Crazy Rewind of 2019 | CALISTHENICS FAMILY

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what's up guys welcome to the new video

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in this video we're gonna do a rewind of

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2019 and we're gonna look forward

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through our goals in 2020 so let's jump

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right into it in 2019 we started with

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our New Year's transformation challenge

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and this year we're also organizing a

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New Year's transformation challenge so

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if you wanna be the best version of

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yourself in 2020 this is the time

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because we are organizing a New Year's

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resolution still with 25% discount from

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all our programs so if you want to get

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the best to see in 2020 or do you want

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to lose fat with bodyweight exercises or

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finally unlock all the kinesthetic

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skills that you ever want to learn like

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the headstand the Beckley for the muscle

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up then this is the time guys in the

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past few years we have helped over

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thousands people online and also in this

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gym right here in the physical field and

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guys right now you can even start your

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journey with one of our workout programs

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for free because if you send your

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transformation photo after eight weeks

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of following one of our programs you can

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get a full refund so let's start to get

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it guys check the first link down in the

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description and let's start this journey

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alright so let's continue with a rewind

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video of 2019 so we started the year off

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with a 100 per peak challenge because I

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lost the 10k special video in which we

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had to do a calisthenics challenge in

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public right after that we did our

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business evaluation a video for the very

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first time in which we evaluated 2018

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and set new goals for 2019 with one of

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the most important goals to do more

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collapse and also to get our own

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calisthenics family gym and let's see if

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we also managed to get these goals we

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started the year of with the first

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collab actually with Tom cheering we

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taught him some cool calisthenics skills

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also the muscle up and soon right after

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that we also did our second

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collaboration together with Actos we

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also did a really cool calisthenics

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challenge together with a three of us

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in which we had to do several exercises

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against each other and during this time

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I was also working together with Dennis

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from bar mania Pro to get our

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calisthenics family part in Nijmegen so

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this was our first physical meeting

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because during this day it was time to

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build the foundations of the park soon

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after that we created our Body

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Transformation video from 2007 until

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2018 and this is our most viewed video

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with almost already more than 200

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million views so thank you guys for all

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the fuze soon after that we did a

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collaboration together with Kyong a very

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talented dutch guy we did some cool

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stuff together and he taught us some

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tricks about the planche after that we

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also did our first Q&A on YouTube this

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was actually pretty new to us we were

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also a little bit nervous but it was an

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epic experience and we're gonna

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definitely do that more often and during

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this time the weather was also getting

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better it was late February and I did my

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very first workout together with my

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sister we need a really nice backyard

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calisthenics workout so a few weeks

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later after the drop of our amazing Body

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Transformation video we got a lot of

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comments on how to start with

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calisthenics so we created a guide on

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how to start with calisthenics in this

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video did very very well almost 1

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million views already - thanks guys for

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all the support on this video and at the

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end of this video we also announced that

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we were organizing the calisthenics

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retreat together with Stan brownie in a

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bitsa but before we went to a pizza we

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did a 5k calorie challenge and we ate a

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lot of dirty food and we're never gonna

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do this again because you can see we got

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really really blown up and this was also

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before our 30-day body transformation in

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which we that a 30-day challenge of

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working out tracking our calories doing

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morning cardio and also eating vegan

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foods only for 30 days and we also did

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this challenge in Italy where we held a

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masterclass and also got into all the

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vegan foods and during this time we also

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created our most beautiful video and our

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about nature and calisthenics combined

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definitely check it out on our channel

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so after we got home from this trip we

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went to a bit Sephora calisthenics

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workout retreat with a really really

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awesome group of people together with

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Stan brownie in which we gave daily

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classes and also went over some pretty

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cool adventures together with the whole

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group and we definitely made new

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friendships over here and we had a lot

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of free time as well to do some free

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stuff and just to practice calisthenics

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of course on the beach as you can see

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here beautiful times and it was also

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this whole period was also during our

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30-day Body Transformation and here you

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can see the results of a 30 day body

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transformation and when we got home it

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was time to step on the scale again and

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to check our weight and we both lost a

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lot of kgs we both lost around five to

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eighty kilograms and right after that

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after we shared our 30-day Body

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Transformation video we got some pretty

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good response so we created a 30 day fat

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burn in which we show you exactly what

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we did in those 30 days so you can also

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do that if you want to lose fat as quick

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as possible so when I got home from a

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bitsa I turned into a really really bad

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situation because my golfer's elbow

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started to irritate even more and I even

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ended up in a arm cast and my arm

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literally shrimp I lost all my strength

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so there was a really setback of 2019 so

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while I was dealing with this issue we

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were also in the middle of the

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organization of the calisthenics family

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Park opening and there was a really

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really epic achievement of 2019 the

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whole group the whole day was just

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really epic and I'm still so proud that

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we did it and right after that guys we

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were looking for our own place and we

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finally found our own place here you see

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us standing in our new office and also

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our new gym it was completely empty when

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we got into

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place and at this moment the whole

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process of building the gym started

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another meeting together with Dennis

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from Romania Pro to discuss about the

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placement of the rec and we installed

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the whole rig and created the whole gym

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by herself together with a father it was

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a really really sick experience to do

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all the construction work itself and we

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learned a lot from this and it just

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feels so amazing that we created this

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part by ourself so in the meantime I

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also started my road to flange which I'm

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still doing at this moment and I'm still

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getting better and right after that it

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was time for the official opening of the

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calisthenics family gym and this was

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definitely the best day of 2019 so soon

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after that we created our three-year

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calisthenics transformation video on our

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birthday it's our tradition to create a

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a transformation video every new year

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with some recent footage we're both back

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on track we also reached a 90 degree has

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in push-up so the gains are getting back

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and right after that we also had the

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first workout together with Moran and

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stump our brothers from childhood that a

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compound workout so after we open the

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gym we started to work together with

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other people and we also created more

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quality videos together with Kieran our

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videographer and we're also working on

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our new course bodyweight calisthenics

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basics and we're also doing this with

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John he's helping us out with the

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instruction videos which is gonna be

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really epic and it go for next year so

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that's basically the rewind of 2019 but

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wait I actually think that I just forgot

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one thing and that is all the

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instruction and workout videos that we

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did in 2019 for example how to learn as

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in push it for beginners simple an

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effective back workout at home six diet

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is to gain muscle while staying lean all

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year round seven minutes at workout at

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follow along the calisthenics week

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routine part one calisthenics recruiting

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Park to eight calisthenics chest recruit

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ility workouts

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six fat burning

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to lose fat how to bend aren't blanched

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Oh to get your first muscle of five

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technique tips lose belly fat and get

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six-pack abs how to grow your arms with

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calisthenics how to get the first

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handstand also increase your pull-ups

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human flag for beginners how to start

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training my current calisthenics boosts

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workout 2 and calisthenics to work out

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how to fix banana handstand do this

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every body workout to get shredded our

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warm-up routine for calisthenics

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workouts the only equipment that you

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need to start calisthenics the only ab

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exercises that you really need for a

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6-pack do this every day to speed up

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muscle recovery how to become a

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calisthenics athlete a real core workout

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for calisthenics how to learn the tech

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planche in 5 minutes

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how to increase your dips the fastest

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way to build muscle mass 3 secrets how

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we stay lean year-round how to enjoy

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life get strong and gain muscle every

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single week in our last video for the

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all-in-one pull-up bar to get fit at

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home alright guys so that was the rewind

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of 2019 what an epic year it's so

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awesome that I'm standing right here

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as I said before this was the ultimate

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goal of 2019 so let's look at the top 5

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priority goals of 2020 me and Yannick we

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both discuss the top 5 goals so we both

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agree on these goals right yes exactly

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all right so the number one goal is to

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become more aesthetically physically

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better of course and this year we want

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to focus particularly on freestyle so

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that's something new we will always want

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to try new things so this year we're

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going to be also freestyle athletes

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because that's the only discipline in

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calisthenics that we can do so freestyle

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goal number two we want to reach a

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100,000 subs on YouTube this year we've

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reached almost 50k we only need a few

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extra steps guys so please help us out

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with the 50k so last year it was

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thousand subs this year 50k and next

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year do you want to reach hundreds gauge

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to receive that YouTube flag so goal

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number three is we want to grow our gym

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community right here we want to create

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the best and most motivated group of

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people together right here in this gym

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and we're already working on it so

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that's really awesome and we want to do

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this more in 2020 and goal number four

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we want to do a Europe tour so we've got

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a tour to Europe to meet you guys and

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also to meet all our clients and all the

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people that we help out that would be

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really really awesome and the last

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number five is we want to create our own

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platform our own application includes

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all our courses our technique guides our

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nutrition guides everything together in

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one platform so it's really easy to

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access for everyone that wants to start

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with calisthenics for their fitness

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journey so that's it for this video guys

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a rewind of 2019 and goals for 2020 and

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guys this is just a start

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we now created the foundations and in

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2020 it's time to build so that's it

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guys I hope that you like this video

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please like and subscribe for more and

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I'll catch you guys in the next video

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peace out all right guys it is time to

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announce the winner of last week's

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giveaway of the all-in-one pull apart I

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have two left off right here because I

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just used a random comment picker and

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the winner of the giveaway is

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Donny that's the winner go grass bro and

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next week we are going to do a new

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giveaway and we're going to do our 50

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day special video and guys I already

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know that you're really gonna like this

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giveaway next week so subscribe and stay

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tuned for next week's video on Sunday

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peace out guys

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