Day 1 of my Summer Calisthenics Transformation Challenge

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what's up guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family so last week i

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shared my

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90 day body and strength transformation

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in which i gained some more muscle mass

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but also

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increased in my weighted basic

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calisthenics exercises in the past

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12 weeks and in this video this is gonna

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kind of a follow up video from that

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transformation video

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because you know the whole reason from

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that challenge was to get stronger in my

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weighted exercises

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so i can carry over that strength that i

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built up in the past

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like 12 weeks to body weight strength

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two body weight static skills such as

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the planche the front lever

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so you can actually see this as a kind

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of experience

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if you can get stronger in static skills

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if you do not train static skills but

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basically build your basic body weight

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strength with the basic exercise which

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i've now done

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so today is a very interesting video for

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me at last because

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now after like three to four months i'm

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test my static skills again which i

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haven't been training for a really long

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and it's also gonna be the start of my

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new summer

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transformation challenge which i'm gonna

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join and you

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can join too and win awesome prizes and

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get a full cash back

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again if you create a great

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transformation during this summer in

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strength and physique

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so if you want to join that challenge

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make sure to check the link down below

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it's only the last two days that you can

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sign up

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so that's why i'm also doing this new

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i'm going to get a new starting point

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with my aesthetic skills

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which i want to improve this summer so

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let's go to the gym

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and let's get this video started

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all right guys so i made it to the gym

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time for my strength test

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this time i'm gonna test my static

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strength skills

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such as the front leaf or the planche

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the back leaf for the human flag

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so that's going to be very interesting

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i'm really curious what i'm going to do

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so you have to keep in mind i haven't

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been training any static skill in the

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like four months and of course the thing

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what i'm most

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worried about actually is that i'm a few

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kgs heavier a few pounds heavier

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so that makes static skills in general

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harder but today we will see if the

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weighted strength

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will outweigh my increase in weight

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that i build up so let's start with the

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first exercise

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and that's going to be the front lever

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let's go

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all right put some chalk on my hands for

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more grip

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um so today let's see what the front

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lever is going to look like let's go

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so i guess that was around five seconds

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from leafer

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so i definitely maintained my front

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leaflet well

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um i got heavier um and i think it was

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also better than a few months ago

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um so my goal with the front lever is 10

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seconds this summer

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and this is a nice starting point so now

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let's try this straddle phone lever i'm

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gonna use the timer

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because it motivates me to check the

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seconds and hold longer

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at least 10 seconds come on

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oh all right

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that was definitely 10 seconds i hope my

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form was good

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so yeah nice starting point again

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all right time for the next skill the

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mighty planche

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and i'm going to do the straddle planche

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because i'm not at full yet

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maybe i'm going to work towards that

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skill this summer

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but first let's uh let's master the

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straddle planche

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i'm going to use some elbow sleeves to

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support my elbows

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so all right straddle planche i haven't

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done the planche at all

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um so yeah let's see where i'm at today

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yeah let's go

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damn all right so that was around three

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but i think i can do this better i have

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to go a little bit faster

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towards the planche because i was losing

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a lot of strength

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from the eccentric part so let's try it

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all right that attempt was a lot better

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i think still

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four seconds but um i felt a lot

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stronger the hold was better

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uh the form was better as well so now

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i'm gonna try

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to attempt the full planche i've never

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done this before

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some of you also gave me a few

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comments on you should start with full

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planche i think it's time for full

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i think it's not but at least i can

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attempt the full planche

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i think i first need to master the

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straddle planche for at least

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10 seconds before moving on to the full

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planche but i'm just gonna

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try it out right now see where i'm at

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and probably

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fail but anyway that would also be a

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nice starting point and they check

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um for when i maybe can do the full

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planche after this somewhere

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if the planche training is going well so

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let's try it out

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let's aim for full planche

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as you can see it's way too hard for me

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but i certainly felt some kind of

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strength at least i was able to lean

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forward so

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if i train for it i might can get it in

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a few months so

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i'm just going to put it on the list and

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we'll see if i'm gonna get it so now

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let's move on to the third static

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exercise which is for me the

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third hardest static exercise first

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front lever for me because my pull

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is my weak part then the planche then

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the human flag because it's a pulling

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and pushing power move so let's go

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alright let's go for full human flag

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on my good side which is my left side

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all right

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i hope for five seconds all right so i

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four seconds but this is also a really

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big win because before

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the challenge a few months ago i wasn't

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able to do a full human flag

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i definitely noticed that i'm a lot

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stronger in my in my scapular area

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probably because the weighted pull ups

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that i increased so much with

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so yeah thanks to the weighted strength

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i can now do a full human flag without

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even training it specifically

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so now let's try the straddle human flag

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so let's see where i'm at

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today with the straddle human flag

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all right so that was exactly 10 seconds

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with good form straight arms on both

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so really happy with this one so now

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let's move on to the fourth static skill

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the back lever let's do this and

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actually i also have never done

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a maximum hold with the back lever so

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i'm really curious where i'm at with the

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back leaf or

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so let's check it out

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all right so that was the bagley for 11

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with good form as well straight back

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so my hand was exploding as you can see

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that's always happening with the back

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lever you might recognize this as well

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so now let's do the straddle back lever

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all right so that was nine seconds two

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less than the full back lever and that's

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because the straddle back lever is just

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a really uncomfortable

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position um also i find it harder

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to contract my core and like to have a

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nice posterior pelvic tilt

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so um i can just

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hold the full back lever longer than the

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throttle back lever apparently i didn't

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know that either

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so that's pretty funny i wish that was

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also true with the with the planche

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so now let's do my very last

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exercise it's not really a strength

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static skill but i think it still

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belongs to the static exercises

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which is the handstand let's do it all

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right time for the handstand

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max hanson hold i'm gonna use a timer so

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i can fast forward but still you can see

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the real timer when doing the headstand

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let's try it out

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all right so that was almost one and a

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half minute

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so these were all my static skills nice

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strength test

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to uh yeah to have a nice starting point

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before the summer i'm gonna work on

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these skills for the coming three months

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so let's see where i will be in the

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coming months

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and next to these static exercises where

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you hold a certain

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position i also checked my goals for my

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dynamic exercises

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i started with the one arm pull up my

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goal this summer is to get the one arm

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pull up as you can

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see i still cannot do this and next to

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this pulling exercise i also want to

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work on my pushing skill

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the 90 degree as in push-up at the

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moment i'm able to do a bad form

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straddle 90 degree hasn't pushed up but

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i cannot

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do the full 90 degree hasn't push up yet

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so that's also gonna be

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my goal for this summer so now i'm ready

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for a

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new challenge and like i said in the

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beginning of the video

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you can still join me in this challenge

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so if you want to transform your

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physique or learn

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awesome bodyweight strength exercises

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like i'm training for

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or maybe like more easier exercises

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maybe the handstand to start off with

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maybe the frog stand

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maybe the back lever or just

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get stronger in bodyweight exercises

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like the pull-up

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the push-up the dips maybe learning the

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hazard push-up this summer

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it's all possible so if you want to join

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and many others then click the link in

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the description

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down below and you can still sign up

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awesome prizes and get a full cash back

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if you manage to get a real good

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transformation like

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all the people did in the previous

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challenge so guys

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that's it for this video i'm really

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stoked i'm really excited to

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take on this new opportunity this new

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i hope you're joining me as well and

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let's make calisthenics big and let's

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many more people about calisthenics

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that's it for this video guys thanks for

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and i'll catch you in one of the next

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videos peace out

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