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your endurance you're preparing for a

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marathon you're working on your

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long-distance running perhaps you can

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just shorten the time that you're

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running so you just take the time and

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cut it by 50% or a little more for a

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week and then that's another way of

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reducing the volume but one way that

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I've done a deal owed and this was

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actually for my weightlifting days was

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just as effective and a lot easier was I

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just didn't lift anything I didn't work

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out I took an entire week off I did

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nothing and regardless I still got the

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same benefits so keep that in mind

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the recommended ways to reduce volume

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but you can just take a week off as well

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and you will get the benefits of a deal

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okay the next question naturally is well

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how often should you do this and

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recommended general rule of thumb is

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every four to six weeks and this comes

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from something called periodization and

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if you've seen my video on overtraining

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symptoms if you haven't I recommend you

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check that out in that video I talked

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about periodization which is using macro

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cycles which are big like let's say

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three month you know 12-week programs

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broken up into Meza cycles and those are

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broken down into micro cycles and using

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those micro cycles as like an

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organizational unit for your program you

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can schedule in these d load weeks every

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four to six weeks so what are the

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benefits and is it really worth it is it

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worth doing a deal owed every four to

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six weeks well in my experience

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absolutely you see in order to

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understand why you want to do d loads

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you have to understand the idea of super

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compensation and what this says is that

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when you're training regularly are you

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really pushing yourself trying to go

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beyond your current limits week after

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week workout after workout overtime you

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accumulate fatigue even though your

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muscles break down and they repair as

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you rest there's this idea of super

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compensation where after your workout

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there is a period where you your

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performance is below baseline ok and

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then there's a recovery period where

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then returns to baseline but if you

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continue to allow that recovery then it

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goes above baseline your body wants to

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automatically just recover strong

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than it was before so that stimulus is

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no longer as stressful when you look at

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the idea of super compensation then you

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understand why a D load can be necessary

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because a lot of us right if our program

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isn't quite right if we're not allowing

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enough rest time and if our workouts are

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really hard which in calisthenics and

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gymnastics and weightlifting and all

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these things yes that's a lot of stress

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put on your skeletal muscle on your

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connective tissue and on your central

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nervous system so over time that fatigue

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accumulates right if you're not allowing

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full recovery and then what happens is

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your hormones like your stress hormones

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cortisol for instance it's going to be

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out of balance you're gonna have more

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stress hormones than the testosterone

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and other muscle building hormones the

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anabolic hormones that you want in

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balance with your stress hormones this

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is why typically when it's time for a D

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load I can just feel it like I plateau

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I'm not seeing progress anymore in some

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cases if I if I'm being stubborn and I

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don't take my d load in time and i just

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keep going and going for weeks I'll

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actually see my performance suffering

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like I'm I'm getting worse I'm

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regressing at some of the exercises and

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that's when I know it's time for a D

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load another thing that's great about

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taking a week to D load is that you have

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more time because your workout is

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significantly shorter or it just doesn't

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exist if you're taking the week

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completely off from your resistance

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training so that's more time for

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mobility flexibility and soft tissue

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work you know things that are more

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focused on recovery the more gentle

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things and for me I've been focusing a

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lot of soft tissue work and you know

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from previous videos are million-two

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foam rolling massage balls like the

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handheld ones lacrosse balls but I also

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recently just got this this is from a

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company called relics bits alright have

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you guys seen you probably seen massage

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guns right but this is a mini massage

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going that's what I really like about it

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you charge it off your laptop or any

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kind of USB device so this is a u.s. be

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chargeable massage gun and despite it

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being so small and easy to travel with

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it's really powerful like I'm using this

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thing daily now to get my internal

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rotators because I've been pretty tight

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on the left side here like my upper trap

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my upper chest my anterior deltoid and

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my left

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my right side not so much I've been

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getting that side too but really

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focusing on my left side here and this

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thing has been super handy it also comes

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with multiple attachments and when I get

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my feet there's this like prong

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attachment that I use it's awesome it

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really digs in so if you really need to

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dig in use the prong attachment I use

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that for like the arches of my feet and

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other places so now you know how to

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properly deal out and why you should do

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it and that you can use the extra time

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to work on your soft tissue break up

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those knots and just relax spend more

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time with family and stuff like that so

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naturally the next question is well

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should you be doing a deal owed how do

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you know if it's the right time for you

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if you haven't been following a rigid

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program and here's what I want to tell

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you all right because this is really

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just an individual thing you've probably

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heard of overtraining which most likely

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you are not overtraining the symptoms of

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that are pretty extreme but there's

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something kind of a little more minor

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compared to that called overreaching and

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that is really what you want to strive

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for when you're really training hard

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week to week you're trying to push

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yourself beyond your normal limits

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beyond your boundaries right when you're

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doing that week after week and that

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fatigue starts to accumulate that's

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called overreaching and that's when you

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start plateauing and you actually find

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that you might be getting weaker

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exercises that you were getting better

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at now feel harder when you reach that

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point no matter how experienced you are

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that is a sign that it's time for a D

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load if you're a complete beginner or

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maybe just recently you started

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following a you know a workout program

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consistently maybe it's been a couple

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months and you're still seeing progress

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that's normal someone who's new to

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fitness your body's going to keep

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adapting and you're going to keep seeing

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progress for upwards of like six months

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or more but once you're experienced

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you've been doing consistent exercise

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for I would say you know anywhere from

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like a year or more then you really want

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to start programming looking at every

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four to six weeks how do you feel and if

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you're feeling those overreaching

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symptoms like you're just you're not

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able to push yourself further then take

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a week with less volume or take a week

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off even and it will benefit you last

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thing guys I just want to have a little

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heart-to-heart with you because if

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you're anything like me

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then you just want to keep pushing you

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don't want to take a break you don't

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want to take a week off and I'm guilty

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of that I've sometimes gone three or

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four months without any kind of deal out

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or break whatsoever and it's because you

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mean well you have good intentions and

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you just want to keep making progress

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but you know don't deny it if if your

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progress is stagnant and you're cheating

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maybe you're you're breaking form to get

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those extra reps right or you're I don't

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know whatever you're doing to to fool

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yourself you need to realize that unless

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you're taking peds

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all right performance-enhancing drugs

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then you're just like everybody else

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every other natural athlete and your

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body's going to need a break and you

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deserve it after all the hard work you

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deserve it

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so don't be afraid to do this don't be

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afraid to take a week whether it's a

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complete week off or just D loaded

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training just do it and I guarantee you

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won't regret it because you will bounce

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back stronger than before

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all right everybody as always thank you

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so much for watching I really appreciate

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it and if you found the info in this

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video helpful please drop a like because

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that helps me out in return all right

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don't forget to subscribe and turn on

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notifications too if you're new to the

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channel and with that said I'll see you

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in the next one

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talk to you later

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